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Previously, we found the distribution of phyla in hedge row roots. In this workshop, we would like to know (i) whether the environmental samples have different distributions of phyla and (ii) whether certain phyla of fungi tend to grow together.

Learning objectives

  • Learn the importance of ‘normalising’ your data to compare like-with-like
  • Learn how to compare samples: visualisation
  • Learn how to compare samples: statistical test (Chi-squared test for independence)

You will also have the opportunity to learn the following new programming skills if you choose to (i.e. optional):

  • Learning to use the apply function
  • Learning how to run nested apply/sapply functions

Load the data from last time


Finding fungal diversity in each environmental sample


In the previous session, we constructed the variable ‘counts_by_phylum’, which lists the number of times fungi from each phylum was observed across the ALL environmental samples. In this session, we want to compare the diversity of the environmental samples. In order to do this, we will first need to calculate the number of times fungi from each phylum were observed in each environmental sample separately.

Recall that we previously found which columns corresponded to environmental samples. We stored this in the variable called “sampleColumns” (see Workshop 1).

##  [1] "W14" "W17" "W18" "W19" "W22" "W23" "W24" "W25" "W26" "W27" "W28" "W33"
## [13] "W34" "W35" "W36" "W3"  "W41" "W42" "W43" "W44" "W50" "W51" "W52" "W53"
## [25] "W58" "W59" "W60" "W61" "W65" "W66" "W69" "W6"  "W70" "W73" "W74" "W76"
## [37] "W77" "W79" "W81" "W83" "W85" "W86" "W87" "W89" "W8"  "W95" "W9"

Previously, we counted how often each unique phylum was observed (the variable ‘counts_by_phylum’). To do this, we looped over every unique phylum. Now, we want to count how often each unique phylum was observed in each environmental sample. To do this, we need to iterate over every column in sampleColumn AND iterate over every unique phylum.

***Optional: Learn to program***
The apply function 

I recommend watching the apply video:  link

Another new function that we will introduce here is the 'apply' function.  'Apply' is almost the same as the 'sapply' function (see Workshop 2).  

Q1: Do you remember what the sapply function does? 
Q2: Can you predict what the following line of code will produce?  (think about it before copying and pasting it!)
sapply(c(4,6,2,6), function(i){i*i})

If you can't answer these questions, I would recommend watching this video about apply functions:

The difference between apply and sapply takes in a vector or a list, while apply takes in a matrix or a data frame.

Q3: Do you remember what the difference is between a vector, list, matrix and data frame? 
If you can't answer these questions, I would recommend watching this video about data structures:

In addition, the apply function takes in one additional parameter, which describes what variable is being iterated over: 

* If this parameter has a value of 1, then the function will run on every row of the matrix. 
* If this parameter has a value of 2, then the function will run on every column of the matrix
* If this parameter has a value of c(1,2), then the function will run on every element of the matrix.

It is easier to understand the apply function after looking at a few examples:

Q4:  Run the following examples of the apply function in R and see what they produce.  Can you understand why the function 'apply' produces the outputs it does in these three cases?  Note that these examples are not related to fungal ecology.

mat=matrix(c(1,-4,2,2.5,-3,4), nrow=2)
apply(mat, 1, function(i){max(i)})
apply(mat, 2, function(i){max(i)})
apply(mat, c(1,2), function(i){max(i)})

Q5:  Now try to predict what the output will be in the following examples, BEFORE running the code in RStudio.  Here we introduce one other feature of the apply/sapply functions.  We can replace the 'i' with any variable name we want:
apply(mat, 1, function(j){max(j*j)})
apply(mat, 2, function(hello){min(hello*hello)})
apply(mat, c(1,2), function(i){i*i+2})

Find phylum diversity of each environmental sample

The algorithm for finding the diversity of each environmental sample is as follows:

  • Extract the columns of ITS_counts that correspond to environmental samples
  • For each column (i.e. for each environmental sample) do the following:
  • For each unique phylum do the following:
  • Step 1: Get rows that correspond to the particular phylum
  • Step 2: For the particular environmental sample, extract the values in the rows identified in step 1
  • Step 3: Find the sum

Here is an illustration of this algorithm:

Using the apply function to find phylum diversity of each environmental sample.

Using the apply function to find phylum diversity of each environmental sample.

