Rosalind Barden, Susan Stepney.
Support for using Z.

In J. P. Bowen, J. E. Nicholls, editors, Proceedings of the 7th Z User Meeting, London, UK, 1992, Workshops in Computing, pp 255--280. Springer, 1993.


This paper provides guidance for those who are looking for support in their use of Z. It points out that you should decide the why, what and how of using Z, and provides areas to consider in making those decisions. A method is needed to support the ‘how’ of Z. Z in its raw state is not a method, it is a notation. The paper looks at the various aspects which help to make up an effective method, and discusses how these combine together. It provides an overview of existing approaches to Z specification and describes their usefulness in general, and in light of the aspects of method. The paper goes on to describe, briefly, a handbook on Z being produced as part of the ZIP project and concludes with some thoughts on how Z may develop.

  author = "Rosalind Barden and Susan Stepney",
  title = "Support for using {Z}",
  pages = "255--280",
  crossref = "ZUM92"

  title = "Proceedings of the 7th Z User Meeting, London, UK, 1992",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of the 7th Z User Meeting, London, UK, 1992",
  editor = "J. P. Bowen and J. E. Nicholls",
  series = "Workshops in Computing",
  publisher = "Springer",
  year = 1992