papers :
1. C. Liu, Y. Zakharov, and T. Chen, “Broadband underwater localization of multiple sources using basis pursuit de-noising”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, v. 60, No. 4, 2012, pp. 1708-1717.
2. C. Liu, Y. Zakharov, and T. Chen, “Doubly-selective underwater acoustic channel model for a moving transmitter/receiver”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, v. 61. No. 3, 2012, pp. 938-950.
3. T. Chen, C. Liu, and Y. Zakharov, “Source localization using matched-phase matched-field processing with phase descent search”, IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, v. 37, No. 2, 2012, pp. 261-270.
4. T. Chen, Y. Zakharov, and C. Liu, “Low-complexity channel-estimate based adaptive linear equalizer”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, v. 18. No. 7, 2011, pp. 427-430. [pdf]
Low complexity RLS algorithms using dichotomous coordinate descent iterations, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 56, No. 7, July 2008, pp. 3150-3161.
10. Electronics Letters, vol. 44, No. 14, 3 July 2008, pp. 886-887.
11. FPGA implementation of multiplication-free complex division, IET Electronics Letters, vol. 44, No. 2, 17 Jan 2008, pp. 95-97.
12. Data communications to trains from high-altitude platforms, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 56, No. 4, July 2007, pp. 2253-2266.
13. H. Mai, Y. Zakharov and A. Burr, “Iterative channel estimation based on B-splines for fast flat fading channels”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.6, No.4, April 2007, pp.1224-1229.
14. F. Albu, M. Bouchard and Y. Zakharov, “Pseudo affine projection algorithms for multichannel active noise control”, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, vol.15, No.3, March 2007, pp.1044-1052.
15. Y. Zakharov, T. Tozer and D. Pearce, “Acoustic echo cancellation using frequency-domain spline-identification”, IEEE Transaction on Signal Processing, vol. 55, No. 2, Feb. 2007, pp. 585-593.
16. Y. Zakharov, V. Baronkin and D. Pearce, “Asymptotic and modified Cramer-Rao bounds for frequency estimation in parallel fading channels”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.54, No.4, April 2006, pp.1554-1557.
17. Z. Xu, Y. Zakharov and G. White, “Antenna array optimisation using semidefinite programming for cellular communications from HAPs”, Electronics Letters, vol.43, No.2, Jan. 2007, pp.67-69.
18. Z. Xu and Y. Zakharov, “Modified null-broadening adaptive beamforming: A constrained optimisation approach”, Electronics Letters, vol.43, no.3, Feb.2007, pp.145-146.
19. Z. Xu, G. White and Y. Zakharov, “Optimisation of beampattern of high altitude platform antenna using conventional beamforming”, IEE Proceedings Communications, vol.153, No.6, Dec. 2006, pp.865-870.
White, G., Gil, J.,
Correia, L., Zakharov, Y., and Burr, A. “Time-reversal space-time block
coded WCDMA receiver in urban and suburban environments”, IEE Proceedings
Communications, vol.152, No.6, Dec. 2005, pp.1047-1054.
Zakharov, Y.
and Albu, F. “Coordinate descent iterations in fast affine projection
algorithm”, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.12, No.5, May 2005,
Zakharov, Y. V., Baronkin, V. M., and Tozer, T. C. “Frequency estimation in multipath Rayleigh
sparse fading channels”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.3,
No.5, Sept. 2004, pp. 1711- 1720.
Zakharov, Y. V.,
Tozer, T. C., and Adlard, J. “Polynomial spline-approximation of Clarke’s
model”, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol.52, No.5, May 2004,
Zakharov, Y. V.
and Tozer, T. C. “Multiplication-free iterative algorithm for LS problem”,
Electronics Letters, vol.40, No.9, 29th April, 2004, pp.567-569.
Baronkin, V. M., Zakharov,
Y. V., and Tozer, T. C. “Frequency estimation in slowly fading multipath
channels”, IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 50, No. 11, Nov. 2002,
Baronkin, V. M., Zakharov,
Y. V., and Tozer, T. C. “Maximum likelihood single tone frequency
estimation in a multipath channel”, IEE Proceedings Communications, vol. 148,
No.6, Dec. 2001, pp.400-404.
