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On the first day of the workshop, we were introduced to a data set that listed the counts of unique OTUs from a number of environmental samples collected in soil near hedge roots.

In the second workshop, we found the distribution of phyla in these samples (cummulatively, across all samples).

In the third workshop, we found the distribution of phyla in each of the environmental samples, separately.

Now, we will introduce a new data table that contains ‘meta-data’ about where each of the samples were collected.

We will use this meta-data to ask: how does the sampling location impact the phyla distribution of the sample?

Learning objectives

We will learn about the importance of meta-data for answering biological questions.

We also learn the following specific data analysis techniques:

  • Drawing pie charts on a scatter plot
  • The meaning behind the ‘Simpson Index of Diversity’ and how to calculate it using the ‘diversity’ function
  • Learn how to perform an ANOVA test and what the assumptions of an ANOVA test are

You will also have the opportunity to learn the following new programming skills if you choose to (i.e. optional): You will also review some of the functions that were introduced in earlier workshops (including: sapply, which, table, unique) and how to draw histograms, scatter plots, pie charts, and boxplots.

Load the data from last time


Read in meta-data table

#Unlike when we read in the table in week 1, we use the parameters "header=TRUE" and "row.names=1". 
#header=TRUE means that the first row represents column names
#row.names=1 means that the first row represents row names
meta=read.csv("GroupVars.csv", header=TRUE, row.names=1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#What are the dimensions of this table?
## [1] 47  5
#What are the column names and row names?
## [1] "Field"         "HedgeLocation" "Root.number"   "Latitude"     
## [5] "Longitude"
##  [1] "W3"  "W6"  "W8"  "W9"  "W14" "W17" "W18" "W19" "W22" "W23" "W24" "W25"
## [13] "W26" "W27" "W28" "W33" "W34" "W35" "W36" "W41" "W42" "W43" "W44" "W50"
## [25] "W51" "W52" "W53" "W58" "W59" "W60" "W61" "W65" "W66" "W69" "W70" "W73"
## [37] "W74" "W76" "W77" "W79" "W81" "W83" "W85" "W86" "W87" "W89" "W95"

The row names refer to environmental samples and the column names refer to various kinds of meta-data. For instance, ‘Field’ refers to which field each hedge came from, and the latitude and longitude refer to the geographic location.

Let’s look at the whole table:

##        Field HedgeLocation Root.number Latitude Longitude
## W3      BSSE             1           3 53.86877 -1.326241
## W6      BSSE             1           6 53.86877 -1.326242
## W8      BSSE             1           8 53.86877 -1.326243
## W9      BSSE             2           9 53.86891 -1.326051
## W14     BSSE             2          14 53.86891 -1.326052
## W17     BSSE             3          17 53.86901 -1.325844
## W18     BSSE             3          18 53.86901 -1.325845
## W19     BSSE             3          19 53.86901 -1.325846
## W22     BSSE             3          22 53.86901 -1.325847
## W23     BSSE             3          23 53.86901 -1.325848
## W24     BSSE             3          24 53.86901 -1.325849
## W25     BSSW             4          25 53.87087 -1.332464
## W26     BSSW             4          26 53.87087 -1.332465
## W27     BSSW             4          27 53.87087 -1.332466
## W28     BSSW             4          28 53.87087 -1.332467
## W33     BSSW             5          33 53.87108 -1.332263
## W34     BSSW             5          34 53.87108 -1.332264
## W35     BSSW             5          35 53.87108 -1.332265
## W36     BSSW             5          36 53.87108 -1.332266
## W41     BSSW             6          41 53.87075 -1.332559
## W42     BSSW             6          42 53.87075 -1.332560
## W43     BSSW             6          43 53.87075 -1.332561
## W44     BSSW             6          44 53.87075 -1.332562
## W50    Copse             7          50 53.87373 -1.335384
## W51    Copse             7          51 53.87373 -1.335385
## W52    Copse             7          52 53.87373 -1.335386
## W53    Copse             7          53 53.87373 -1.335387
## W58    Copse             8          58 53.87388 -1.335302
## W59    Copse             8          59 53.87388 -1.335303
## W60    Copse             8          60 53.87388 -1.335304
## W61    Copse             8          61 53.87388 -1.335305
## W65    Copse             9          65 53.87403 -1.335211
## W66    Copse             9          66 53.87403 -1.335212
## W69    Copse             9          69 53.87403 -1.335213
## W70    Copse             9          70 53.87403 -1.335214
## W73 Hillside            10          73 53.87284 -1.328333
## W74 Hillside            10          74 53.87284 -1.328334
## W76 Hillside            10          76 53.87284 -1.328335
## W77 Hillside            10          77 53.87284 -1.328336
## W79 Hillside            10          79 53.87284 -1.328337
## W81 Hillside            11          81 53.87287 -1.328524
## W83 Hillside            11          83 53.87287 -1.328525
## W85 Hillside            11          85 53.87287 -1.328526
## W86 Hillside            11          86 53.87287 -1.328527
## W87 Hillside            11          87 53.87287 -1.328528
## W89 Hillside            12          89 53.87290 -1.328704
## W95 Hillside            12          95 53.87290 -1.328705

