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Rolf Herken
author : Rolf Herken
The Universal Turing Machine
. 1988
Books : reviews
Rolf Herken, ed.
The Universal Turing Machine
: a half-century survey
OUP. 1988
Andrew Hodges
Alan Turing and the Turing Machine
. 1988
Stephen C. Kleene
Turing's analysis of computability, and major applications of it
. 1988
Robin Gandy
The confluence of ideas in 1936
. 1988
Solomon Feferman
Turing in the Land of O(z)
. 1988
Martin Davis
Mathematical logic and the origin of modern computing
. 1988
Michael A. Arbib
From Universal Turing Machines to self-reproduction
. 1988
Michael J. Beeson
Computerizing mathematics: logic and computation
. 1988
Charles H. Bennett
Logical depth and physical complexity
. 1988
Allen H. Brady
The Busy Beaver game and the meaning of Life
. 1988
Gregory J. Chaitin
An algebraic equation for the halting probability
. 1988
Michael Conrad
The price of programmability
. 1988
Elias Dahlhaus
Johann A. Makowsky
Gandy's principles for mechanisms as a model of parallel computation
. 1988
Martin Davis
Influences of mathematical logic on computer science
. 1988
Jens Erik Fenstad
Language and computations
. 1988
David Finkelstein
Finite physics
. 1988
Oded Goldreich
Randomnes, interactive proofs, and zero-knowledge -- a survey
. 1988
Yuri Gurevich
Algorithms in the world of bounded resources
. 1988
Brosl Hasslacher
Beyond the Turing Machine
. 1988
Moshe Koppel
. 1988
Johann A. Makowsky
Mental images and the architecture of concepts
. 1988
Donald Michie
The Fifth Generation's unbridged gap
. 1988
Roger Penrose
On the physics and mathematics of thought
. 1988
Robert Rosen
Effective processes and natural law
. 1988
Helmut Schnelle
Turing naturalized: von Neumann's unfinished project
. 1988
Uwe Schoning
Complexity theory and interactions
. 1988
John C. Shepherdson
Mechanisms for computing over arbitrary structures
. 1988
Boris A. Trakhtenbrot
Comparing the Church and Turing approaches: two prophetical messages
. 1988
Oswald Wiener
Form and content in thinking Turing Machines
. 1988