Zakharov, Y. V.
and Tozer, T. C. “Local spline approximation of time-varying channel model”,
Electronics Letters, vol. 37, No. 23, 8th Nov. 2001, pp.1408-1409.
Zakharov, Y. V., Baronkin, V. M., and Tozer, T. C. “DFT-based frequency estimators with narrow
acquisition range”, IEE Proceedings Communications, vol. 148, No. 1, Feb.
2001, pp.1-7.
Baronkin, V. M., Zakharov,
Y. V. and Tozer, T. C. “Frequency estimator for multipath channels with
sparse impulse response”, Electronics Letters, vol.37, No.2, 18th Jan. 2001,
Zakharov, Y. V.
and Tozer, T. C. “Linear multiuser detector for frequency selective
channels”, Electronics Letters, vol. 36, No. 12, 8th June, 2000,
Zakharov, Y. V.
and Tozer, T. C. “Frequency estimator with dichotomous search of periodogram
peak”, Electronics Letters, vol. 35, No. 19, 16th September 1999,
Y. Zakharov
and V. Kodanev, “Noise immunity of adaptive reception of complex acoustic
signals in the presence of reflections from ocean boundaries”, Acoustical
Physics, vol. 42, No. 2, March-April 1996, pp.185-191.
Y. Zakharov
and V. Kodanev, “Coherent
reception of noise-like signals in underwater acoustic channel with continual
and discrete multipath”, Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Part 2
(Radio Engineering), No. 11, Nov. 1995, pp.13-17.
Y. Zakharov,
“Polynomial spline interpolation of differentiable random functions”,
Computing Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, vol. 35, No. 4, 1995,
Y. Zakharov
and V. Kodanev, “Doppler scattering adapted reception in a hydroacoustic
communication channel”, Acoustical Physics, vol. 41, No. 2, March-April 1995,
Y. Zakharov,
“Approximate calculation of the error probability in a channel with Rayleigh
fading”, Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Part 2 (Radio Engineering),
vol. 48, No. 12, Dec 1993, pp.135-139.
Y. Zakharov
and V. Kodanev, “Experimental study of an underwater acoustic communication
system with pseudo-noise signals”, Acoustical Physics, vol. 40, No. 5,
Sept-Oct. 1994, pp.707-715.
Y. Zakharov,
“Optimum approximation of samples of random processes by local splines”,
Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Part 2 (Radio Engineering), vol. 43,
No. 5, May 1991, pp.57-61.
Y. Zakharov
and V. Kodanev, “Digital signal processing for measurement of dynamic
multipath channels”, “Problems of Shipbuilding: Acoustics”,
vol.41, 1989. (Russian).
Y. Zakharov,
" Efficiency of 'analysis-by-synthesis' in vocoders using spline-approximation
of the vocal tract transfer function", Collection of research papers, No.
181, Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Moscow, 1988. (Russian).
Y. Zakharov,
"Cubic spline-approximation of spectral characteristics of speech
signals", Collection of research papers, No. 146, Moscow Power Engineering
Institute, Moscow, 1987. (Russian).
Y. Zakharov and
V. Kodanev, "Imitation of the Doppler effect for processing of pseudo-noise
signals by using spline-approximation", in the book "Signal Processing
in Control and Data Transmission Systems", Voronezh State University,
Voronezh, 1987, pp.27-31. (Russian).
Y. Zakharov
and V. Kodanev, “Identification of linear systems by using orthogonal
expansions for transfer functions”, Collection of research papers, No. 107,
Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Moscow, 1986, pp.85-93. (Russian).
Y. Zakharov
and V. Kodanev, “Spectral and correlation analysis of discrete signals, based
on spline-approximation”, “Problems of Shipbuilding: Acoustics”, vol.37,
1985, pp.66-70. (Russian).
Y. Zakharov,
“Accuracy of orthogonal expansion of spectral density”, Telecommunications
and Radio Engineering, Part 2 (Radio Engineering), vol. 38, No. 7, July 1983,
Y. Zakharov
and E. Sidorov, “Limiting spline approximation of random functions”,
Autometriya, No. 5, Sept.-Oct. 1982, pp.22-26 (Russian).
