
Books : reviews

Matthew Cobb.
Life's Greatest Secret: the race to crack the genetic code.
Profile Books. 2015

In the middle of the twentieth century, a succession of inspired insights, theoretical breakthroughs and ingenious experiments led to discoveries that revolutionised science and changed our understanding of life. This was the cracking of the genetic code which underpins the biology of every living thing. lnterweaving science, biography and anecdote, Matthew Cobb presents a thrilling, fast-paced account of the natural sciences’ greatest leap forward since Darwin.

In 1943, Erwin Schrödinger introduced the idea of a genetic code and jump-started a new era of research across the world. In Life’s Greatest Secret, Professor Cobb describes how some of the twentieth century’s most outstanding and most eccentric minds collaborated and competed in a race to discover the hidden mechanisms of life. Taking in ideas from computing and cybernetics as well as from physics, chemistry and biology, their research showed that the double helix structure of DNA contained a genetic code and led to the revelation of life’s greatest secret.

Matthew Cobb.
The Idea of the Brain: a history.
Profile Books. 2020

Matthew Cobb.
The Genetic Age: our perilous quest to edit life.
Profile Books. 2022

Over the last fifty years, genetic technology has given us the power to alter the genes of virtually any organism – a scientific revolution which has put food on tables, healed sickness and raised profound questions on the nature of life itself. With each advancement in the field of genetics – from the discovery of the double helix to GMO crops – promises of a new future have been followed by fears of imminent disaster. Although these fears have not yet been realised, the revolution is still unfolding, and genetic science continues to spark protests, influence culture and shape ethical debates.

In The Genetic Age, scientist, historian and broadcaster Matthew Cobb sifts through the fantasies, realities, benefits and dangers of genetic science. He asks us to consider the role of a cutting-edge technology in society – a role too important to be left solely to scientists.