
Books : reviews

Peter Gibbins.
Particles and Paradoxes: the limits of quantum logic.
CUP. 1987

Quantum theory is our deepest theory of the nature of matter/ It is a theory that, notoriously, produces results which challenge the laws of classical logic and suggests that the physical world is illogical. The interpretation of quantum theory has been a subject of fierce debate since its inception.

This book gives a critical review of work on the foundations of quantum mechanics at a level accessible to nonexperts. Assuming his readers have some background in mathematics and physics, Peter Gibbins focuses on the questions of whether the results of quantum theory require us to abandon classical logic and whether quantum logic can resolve the paradoxes produced by quantum mechanics. He organizes the discussion so as to preserve the complicated interconnections within the philosophy of quantum mechanics and to show the historical development of the subject. He argues that quantum logic does not dispose of the problems faced by classical logic, that no reasonable interpretation of quantum mechanics in terms of “hidden variables” can be found, and that after all these years quantum mechanics remains a mystery to us.

Particles and Paradoxes will provide a much-needed and valuable introduction to the philosophy of quantum mechanics and, at the same time, an example of just what it is to do the philosophy of physics,

Peter Gibbins.
Logic with Prolog.
OUP. 1988

(read but not reviewed)

This textbook is an introduction to the essential ideas of formal logic and to the new field of logic programming. Throughout, logical concepts and their implementation in the logic programming language Prolog are emphasized, and numerous examples of logic programs are given.

Dr Gibbins begins by discussing Prolog as a programming language and how it can be used to analyse the propositional and predicate calculus, via natural deduction systems. He then goes on to discuss topics such as parsers, pretty-printers, programming language interpreters, interactive proof-checkers, and automated theorem-proving. The last two chapters are devoted to examining the logic of a small imperative programming language and to considering the restricted logic of real Prolog. Throughout, philosophical questions such as Should Prolog be viewed as an implementation of logic? and Will logic programming revolutionize software engineering? are examined and discussed.

Consequently, this book will serve as a practical introduction to both logic and logic programming and be invaluable for all those coming to these subjects for the first time.