Y. Zakharov
and E. Sidorov, “Adaptive digital correlator”, Collection of research
papers, No. 561, Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Moscow, 1982, pp.85-89.
Y. Zakharov,
“Influence of instability of delay on accuracy of estimating spectrum from
correlogram”, Collection of research papers, No. 561, Moscow Power Engineering
Institute, Moscow, 1982, pp.172-174. (Russian).
Y. Zakharov,
“A scheme for estimating spectral densities of random processes”,
Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Part 2 (Radio Engineering), vol. 37,
No. 8, August 1982, pp.56-58.
Y. Zakharov
and E. Sidorov, “Approximation of spectral density of random process by
splines”, Telecommunications and Radio Engineering, Part 2 (Radio
Engineering), vol. 36, No. 7, July 1981, pp.63-65.
Zakharov and E. Sidorov, “Optimum pre-filtering of analogue signals in PCM
systems”, Autometriya, No. 4, July-Aug. 1979, pp.88-93 (Russian).
Y. Zakharov
and E. Sidorov, “Pre-filtering for linear interpolation”, in “Far-East
Acoustics”, Issue No. 4, 1979, pp.155-158. (Russian).
Conference contributions:
2. Y. Zakharov and V. Nascimento, “Homotopy algorithm using dichotomous coordinate descent iterations for sparse recovery”, to be presented in 46th Asilomar Conference on Signal, Systems and Computers, Pacific Grove, USA, Nov. 2012.
3. Y. V. Zakharov, A. K. Morozov, and J. C. Preisig, “Doppler effect compensation for cyclic-prefix-free OFDM signals in fast-varying underwater acoustic channel” in Proceedings of European Conference on Underwater Acoustics, ECUA’2012, Edinburgh, UK, 2-6 July, 2012 (invited). [pdf]
4. C. Liu, Y. Zakharov, and T. Chen, “Modeling of time-varying underwater acoustic channels”, 4th Int. Conf. “Underwater Acoustic Measurement”, Kos, Greece, 20-24 June 2011, invited paper.
5. Z. Quan, Y. Zakharov, and J. Liu, “DCD-based simplified matrix inversion for MIMO-OFDM”, IEEE Int. Symp. Circuits and Systems, 15-18 May 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, pp.2389-2392.
Z. Quan, G. White, and J. Zhang, “Highly efficient multiuser detector for M-PSK
signals using coordinate-descent phase estimation”, invited paper, In Proceedings of 5th Int. ICST Conf. On
Communications and Networking in China, Chinacom-2010, 25-27 Aug. 2010, Beijing,
Liu, T. Y. Chen, and Y. V. Zakharov,
“Source localization using
sparsity based iterative adaptive beamforming”,
in Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Underwater
Acoustics, ECUA-2010, pp. 603-610, 5-9 July 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
Liu, T. Y. Chen, and Y. V. Zakharov,
“Matched field inversion of
sound speed profile using simplex simulated annealing”,
in Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Underwater
Acoustics, ECUA-2010, pp. 597- , 602, 5-9 July 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
Y. Chen, C. Liu, and Y. V. Zakharov,
“Matched-phase coherent broadband matched-field processor using phase descent
search”, in Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on
Underwater Acoustics, ECUA-2010, pp.589-595, 5-9 July 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
Liu and Y. V. Zakharov, “FPGA implementation of affine projection
adaptive filter using coordinate descent iterations”, submitted to the special
session “Advanced adaptive signal processing” in Proceedings of the 7th
Int. Symp. on Wireless Communications Systems, ISWCS’2010,
York, UK, Sep. 2010.
Liu, T. Y. Chen, and Y. V. Zakharov, “Broadband underwater source
localisation by solving basis pursuit de-noising”, special session
“Underwater acoustic communications” in Proceedings of the 7th
Int. Symp. Wireless Communications Systems,
ISWCS’2010, York, UK, Sep. 2010.