Here is the code for finding the counts per phylum per environmental sample, using the apply function and the sapply function:

ITS_counts_envSamples=ITS_counts[,sampleColumns] #extract the columns of ITS_counts that correspond to environmental samples
hedgerow_counts_by_phylum=apply(ITS_counts_envSamples, 2, function(col){ #for every column with an environmental sample
    sapply(unique(phyla), function(i){ # and for every unique phylum
        #Step 1:
        #Step 2:
        #Step 3:

## [1] 15 47
hedgerow_counts_by_phylum[1:5, 1:5]
##                                   W14   W17   W18   W19   W22
## k__Fungi;p__Ascomycota          25607 14359 21956 17524 20237
## k__Fungi;p__Basidiomycota       13518  1325  2440  2063  1145
## k__Fungi;p__Chytridiomycota        10     0    31   108   293
## k__Fungi;p__Entomophthoromycota     0     0     0     0     0
## k__Fungi;p__Glomeromycota        1468   120     0    86    31

Visualising and interpretting the results

The first question we might ask once we have this table is: are there different counts of each phylum in each environmental sample? For instance, are there different amounts of Ascomycota?

barplot(sort(hedgerow_counts_by_phylum["k__Fungi;p__Ascomycota",]), xlab="sample", ylab="Ascomycota count")

At first glance, it may appear that there are very different amounts of Ascomycota in each sample. However, remember that each sample had a very different total number of OTUs identified. As you might remember from Workshop 1, we previously counted the total number of OTUs that were found in each environmental sample, and we saved this in a variable called colSums_ITS. It could be that these differences in the frequency of Ascomycota between environmental samples is just a reflection of the different sequencing depths of the experiments.

#Let us remind ourselves what is in the variable "colSums_ITS":
##   W41   W85   W65   W79   W59   W25   W77   W73   W53    W8   W89   W95   W17 
##     2     2    19   237  1218  6444 10257 11592 11932 12951 14370 15734 15806 
##   W86   W33   W26   W70   W61   W44   W74   W69   W43   W81   W19   W83   W76 
## 17160 17250 17683 17971 18065 18558 18927 20390 20994 21377 21584 21723 22923 
##   W27   W24   W42    W6   W18   W52   W22   W28   W23   W35   W58   W36   W34 
## 22999 23488 24087 24371 24756 24803 25151 25771 26613 28248 28273 29147 30125 
##    W3   W60    W9   W66   W14   W51   W87   W50 
## 32423 32991 38771 40897 40925 45262 53482 57966
plot(colSums_ITS, ascomycota_counts, xlab="number of fungi sequenced", ylab="number of Ascomycota sequenced")

As you can see, there is a strong positive correlation between the number of total counts and the counts of Ascomycota. It might be a good idea to instead look at the proportion of reads that come from each phylum. For each environmental sample, what proportion of the reads come from Ascomycota?

##        W14        W17        W18        W19        W22        W23        W24 
## 0.62570556 0.90845249 0.88689611 0.81189770 0.80462009 0.79359711 0.91923535 
##        W25        W26        W27        W28        W33        W34        W35 
## 0.32293606 0.52457162 0.25779382 0.57735439 0.96666667 0.95093776 0.87365477 
##        W36         W3        W41        W42        W43        W44        W50 
## 0.89731362 0.24127934 0.00000000 0.69904928 0.72877965 0.63449725 0.82776110 
##        W51        W52        W53        W58        W59        W60        W61 
## 0.95658610 0.37551909 0.24346296 0.78460015 0.80952381 0.89721439 0.81583172 
##        W65        W66        W69         W6        W70        W73        W74 
## 0.89473684 0.94261193 0.88857283 0.34619014 0.98976128 0.73628364 0.78464627 
##        W76        W77        W79        W81        W83        W85        W86 
## 0.88404659 0.65837964 0.81856540 0.61622304 0.47571698 0.50000000 0.77331002 
##        W87        W89         W8        W95         W9 
## 0.48436857 0.60758525 0.01080998 0.54271005 0.84805654
plot(colSums_ITS, normalised_Ascomycota, xlab="number of fungi sequenced", ylab="proportion of Ascomycota")

We see that there no strong correlation between the total number of reads and the proportion of the reads that map to Ascomycota. However, we see that there is more variability when there are low read counts! This is something very important to keep in mind for the next workshop!

However, even among samples that have a lot of OTUs (over 30,000), we still see lots of variability in the proportion of Ascomycota– one sample has less than 30% Ascomycota, while another has over 90%.