Where were the samples collected?

To visualise the geographic variability in sampling, let us plot the longitude and latitudes of the samples:

plot(long, lat, xlab="longitude", ylab="latitude")

What can you say about the distribution of environmental samples from this plot?

How many unique longitudes are there (use unique function)?

## [1] 47

Given this answer, doesn’t it seem strange that we can you only see 12 dots in the graph? Maybe some of the longitudes are very close to one another. Let’s check:

rounded_long=round(long, 4) #round to 4 decimal places
## [1] 12

Okay, that seems to explain it. There seem to be 12 sampling locations, but multiple samples taken in each location. Indeed, each of the dots on this scatterplot correspond to a unique ‘HedgeLocation’, a column in the table:

unique(meta[, 'HedgeLocation'])
##  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12

Visualising differences in phyla diversity across different hedges

We are interested in visualising how the diversity varies across different hedges. In this section, we will evaluate this qualitatively using pie charts.

Remember that in the previous workshop, we calculated a count-table ‘hedgerow_counts_by_phylum’, where the rows were phyla and the columns were environmental samples.

dim(hedgerow_counts_by_phylum) # reminder of its dimensions
## [1] 15 47
hedgerow_counts_by_phylum[1:5, 1:5] # let's take a peak at the first 5 rows and columns
##                                   W14   W17   W18   W19   W22
## k__Fungi;p__Ascomycota          25607 14359 21956 17524 20237
## k__Fungi;p__Basidiomycota       13518  1325  2440  2063  1145
## k__Fungi;p__Chytridiomycota        10     0    31   108   293
## k__Fungi;p__Entomophthoromycota     0     0     0     0     0
## k__Fungi;p__Glomeromycota        1468   120     0    86    31

Let’s group these by hedge location. The algorithm is as follows:

  • For every hedge location:
  • step 1: identify which environmental samples belong to that hedge location.
  • step 2: find the sample names that correspond to those environmental samples
  • step 3: extract the sub-table of ‘hedgerow_counts_by_phylum’ that contains these samples
  • step 4: find the sum of read counts for every sample, for each phyla

hedgerow_counts_by_phylum_and_hedge=sapply(unique_hedges, function(hedge){
        ids_field=which(meta[,"HedgeLocation"]==hedge) #step 1
        samples_in_field=rownames(meta)[ids_field] #step 2
        subTable=hedgerow_counts_by_phylum[,samples_in_field] #step 3
        rowSums(subTable) #step 4
##                                  [,1]  [,2]   [,3]  [,4]  [,5]  [,6]   [,7]
## k__Fungi;p__Ascomycota          16400 58487 116787 32165 96155 43913 103498
## k__Fungi;p__Basidiomycota       48255 19287  12913 18464  3740 15990  30305
## k__Fungi;p__Chytridiomycota       247    10    676    58     3     0    216
## k__Fungi;p__Entomophthoromycota     0     0      0     0     0     0      0
## k__Fungi;p__Glomeromycota         428  1491    238 20828  4330  3128   3849
## k__Fungi;p__GS19                    0     0      0     0     0     0      0
## k__Fungi;p__Kickxellomycota         5     0     73     0     3    11     31
## k__Fungi;p__Mortierellomycota      63   234    768   779   443    55   1812
## k__Fungi;p__Mucoromycota            0     0     12     0     0     0     14
## k__Fungi;p__Olpidiomycota          12     1   5092    42     0   463      0
## k__Fungi;p__Rozellomycota         595     8    381   112    48    16     91
## k__Fungi;p__unidentified         2922   116    265   128     0     6     12
## k__Fungi;p__Zoopagomycota         817     0     69     1     6     9     34
## k__Protista;p__Cercozoa             0     0      5   136     3    36     28
## other                               1    62    119   184    39    14     73
##                                  [,8]  [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12]
## k__Fungi;p__Ascomycota          67507 74472 50598 62683 17270
## k__Fungi;p__Basidiomycota        8538  4471  4429 29665  7278
## k__Fungi;p__Chytridiomycota        55    12     5   318    44
## k__Fungi;p__Entomophthoromycota    20     0     0     0     0
## k__Fungi;p__Glomeromycota          28     2  2340 19589  4880
## k__Fungi;p__GS19                    0     0     0     0    28
## k__Fungi;p__Kickxellomycota         0     7     1     0     0
## k__Fungi;p__Mortierellomycota     550    91   796    58    49
## k__Fungi;p__Mucoromycota           26     0     2    13    25
## k__Fungi;p__Olpidiomycota        3483    32  3665   543    19
## k__Fungi;p__Rozellomycota          41     0  1730   236     6
## k__Fungi;p__unidentified          129   115    29    63    15
## k__Fungi;p__Zoopagomycota          26     0   258   381   385
## k__Protista;p__Cercozoa             7     4     5    38    14
## other                             137    71    78   157    91

