BAG | BE, present participle |
BE | BE, infinitive |
BED | BE, past (including past subjunctive) |
BEI | BE, imperative |
BEN | BE, perfect participle |
BEP | BE, present (including present subjunctive) |
DAG | DO, present participle |
DAN | DO, passive participle (verbal or adjectival) |
DO | DO, infinitive |
DOD | DO, past (including past subjunctive) |
DOI | DO, imperative |
DON | DO, perfect participle |
DOP | DO, present (including present subjunctive) |
FOR | infinitival FOR |
HAG | HAVE, present participle |
HAN | HAVE, passive participle (verbal or adjectival) |
HV | HAVE, infinitive |
HVD | HAVE, past (including past subjunctive) |
HVI | HAVE, imperative |
HVN | HAVE, perfect participle |
HVP | HAVE, present (including present subjunctive) |
MD | modal verb |
MD0 | modal verb, untensed |
TO | infinitival TO, AT, and TIL |
VAG | present participle |
VAN | passive participle (verbal or adjectival) |
VB | infinitive, verbs other than BE, DO, HV |
VBD | past (including past subjunctive) |
VBI | imperative |
VBN | perfect participle |
VBP | present (including present subjunctive) |
Where ambiguous in infinitival contexts between FOR and P, FOR is tagged FOR.
it_PRO is_BEP difficult_ADJ for_FOR me_PRO to_TO complete_VB the_D assignment_N it_PRO is_BEP more_QR convenient_ADJ for_P me_PRO for_FOR you_PRO to_TO do_DO the_D work_N for_P me_PRO it_PRO is_BEP difficult_ADJ to_TO complete_VB the_D assignment_N
TO is used to tag any form of the infinitive marker (TO as well as the northern forms AT, TIL).
and_CONJ desyred_VBD to_TO have_HV lyen_VBN by_P her_PRO +te_D riht_ADJ +tidir_ADV at_TO cume_VB +tai_PRO sal_MD haue_HV ,_. Gyf_VBI +tien_PRO$ entent_N til_TO understand_VB +tis_D wrytyng_N
When TO cliticizes to FOR or to a verb, the combination receives a complex POS tag (FOR+TO, TO+HV, TO+VB).
and_CONJ fondede_VBD forto_FOR+TO slee_VB Iustinianus_NPR ._. &_CONJ +te_D eadie_ADJ katerine_NPR bigon_VBD forte_FOR+TO seggen_VB ._. taue_TO+HV bounde_VBN them_PRO up_RP in_P barrelles_NS taccept_TO+VB it_PRO as_P his_PRO$ due_N
Modals are tagged MD when there is a reading available in which a main verb is elided. If such a reading is unavailable, then the modal is tagged as a form of VB.
Modals as main verbs. Untensed modal verbs, which are attested into Modern English (generally CAN, MOWE), are tagged MD0.therefore_ADV+P ye_PRO may_MD sey_VB what_WPRO ye_PRO woll_MD ,_. therefore_ADV+P aske_VBI what_WPRO ye_PRO woll_VBP els_ADV ,_, '_' I_PRO woll_VBP well_ADV ,_, '_' seyde_VBD Balan_NPR ,_, '_' that_C ye_PRO so_ADV do_DOP ;_;
supposyng_VAG +tat_C he_PRO schuld_MD cun_MD0 best_ADVS rede_VB +te_D booke_N ,_. Dowtyr_N ,_, whan_P +tu_PRO art_BEP in_P Heuyn_NPR ,_, +tu_PRO xalt_MD mown_MD0 askyn_VB what_WPRO +tu_PRO wylt_MD ,_. They_PRO might_MD could_MD0 do_DO that_PRO ._.
Some adjectival uses of participles, notably passive participles, are likely to be mistagged as ADJ. |
for_CONJ he_PRO ys_BEP the_D mervaylyste_ADJS knyght_N that_C ys_BEP now_ADV lyvynge_VAG ._. but_CONJ traveillynge_VAG men_NS are_BEP ofte_ADV wery_ADJ the_D blessid_VAN body_N of_P oure_PRO$ Lord_NPR Jesu_NPR Cryst_NPR Nero_NPR and_CONJ his_PRO$ peple_NS were_BED destroyed_VAN
However, nominal uses of the present participle are tagged as N.
Present participle for infinitive. In some early texts (notably the Trinity Homilies), a present participle form is commonly used for the infinitive. In such cases the word is tagged by function (VB) rather than by form.I_PRO was_BED but_FP late_ADJ at_P a_D justynge_N and_CONJ she_PRO graunted_VBD hem_PRO with_P wepynge_N it_PRO shold_MD be_BE done_DAN rychely_ADV
Alse_P ge_PRO hauen_HVP giwer_PRO$ lichame_N don_DON to_TO hersumiende_VB fule_ADJ lustes_NS ;_, and_CONJ unriht_ADJ ,_, alse_ALSO do+d_DOI giwer_PRO$ lichame_N he+denfor+d_ADV to_TO hersumiende_VB clennesse_N ._, and_CONJ rihtwisnesse_N ._, and_CONJ holinesse_N ._,
if_P you_PRO be_BEP there_ADV if_P you_PRO were_BED there_ADV were_BED you_PRO to_TO come_VB if_P they_PRO played_VBD with_P you_PRO