
Books : reviews

Patricia C. Wrede.
Book of Enchantments.
Harcourt. 1996

(read but not reviewed)

Patricia C. Wrede, Pamela Dean.
Points of Departure: Liavek stories.
Diversion Book. 2015

Two stalwarts of science fiction combine to pen a dazzling set of stories wild and whimsical, thrilling and powerful.

Liavek is a hot, busy trade city, situated on the southern shore of the Sea of Luck at the mouth of the Cat River. In Liavek, magic is based on one’s “birth luck” and the length of time one’s mother was in labor. Everyone has luck, but using it is another matter. Luck, or magic, must be invested annually in some object outside oneself; only then can it be used to power spells. And investing one’s magic is difficult and dangerous. Prospective magicians who fail find their magic draining away, and with it, their life.

From that mad and wonderful seed, Wrede and Dean create an enthralling set of stories, where a god is trapped in the body of a chipmunk, where a play has the potential to incite a riot and change a nation, and where a family is coming apart at the seams, and going to enormous lengths to stitch itself back together.

All of the stories are tied together by the unforgettable character of Granny, Ka’Riatha—the one the Book of Curses calls the Guardian of the S’Rian Gods. Granny moves through each story, casting spells and bringing her tart brand of wisdom to a world come undone. This spellbinding set is perfect for fans of both titans of the genre, and will bring equal parts thrilled gasps and charmed smiles to readers everywhere.

Patricia C. Wrede.
The Dark Lord's Daughter.
Random House. 2023

Kayla is just an ordinary girl … or so she thinks.

When a day at the State Fair is interrupted by the news that she’s the daughter of a “Dark Lord,” she and her family are quickly whisked to another world—one that’s chock-full of magic but lacking in technology!

As her family encounters fantastical creatures in place of their earthly gadgets, Kayla must prepare for the unpreparable: meeting her father, the Dark Lord himself, for the very first time. All Kayla wants is to go home, but she must learn magic to do so. The catch? For the Dark Lord’s daughter, the road to mastering magic is filled with evil traditions. As she ventures closer to her father, Kayla must decide whether to accept her birthright. Is she destined for darkness? Or can she become a new kind of Dark Lady?

Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer.
The Grand Tour: or, the purloined coronation regalia.

Patricia C. Wrede, Caroline Stevermer.
The Mislaid Magician: or, ten years after.
Graphia. 2006

Patricia C. Wrede.
Calling on Dragons.
Magic Carpet Books. 1993

Patricia C. Wrede.
Thirteenth Child.

Patricia C. Wrede.
Across the Great Barrier.
Scolastic. 2011

Patricia C. Wrede.
The Far West.
Scholastic Press. 2012

A journey into the unknown…

The Far West, out beyond the settled territory, is a dangerous place. Eff knows this better than most – she’s traveled past the Great Barrier Spell, seen steam dragons, fought a pride of saber cats, and killed a medusa lizard before it could turn her and her brother to stone.

But even though there are changes at home – new nieces and nephews, a wildlife study center for the college – Eff finds herself drawn to the Far West. The government is organizing the first expedition west in a decade, and Eff wants to go with her twin brother, Lan; her best friend, William; and her mentors, Professor Torgeson, Wash Morris, and Professor Ochiba. The group of scientists, army troops, and magicians will map unexplored land and discover new types of magical wildlife. Eff will learn more about her magic and ways of looking at the world than she could ever have guessed. And she’ll need all her knowledge and strength to help take on a new threat from the West, one that could not just destroy the frontier but devastate the entire continent.

Patricia C. Wrede.
Mairelon the Magician.
Tor. 1991

Patricia C. Wrede.
Magician's Ward.
Tor. 1997