This is the course guidebook that accompanies the 24 lecture “Great Course” of the same name. It is essentially an abbreviated transcript of a few of the lectures, and some related reading. (I watched the lectures, which is what I am reviewing here, and am using the book simply as an aide-memoire.)
The lecture course was fascinating: understanding the early Mediaeval England through the poetry and prose written in Old English. We get a rapid tutorial of the Old English grammar and pronunciation, and several examples of poetry in that language, as well as translation. This is used to show the link to the earlier oral Germanic warrior tradition, and the influence of the introduction of Christianity. There are lectures about literature, law, and science, and the effect of the Vikings and the Norman Conquest on the language.
Unfortunately, the accompanying course guidebook has very little of this: just a scant 90 pages covering the grammar lessons, and including some of the poetry. But none of the actual history lessons. My ranking is based on the interesting lectures, not on the inadequate book: worth watching, not so much worth reading.