Samuel Braunstein's Biography

Professor Braunstein joined the University of York, in 2003 and is heading a group in quantum computation. He was born in Melbourne, Australia in 1961. He was awarded a BSc (Honors) and MSc in Physics from the University of Melbourne and received his PhD in Physics from the California Institute of Technology in 1988.

Professor Braunstein is a recipient of the prestigious Royal Society-Wolfson Research Merit Award - a five-year £20m scheme created to attract and retain the best scientific talent in the UK. He was awarded the honorary title of 2001 Lord Kelvin Lecturer and is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the Institute of Physics and the Optical Society of America. Before joining the University of York, he held a prestigious German Humboldt Fellowship (spent at the University of Ulm).

He is editor of three books "Quantum Computing," "Scalable Quantum Computing" and "Quantum Information with Continuous Variables" and serves on the editorial board of the journal Fortschritte der Physik for which he has prepared two special issues on quantum computation. He has initiated and is a Founding Managing Editor of Quantum Information and Computation -- the first journal dedicated specifically to this field. Its first issue appeared in July 2001.

He has over 150 papers published in refereed journals, which have been cited over fourteen thousand times, with an overall h-index of 56 (Web of Science statisitcs; Google scholar statistics may be found here), including one paper in Reviews of Modern Physics, 25 in Physical Review Letters, two in Nature Physics, four in Nature and one in Science. His work on quantum teleportation, quantum computation, quantum lithography and quantum information has received extensive coverage in prestigious scientific venues such as Science, Nature, Physics Today, New Scientist and Optics & Photonics News, as well as on radio, television and daily newspapers (The Independent, The Times, The New York Times and more).

Professor Braunstein's most cited work on quantum teleportation was among those chosen as the `top ten [scientific] breakthroughs' of that year by the journal Science.

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