Now, let’s apply this procedure to all the rows, so we can find the proportion of each phylum in each environmental sample:

normalised_ITS_counts_by_phylum=apply(hedgerow_counts_by_phylum, 1, function(i){

Comparing phylum distributions between samples

Let’s compare the distributions of phyla in each environmental sample. Here we use the function ‘t’ which transposes the matrix (i.e. the columns become rows and the rows become columns). What would this barplot look like if we did not transpose the matrix first?


This is really hard to read, so let’s add a colour key. How about we give the 5 most populous phyla ‘rainbow colours’, and make all the other phyla grey. First, we will sort the phyla by how common they are, using the ‘sort’ function that we used in Workshop 1. Do you remember what this function does? What do you think the output would be if we either leave out decreasing=TRUE or set decreasing=FALSE ?

phyla_by_pop=sort(counts_by_phylum, decreasing=TRUE)
##          k__Fungi;p__Ascomycota       k__Fungi;p__Basidiomycota 
##                          739935                          203335 
##       k__Fungi;p__Glomeromycota       k__Fungi;p__Olpidiomycota 
##                           61131                           13352 
##   k__Fungi;p__Mortierellomycota        k__Fungi;p__unidentified 
##                            5698                            3800 
##       k__Fungi;p__Rozellomycota       k__Fungi;p__Zoopagomycota 
##                            3264                            1986 
##     k__Fungi;p__Chytridiomycota                           other 
##                            1644                            1026 
##         k__Protista;p__Cercozoa     k__Fungi;p__Kickxellomycota 
##                             276                             131 
##        k__Fungi;p__Mucoromycota                k__Fungi;p__GS19 
##                              92                              28 
## k__Fungi;p__Entomophthoromycota 
##                              20

Next, we will find 5 rainbow colours, using the ‘rainbow’ function. The colours in R can be expressed as words like “red”, “blue”, and “green”, or they can be expressed as a ‘hexadecimal code’, an 8-digit code that contains the values 0 to 9 and/or the letters A to F. The rainbow function returns a vector of colours in a ‘hexadecimal code’ format.

## [1] "#FF0000FF" "#CCFF00FF" "#00FF66FF" "#0066FFFF" "#CC00FFFF"

We would like the remaining colours to be grey, so let’s make a vector of length length(phyla_by_pop)-5 of the colour “grey”. This uses the function ‘rep’, which makes a vector with the same value repeated a certain number of times.

grey_cols=rep("grey", length(phyla_by_pop)-5)

Now, let’s combine these two vectors into one vector:

col_labels=c(rainbow_cols, grey_cols)

Finally, let us set the names to be the phyla names.

##          k__Fungi;p__Ascomycota       k__Fungi;p__Basidiomycota 
##                     "#FF0000FF"                     "#CCFF00FF" 
##       k__Fungi;p__Glomeromycota       k__Fungi;p__Olpidiomycota 
##                     "#00FF66FF"                     "#0066FFFF" 
##   k__Fungi;p__Mortierellomycota        k__Fungi;p__unidentified 
##                     "#CC00FFFF"                          "grey" 
##       k__Fungi;p__Rozellomycota       k__Fungi;p__Zoopagomycota 
##                          "grey"                          "grey" 
##     k__Fungi;p__Chytridiomycota                           other 
##                          "grey"                          "grey" 
##         k__Protista;p__Cercozoa     k__Fungi;p__Kickxellomycota 
##                          "grey"                          "grey" 
##        k__Fungi;p__Mucoromycota                k__Fungi;p__GS19 
##                          "grey"                          "grey" 
## k__Fungi;p__Entomophthoromycota 
##                          "grey"

Now let’s add this legend to the barplot:

barplot(t(as.matrix(normalised_ITS_counts_by_phylum)), xlab="environmental sample", ylab="proportion of each phylum", col=col_labels[colnames(normalised_ITS_counts_by_phylum)], xlim=c(0,80))

shorterNames=substring(names(col_labels), len_pretext+1)

legend(60, 0.9, shorterNames, fill=col_labels, cex=0.6)

Let us order the bars by the relative amount of Ascomycota in the sample

##  [1] 17 45 16 24 10  8 32 23 40 43 41  9 46 11 44 39  1 20 37 18 19 34 42 25 35
## [26]  6  5 26  4 28 38 21 47 14 36  3 31 29 27 15  2  7 30 13 22 12 33
        xlab="environmental sample", ylab="proportion of each phylum", col=col_labels[colnames(normalised_ITS_counts_by_phylum)])

How do you interpret this plot? For instance, what do you observe about the proportion of Glomeromycota and Olidiomycota in each sample, and how this relates to the proportion of Ascomycota in each sample? Can you think of ways to visualise this more clearly?