Zhang, Y. V. Zakharov, and R. N. Khal “Optimum detection in spatially
uncorrelated SIMO Rayleigh fast fading channels with imperfect channel
estimation,” in
Proceedings of the 7th Int. Symp. Wireless Communications Systems,
ISWCS’2010, York, UK, Sep. 2010.
Zhang, R. N. Khal, and Y. V. Zakharov, “Sensitivity of channel
estimation using B-splines to mismatched Doppler frequency,” in
Proceedings of the 7th Int. Symp. Wireless Communications Systems,
ISWCS’2010, York, UK, Sep. 2010.
N. Khal and Y. V. Zakharov, “Iterative receivers with joint channel and
frequency offset estimation in time-variant fading channels,” in
Proceedings of the 7th Int. Symp. Wireless Communications Systems,
ISWCS’2010, York, UK, Sep. 2010.
N. Khal, Y. V. Zakharov, and J. Zhang, “B-spline based joint channel
and frequency offset estimation in doubly-selective fading channels,” in
Proceedings of IEEE ICASSP’10,
Dallas, Texas, USA, March 2010.
Zhang, Y. V. Zakharov, and R. N. Khal, “Optimal detection for STBC MIMO
systems in spatially correlated Rayleigh fast fading channels with imperfect
channel estimation,” in Proc. 43rd Asilomar Conf. ACSSC’09, Pacific Grove,
California, USA, Nov. 2009, pp. 1387-1391.
R. N. Khal, J. Zhang, and Y. V. Zakharov, “Robustness of joint Bayesian frequency offset and channel estimation based on basis expansion models,” in Proc. 43rd Asilomar Conf. ACSSC’09, Pacific Grove, California, USA, Nov. 2009, pp. 957-961.
implementation of RLS adaptive filter using dichotomous coordinate descent
iterations”, in Proceedings of the IEEE Int.
Conf. Communications, pp. 1-5, IEEE ICC’2009, Dresden, Germany, 14-18 June
design of box-constrained MIMO detector”, in Proceedings of the IEEE Int.
Conf. Communications, IEEE ICC’2009, pp.1-5, Dresden, Germany, 14-18 June
42nd Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems and Computers, pp.470-474, Pacific Grove, CA, US, 26-29 Oct. 2008
algorithm and its FPGA design”, 42nd
Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems and Computers, pp.1876-1880, Pacific Grove, CA,
US, 26-29 Oct. 2008
Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems and Computers, pp.1759-1762, Pacific Grove, CA,
US, 26-29 Oct. 2008.
42nd Asilomar Conf. Signals, Systems and Computers, pp.423-427, Pacific Grove, CA, US, 26-29 Oct. 2008
detector of OFDM signals for imperfect channel estimation”, in Proceedings of
the EUSIPCO'2008,
Aug. 2008.
detection of QAM signals in fast fading channels with imperfect channel
estimation”, in Proceedings of the IEEE ICASSP'2008,
pp.3205-3208, Las Vegas, USA, 31 March – 4 April 2008.
implementation of DCD based CDMA multiuser detector”, In Proceedings of the 15th
Int. Conf. Digital Signal Processing, pp.319-322, Cardiff, UK, 1-4 July 2007.
FPGA implementation of DCD algorithm”, In Proceedings of the 15th
Int. Conf. Digital Signal Processing, pp.331-334, Cardiff, UK, 1-4 July 2007.
signal processing of OFDM signals in fast-varying underwater acoustic
channel”, in Proceedings of the Oceans
2007 - Europe, pp.1-6, Aberdeen, UK, 18-21 June 2007.
B-spline estimator using superimposed training in doubly-selective fading
channels”, in Proceedings of the 41st
Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems and Computers, ACSSC’2007, pp.1795-1799,
Pacific Grove, CA, US, 4-7 Nov. 2007.
RLS algorithm using dichotomous coordinate descent iterations”, in Proceedings
of the 41st Asilomar
Conf. Signals, Systems, and Computers, ACSSC’2007, pp.431-435, Pacific Grove,
CA, US, 4-7 Nov. 2007.
box-constraint and deregularization in multiuser detection”, in Proceedings of
the European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO'2006,
4-8 Sept. 2006, Florence, Italy.