Now, we might want to draw the frequencies of the phyla as pie charts. Normally, a pie chart is drawn with the ‘pie’ function.


We can make this prettier, using the colour labels and names that we made in the previous workshop

pie(hedgerow_counts_by_phylum_and_hedge[,1], col=col_labels, labels=shorterNames)

However, we would like to include spatial information as well: let us draw the scatter plot we drew above, but with pie charts showing the diversity of samples, instead of dots. Get rid of the # symbol to install the necessary packages.

## Bioconductor version 3.10 (BiocManager 1.30.10), R 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)
## Installing package(s) 'Rgraphviz'
## The downloaded binary packages are in
##  /var/folders/m9/f1j_khfs5_153g67p0y0c1thj5r65_/T//RtmpFOVT22/downloaded_packages
## Old packages: 'ade4', 'ape', 'backports', 'bibtex', 'broom', 'callr', 'cli',
##   'clipr', 'coda', 'codetools', 'colorspace', 'covr', 'cowplot', 'cpp11',
##   'data.table', 'devtools', 'digest', 'doParallel', 'DT', 'expm', 'FDboost',
##   'foreach', 'Formula', 'fs', 'GGally', 'ggplot2', 'ggrepel', 'gh', 'glue',
##   'gplots', 'gridGraphics', 'htmltools', 'htmlwidgets', 'httpuv', 'httr',
##   'hunspell', 'isoband', 'iterators', 'jsonlite', 'KernSmooth', 'knitr',
##   'labeling', 'later', 'libcoin', 'lme4', 'magick', 'magrittr', 'MASS',
##   'Matrix', 'mboost', 'mgcv', 'mvtnorm', 'network', 'nlme', 'openssl',
##   'partykit', 'pbkrtest', 'pillar', 'pkgbuild', 'processx', 'promises', 'ps',
##   'R.methodsS3', 'R.oo', 'R.utils', 'R6', 'Rcpp', 'RcppArmadillo', 'RcppEigen',
##   'Rdpack', 'readr', 'remotes', 'rlang', 'rmarkdown', 'roxygen2', 'rprojroot',
##   'rstudioapi', 'segmented', 'seqinr', 'shiny', 'sna', 'sp', 'spelling',
##   'statnet.common', 'stringi', 'survival', 'sys', 'testthat', 'tibble',
##   'tinytex', 'usethis', 'V8', 'vctrs', 'withr', 'xfun'
## Loading required package: graph
## Loading required package: BiocGenerics
## Loading required package: parallel
## Attaching package: 'BiocGenerics'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:parallel':
##     clusterApply, clusterApplyLB, clusterCall, clusterEvalQ,
##     clusterExport, clusterMap, parApply, parCapply, parLapply,
##     parLapplyLB, parRapply, parSapply, parSapplyLB
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     IQR, mad, sd, var, xtabs
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     anyDuplicated, append,, basename, cbind, colnames,
##     dirname,, duplicated, eval, evalq, Filter, Find, get, grep,
##     grepl, intersect, is.unsorted, lapply, Map, mapply, match, mget,
##     order, paste, pmax,, pmin,, Position, rank,
##     rbind, Reduce, rownames, sapply, setdiff, sort, table, tapply,
##     union, unique, unsplit, which, which.max, which.min
## Loading required package: grid
#Draw the plot boundary:
plot(c(), xlim=c(min(long), max(long)), ylim=c(min(lat), max(lat)), xlab="Longitude", ylab="Latitutde")

