Good Ruby programmers know when to use metaprogramming—it’s an essential skill you need in your Ruby toolbox. Once you understand the principles of Ruby, including the object model, scopes, and eigenclasses, you are on your way to applying metaprogramming both in your daily work and in those fun, after-hours projects.
The book is packed with:
• Pragmatic examples of metaprogramming in action,
many of which come straight from popular libraries or frameworks, such as Rails.
• Programming challenges that let you experiment and play with some of the most fun,
“out-there” metaprogramming concepts.
• Metaprogramming spells—34 practical recipes and idioms
that you can study and apply right now to write code that is sure to impress.
Whether you’re a Ruby apprentice on the path to mastery or a Ruby wiz in search of new tips, this book is for you.