Z. Xu, Y. Zakharov,
and G. White, “Vertical
antenna array and spectral reuse for ring-shaped cellular coverage from high
altitude platform”, In Proc. Of the Loughborough Antenna & Propagation
Conference, LAPC’2006, Nov. 2006.
Weaver, B. and Y. Zakharov, “Multiplication-free estimation of signal
correlation”, The 2nd IEE/EURASIP Conference on “DSP Enabled
Radio”, 19-20 Sept. 2005, pp.11/1-11/7.
White, G., Zakharov,
Y., and Thornton J. “Array topologies for high-altitude platform smart
antennas. 8th Int. Symp. Wireless
Personal Multimedia Communications, (WPMC 2005), Aalborg,
Denmark, 17-22 Sept. 2005.
Y. V.
and Tozer, T. C. “Spectral domain B-spline identification in acoustic echo
cancellation”, ICASSP’2005, Philadelphia, USA, 18-23 March 2005.
H., Zakharov, Y. and Burr, A. “Iterative B-spline channel estimation in
fast flat fading channels”, ICC’2005, Seoul, Korea, May 2005.
H., Zakharov, Y. and Burr, A. “Iterative B-spline channel estimation in
fast flat fading channels”, 61st IEEE Vehicular Technology Conf.
VTC’2005-Spring, 30 May – 1 June 2005, Stockholm, Sweden.
B., Zakharov, Y., and Tozer, T. “Multiplication-free division of
complex numbers”,
IMA Int. Conf. on “Mathematics in Signal Processing”, 14-16 Dec. 2004,
Cirencester, UK, pp. 211-214.
White, G., Zakharov, Y.,
and Burr, A. “Spectral-domain WCDMA receiver for fast fading channels”. 7th
Int. Symp. Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications, WPMC'2004, Abano Terme,
Italy, 12-15 Sept. 2004.
Zakharov, Y. V.
and Tozer, T. C. “Box-constrained multiuser detection based on
multiplication-free coordinate descent optimisation”, Proc. SPAWC'2004,
Lisbon, Portugal, 11-14 July 2004.
White, G., Zakharov,
Y. and Burr, A. “Chip-equalised UMTS downlink for fast fading channels”,
Proc. SPAWC'2004, Lisbon,
Portugal, 11-14 July 2004.
Zakharov Y. V.
and Tozer, T. C. “Local splines in signal processing: low complexity, high
accuracy”, Proc. SPWC'2004, London, UK, 2-4 June 2004, pp 160-164.
Zakharov, Y. V.,
Baronkin, V. M., and Tozer, T. C. “ML frequency estimation in systems with
transmit diversity: pilot signals, complexity and accuracy”, Proc. PIMRC
2004, Barcelona, Spain, 5-8 Sept. 2004.
Zakharov, Y.,
Weaver, B., and Tozer T. “Novel signal processing technique for real-time
solution of the LS problem”, Proc. SPWC'2004, London, UK, 2-4 June 2004, pp
Zakharov, Y. V.,
Baronkin, V. M., and Tozer, T. C., “Maximum likelihood frequency estimation in
multipath Rayleigh sparse fading channels”, Int. Conf. on Communications,
ICC’2002, New-York, USA, April 2002.
Zakharov, Y. V.,
Baronkin, V. M., and Tozer, T. C., “An FFT-based frequency estimator for
multipath fading channels”, 6th Int. Symp. Communication Theory and
Applications, ISCTA’01, Windermere, UK, July 2001, pp.287-291.
Baronkin, V. M., Zakharov,
Y. V., and Tozer, T. C. “Cramer-Rao lower bound for frequency estimation
in multipath Rayleigh fading channels”, IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech
and Signal Processing, ICASSP’2001, Salt Lake City, USA, May 2001. vol. 4, pp.
Zakharov, Y. V.
and Tozer, T. C. “Approximate MLSE multiuser detection with spectral domain
signal processing”, COST 262 Workshop “Multiuser Detection in Spread
Spectrum Communications”, Ulm – Germany, 17-18 Jan. 2001, pp. 19-23.