#Draw a pie chart for each hedge:
a=sapply(unique_hedges, function(i){
   firstRow=which(meta[,"HedgeLocation"]==i)[1] #get the meta-data for one row from this hedge
   hedge_longitude=as.numeric(meta[firstRow, "Longitude"]) # get the longitude for this hedge
   hedge_latitude=as.numeric(meta[firstRow, "Latitude"]) # get the latitude for this hedge
   vals=hedgerow_counts_by_phylum_and_hedge[,i] # get the phylum counts for this hedge
   nonZero=which(vals>0) # pieGlyphs gives an error if any of the values equal 0, so we must only include phyla with counts>0
   pieGlyph(vals[nonZero], hedge_longitude, hedge_latitude, radius=0.00009, labels=NA, col=col_labels[nonZero]) # use the pieGlyph function to draw a pie chart in the correct position

How would you interpret this graph from a biological perspective? Qualitatively, how does spatial location of the sample impact the fungal phyla distribution? Do there appear to be any samples that are very different from the others? Do you think there is more diversity within a field or between fields?

Summarising biodiversity with Simpson’s Diversity Index

One way to summarise the diversity of an environmental sample is to ask: if I were to randomly select two individuals from this environment, what is the probability that they will be the same kind of organism (for instance, the same species)? This is the definition of Simpson’s Index (D). In a very diverse environment, it gives a low value (because the probability of selecting the same kind of organism twice is very low) and vice versa. Simpson’s Index of Diversity is 1-D, so that high numbers mean more diversity.

In this section, we will calculate the Simpson’s Index of Diversity for each sample:

## Bioconductor version 3.10 (BiocManager 1.30.10), R 3.6.1 (2019-07-05)
## Installing package(s) 'vegan'
## The downloaded binary packages are in
##  /var/folders/m9/f1j_khfs5_153g67p0y0c1thj5r65_/T//RtmpFOVT22/downloaded_packages
## Old packages: 'ade4', 'ape', 'backports', 'bibtex', 'broom', 'callr', 'cli',
##   'clipr', 'coda', 'codetools', 'colorspace', 'covr', 'cowplot', 'cpp11',
##   'data.table', 'devtools', 'digest', 'doParallel', 'DT', 'expm', 'FDboost',
##   'foreach', 'Formula', 'fs', 'GGally', 'ggplot2', 'ggrepel', 'gh', 'glue',
##   'gplots', 'gridGraphics', 'htmltools', 'htmlwidgets', 'httpuv', 'httr',
##   'hunspell', 'isoband', 'iterators', 'jsonlite', 'KernSmooth', 'knitr',
##   'labeling', 'later', 'libcoin', 'lme4', 'magick', 'magrittr', 'MASS',
##   'Matrix', 'mboost', 'mgcv', 'mvtnorm', 'network', 'nlme', 'openssl',
##   'partykit', 'pbkrtest', 'pillar', 'pkgbuild', 'processx', 'promises', 'ps',
##   'R.methodsS3', 'R.oo', 'R.utils', 'R6', 'Rcpp', 'RcppArmadillo', 'RcppEigen',
##   'Rdpack', 'readr', 'remotes', 'rlang', 'rmarkdown', 'roxygen2', 'rprojroot',
##   'rstudioapi', 'segmented', 'seqinr', 'shiny', 'sna', 'sp', 'spelling',
##   'statnet.common', 'stringi', 'survival', 'sys', 'testthat', 'tibble',
##   'tinytex', 'usethis', 'V8', 'vctrs', 'withr', 'xfun'
## Warning: package 'vegan' was built under R version 3.6.2
## Loading required package: permute
## Loading required package: lattice
## Warning: package 'lattice' was built under R version 3.6.2
## This is vegan 2.5-7
simpson=diversity(t(hedgerow_counts_by_phylum), index="simpson")
##        W14        W17        W18        W19        W22        W23        W24 
## 0.49807288 0.16762914 0.20365149 0.32745844 0.33475559 0.33443232 0.15291603 
##        W25        W26        W27        W28        W33        W34        W35 
## 0.57822915 0.57717751 0.46502694 0.57514129 0.06508104 0.09464753 0.22801737 
##        W36         W3        W41        W42        W43        W44        W50 
## 0.18903588 0.56936660 0.00000000 0.42078375 0.43765607 0.49588258 0.30263233 
##        W51        W52        W53        W58        W59        W60        W61 
## 0.08393509 0.49390262 0.41267318 0.36155131 0.33054538 0.19056867 0.31051566 
##        W65        W66        W69         W6        W70        W73        W74 
## 0.18836565 0.10858469 0.19968855 0.45407865 0.02029461 0.43566361 0.37081157 
##        W76        W77        W79        W81        W83        W85        W86 
## 0.21508357 0.52838941 0.32021222 0.49288508 0.56722568 0.50000000 0.38121734 
##        W87        W89         W8        W95         W9 
## 0.51108194 0.55993412 0.02184443 0.57841302 0.25865596