Chi-squared test: is fungal phyla diversity independent of environmental sample?

Our null hypothesis is that phyla diversity is independent of sampling location. “Phyla” and “environmental sample” are both categorical variables (i.e. they are not numbers– they can only take a certain number of discrete values). To compare the frequencies of phyla in different sampling locations, we can use the chi-squared test of independence. For more information about this test, see the example here:

When can you use a Chi-squared test? (see

  • data is in a ‘counts’ format, not ‘percentages’.
  • categories are mutually exclusive (i.e. a specific sequenced read cannot have two phyla)
  • both variables are measured as categories
  • the expected count in each cell should be more than 5 in at least 80% of cells

Given these criteria, why are we using “hedgerow_counts_by_phylum” below instead of “normalised_ITS_counts_by_phylum”?

#install.packages("MASS")  #uncomment in your own code

## Warning: package 'MASS' was built under R version 3.6.2
## Warning in chisq.test(hedgerow_counts_by_phylum): Chi-squared approximation may
## be incorrect
##  Pearson's Chi-squared test
## data:  hedgerow_counts_by_phylum
## X-squared = 804578, df = 644, p-value < 2.2e-16

You will see a warning: what does it mean? Which criteria is probably broken? (As a hint, see the code below)

## [1] 0.4184397

Here is a challenge question that will really test your knowledge of what we’ve done so far. This is yet another idea for how to include a ‘novel analysis’ in your final report.

Possible ‘novel analysis’ for your final report: Make a version of hedgerow_counts_by_phylum that has only 6 phyla categories: Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Glomeromycota, Olpidiomycota, Moortierellomycota, and ‘Other Phyla’. Perform a Chi-squared test on this table.

Now let’s save the results for next time

Lets save the workspace for next time:


Take home messages

Today we compared the diversity of the different environmental samples. In particular, we visualised the different frequencies of the phyla in each of the environmental samples and performed a Chi-squared test.

Here are some biological questions that you should consider:

  • Why do you think the envionmental samples might have different total numbers of OTUs? What questions would you ask the data collector about how the samples were collected?
  • Can you generate a hypothesis about the relationship between Glomeromycota, Olidiomycota and Ascomycota populations in the samples? Can you design an experiment to test this hypothesis?
  • What other biological questions do you think you could answer about the data, using the coding tools you learned today?

In the process, we learned a few general techniques for data analysis:

  • We learned some general techniques for data visualisation: (i) often it is useful to sort the samples before displaying them in a bar plot. (ii) a good colour scheme and good legend can help us interpret a graph.
  • We learned that sometimes it is misleading to simply graph the raw data values– sometimes it is easier to interpret experimental results if you normalise the data first.

For those doing the optional programming content: you also learned some new R skills. See you you can do the following excercises to see if you have an understanding of the material:

  • Can you explain the difference between the ‘apply’ function and the ‘sapply’ function?
  • Explain how to colour-code a plot and how to build a legend
  • Using apply: can you turn these for-loops into apply functions?

Exercise 1:

mat=matrix(c(1,6,7,6,4,5,-4,0,1,3,-2,1), nrow=3)
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,]    1    6   -4    3
## [2,]    6    4    0   -2
## [3,]    7    5    1    1
for(i in c(1:dim(mat)[2])){
## [1]  8 11  3  5

Exercise 2:

for(j in c(1:dim(mat)[1])){
## [1] 2 2 3

Exercise 3:

for(hello in c(1:dim(mat)[1])){
    for(world in c(1:dim(mat)[2])){
##      [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
## [1,]    6   11    1    8
## [2,]   11    9    5    3
## [3,]   12   10    6    6
  • Nested loops: predict what the output would be from each of the following nested loops: Exercise 1:
#for(j in c(1:5)){
#    for(k in c(4:7)){
#        a[index]=j*k
#        index=index+1
#    }

Exercise 2:

#for(j in c(1:5)){
#    for(k in c(4:7)){
#        a[index]=j*k
#    }
#    index=index+1

Exercise 3:

#mat=matrix(c(1,6,7,6,4,5,-4,0,1,3,-2,1), nrow=3)

#sapply(c(1:5), function(hello){
#    sapply(c(7, 3, 2), function(world){
#        apply(mat, 1, function(k){
#            hello+world-min(k)
#        })
#    })

Do you remember what these functions do?

  • dim
  • substring
  • rainbow
  • unique
  • barplot
  • order
  • sort