Brown, C., Burr A., Tozer,
T., and Zakharov, Y. “Channel estimation and equalisation based on
multipass LMS and sign LMS algorithms”, Int. Conf. on Signal Processing
Applications & Technology, ICSPAT’2000, Dallas USA, 16-19 Oct. 2000.
Zakharov, Y. V.,
Adlard, J. and Tozer, T. C. “Detection of preamble of Random Access Burst in
W-CDMA system”, IEEE Int. Symp. Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio
Communications, PIMRC’2000, London, UK, Sept. 2000.
Zakharov, Y. V.
and Kodanev, V. P. “Multipath-Doppler diversity of OFDM signals in an
underwater acoustic channel”, in Proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics,
Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP’2000, vol. 5, pp. 2941-2944, 5-9 June
Zakharov, Y. V.
and Kodanev, V. P. “Underwater acoustic data transmission in shadow zones with
pseudorandom waveforms”, in “Sonar Signal Processing”, Proceedings of the
Institute of Acoustics. Inst. Acoust, St. Albans, UK, 1995, p.221.
Zakharov, Y. V.
"Experimental investigation of an underwater acoustic communication system
using multi-frequency PSK signals", in Proceedings of Second Symposium on
"Eco-Information Problems", Moscow, Nov. 1994, pp. 41-44.
Zakharov, Y. V.
and Kodanev, V. P. "Data transmission through underwater acoustic channel
in "shadow" zones by using spread-spectrum signals", in
Proceedings of Conference on "Conversion Technologies in Underwater
Acoustic", Sant-Peterburg, October, 1994. (Russian).
Kodanev, V. P. and Zakharov,
Y. V. “Experimental research of underwater acoustic long-range
transmission of high-rate data”, in Proceedings of Third French Conference on
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Bukley, A., Galkin, A.,
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Ocean", Vladivostok, vol.3, pp. 21-24, 1978. (Russian).
Zakharov, Y.,
White G., Tozer T., and Liu, J. “Method for solving a sequence of equations
and a new family of fast and stable RLS algorithms using coordinate descent
iterations”, UK patent Applications No. 0720292.2, Filed in Oct. 2007.
Zakharov, Y. V.
and Tozer, T. C. “Method for solving systems of linear equations, particularly
in communications systems”, EP Patent 1,525,537, Publications date: 27 April
2005. Also: WO03088076, 23 Oct. 2003.
Zakharov Y. V.
and Tozer, T. C. “Estimation method and apparatus”, US Patent Application
2006/0210056, Filing date 18 March 2005.
Leong, M., Zakharov,
Y., Fedorov, S., and Titova, G. “Method and apparatus for performing
spectral processing in tone detection”. US Patent, US 6782095, 24 Aug. 2004.
Zakharov Y. V.
and Tozer, T. C. “Equation solving”, US Patent Application US2004/0122882,
Publication date: 24 June 2004.
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May 2000.
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WO9929085, 18 Nov. 1999.
Leong, M., Zakharov,
Y., Fedorov, S., and Titova, G. “Method and apparatus for performing
spectral processing in tone detection”, WO9929084, 18 Nov. 1999.
Zakharov, Y. V.
"Method and apparatus for speech analysis and synthesis", No.
SU1501138, Filed 9 Sept. 1986, Issued 15 Aug. 1989 (USSR).
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"Vocoder", No. SU1490689, Filed 9 Sept. 1986, Issued 30 June 1989
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"Method and apparatus for analysis and synthesis of speech", No.
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"Method and apparatus for analysis and synthesis of speech", No.
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3 Nov. 1986 (USSR).
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value", No. SU1193688, Filed 23 May 1984, Issued 23 Nov. 1985 (USSR).
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"Random process analyser", No. SU1120352, Filed 27 June 1983, Issued
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and Sidorov, E. A. "Vocoder", No. 909676, Filed 26 Feb. 1979, Issued
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Zakharov, Y. V.
and Sidorov, E. A. "Random process analyser", No. 894721, Filed 7 Feb.
1980, Issued 30 Dec. 1981 (USSR).
Zakharov, Y. V.,
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No. 808957, Filed 2 Apr. 1979, Issued 28 Feb. 1981 (USSR).