Comparing biodiversity between fields

The ‘Field’ column tells us which field the sample was taken from.

How many unique fields are there (how many unique values are there in the "Field’ column of meta)? (use unique function)?

## [1] 4

How many samples are in each field (use table function)

##     BSSE     BSSW    Copse Hillside 
##       11       12       12       12

Let us find the Simpson Index of Diversity’s for samples corresponding to each field.

simpson_by_field=sapply(unique_fields, function(i){ #for every field:
    rows_in_field=which(meta[,"Field"]==i) #find the rows that correspond to that field
    rownames_in_field=rownames(meta)[rows_in_field] # find the rownames of these rows
    simpson[rows_in_field] #get the Simpson Index of Diversity for these rows
## $BSSE
##       W14       W17       W18       W19       W22       W23       W24       W25 
## 0.4980729 0.1676291 0.2036515 0.3274584 0.3347556 0.3344323 0.1529160 0.5782291 
##       W26       W27       W28 
## 0.5771775 0.4650269 0.5751413 
## $BSSW
##        W33        W34        W35        W36         W3        W41        W42 
## 0.06508104 0.09464753 0.22801737 0.18903588 0.56936660 0.00000000 0.42078375 
##        W43        W44        W50        W51        W52 
## 0.43765607 0.49588258 0.30263233 0.08393509 0.49390262 
## $Copse
##        W53        W58        W59        W60        W61        W65        W66 
## 0.41267318 0.36155131 0.33054538 0.19056867 0.31051566 0.18836565 0.10858469 
##        W69         W6        W70        W73        W74 
## 0.19968855 0.45407865 0.02029461 0.43566361 0.37081157 
## $Hillside
##        W76        W77        W79        W81        W83        W85        W86 
## 0.21508357 0.52838941 0.32021222 0.49288508 0.56722568 0.50000000 0.38121734 
##        W87        W89         W8        W95         W9 
## 0.51108194 0.55993412 0.02184443 0.57841302 0.25865596

Let us compare the Simpson Index of Diversity for these fields:

boxplot(simpson_by_field, xlab="Field", ylab="Simpson Index of Diversity")

Qualitatively, how would you interpret this graph?

ANOVA test: are these fields significantly different in terms of the Simpson Index of Diversity?

Last week, we used a Chi-squared test, because we were comparing two categorical variables (sample and phylum). Now, we have one categorical value (field) and one continuous variable (Simpson’s Index of Diversity), so an ANOVA (Analysis of Variation) test might be better suited.

Our null hypothesis is that the fields have the same mean Simpson’s Index of Diversity.

Some ANOVA test assumptions:

  • Each field has a normal distribution of Simpson’s Index of Diversity
  • Each field has the same variance of Simpson’s Index of Diversity

How would you evaluate whether these assumptions seem to hold? As part of your final report, you can choose to check whether these assumptions hold.

For now, we will skip this step and jump right into combining the Simpson’s Index of Diversity and the Field labels into a single data frame.

df_simpson=data.frame(Field=meta[,"Field"], Simpson=simpson[sampleOrder])
##        Field    Simpson
## W3      BSSE 0.56936660
## W6      BSSE 0.45407865
## W8      BSSE 0.02184443
## W9      BSSE 0.25865596
## W14     BSSE 0.49807288
## W17     BSSE 0.16762914
## W18     BSSE 0.20365149
## W19     BSSE 0.32745844
## W22     BSSE 0.33475559
## W23     BSSE 0.33443232
## W24     BSSE 0.15291603
## W25     BSSW 0.57822915
## W26     BSSW 0.57717751
## W27     BSSW 0.46502694
## W28     BSSW 0.57514129
## W33     BSSW 0.06508104
## W34     BSSW 0.09464753
## W35     BSSW 0.22801737
## W36     BSSW 0.18903588
## W41     BSSW 0.00000000
## W42     BSSW 0.42078375
## W43     BSSW 0.43765607
## W44     BSSW 0.49588258
## W50    Copse 0.30263233
## W51    Copse 0.08393509
## W52    Copse 0.49390262
## W53    Copse 0.41267318
## W58    Copse 0.36155131
## W59    Copse 0.33054538
## W60    Copse 0.19056867
## W61    Copse 0.31051566
## W65    Copse 0.18836565
## W66    Copse 0.10858469
## W69    Copse 0.19968855
## W70    Copse 0.02029461
## W73 Hillside 0.43566361
## W74 Hillside 0.37081157
## W76 Hillside 0.21508357
## W77 Hillside 0.52838941
## W79 Hillside 0.32021222
## W81 Hillside 0.49288508
## W83 Hillside 0.56722568
## W85 Hillside 0.50000000
## W86 Hillside 0.38121734
## W87 Hillside 0.51108194
## W89 Hillside 0.55993412
## W95 Hillside 0.57841302

Now, let’s make a linear model that predicts the Simpson’s Index of Diversity based on the field:

linMod=lm(Simpson ~ Field, data=df_simpson)

Finally, we can perform an ANOVA on this linear model:

## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: Simpson
##           Df  Sum Sq  Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)  
## Field      3 0.27143 0.090477  3.4189 0.02552 *
## Residuals 43 1.13795 0.026464                  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

How do we interpret these results: What can we say about the biodiversities of the different fields? Remember in Workshop 1 we noticed that some samples have very few OTUs (information we stored in the variable colSums_ITS)

##   W41   W85   W65   W79   W59   W25   W77   W73   W53    W8   W89   W95   W17 
##     2     2    19   237  1218  6444 10257 11592 11932 12951 14370 15734 15806 
##   W86   W33   W26   W70   W61   W44   W74   W69   W43   W81   W19   W83   W76 
## 17160 17250 17683 17971 18065 18558 18927 20390 20994 21377 21584 21723 22923 
##   W27   W24   W42    W6   W18   W52   W22   W28   W23   W35   W58   W36   W34 
## 22999 23488 24087 24371 24756 24803 25151 25771 26613 28248 28273 29147 30125 
##    W3   W60    W9   W66   W14   W51   W87   W50 
## 32423 32991 38771 40897 40925 45262 53482 57966

If we remove the samples that have less than 1000 reads sequenced, will the ANOVA results stay the same?

linMod2=lm(Simpson ~ Field, data=df_simpson_highcounts)
## Analysis of Variance Table
## Response: Simpson
##           Df  Sum Sq  Mean Sq F value  Pr(>F)  
## Field      3 0.25926 0.086419  3.4261 0.02631 *
## Residuals 39 0.98374 0.025224                  
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Bonus code for those who want to use this for your project: Here is some code that will help you test the assumptions of the ANOVA test– can you understand what this does and why this is relevant for testing the ANOVA test assumptions?

resids=resid(linMod) #returns the residuals
plot(fields_as_numbers[fields], resids, xlab="fields (numbered)", ylab="residuals")

Take home messages

Today we compared the diversity of the different groups of environmental samples, based on the location in which they were sampled. Here are some biological questions to consider:

  • What was the experimental design? Why do you think samples were collected where they were? Do you think that the number of replicates was appropriate?
  • What did you learn about how the spatial distribution of the environmental samples impact fungal phyla diversity? What are some open questions that have not yet been resolved about how spatial distribution influences fungal diversity? Which of these questions could you answer with this data and which would require collecting more data?
  • Do you think that the environmental samples with low read counts should be included in the analysis? Why or why not?
  • Ecologists often talk about species richness (number of species) and species evenness (distribution of species). Why do ecologists care about both of these values? How does the analysis we performed over the last few days relate to both ‘richness’ and ‘evenness’ (allbeit of phyla, not species)?

Statistical questions:

  • When would you use a Chi-squared test vs. an ANOVA test? What are the assumptions of each?
  • Look up the equation for calculating the Simpson’s Index. Do you understand what it means?