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> John Macnamara
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John Macnamara
author : John Macnamara
The Logical Foundations of Cognition
. 1994,
Gonzalo E. Reyes
Short works
Foundational Issues in the Learning of Proper Names, Count Nouns and Mass Nouns. 1994.
The Logical Foundations of Cognition
Introduction to
The Logical Foundations of Cognition
. 1994.
The Logical Foundations of Cognition
Logic and Cognition. 1994.
The Logical Foundations of Cognition
Reference, Kinds and Predicates. 1994.
The Logical Foundations of Cognition
Books : reviews
John Macnamara, Gonzalo E. Reyes, eds.
The Logical Foundations of Cognition
OUP. 1994
Introduction to
The Logical Foundations of Cognition
. 1994
John Macnamara
Logic and Cognition
. 1994
Hilary Putnam
Logic and Psychology: Comment on "Logic and Cognition"
. 1994
F. William Lawvere
Tools for the Advancement of Objective Logic: Closed Categories and Toposes
. 1994
Francois Magnan
Gonzalo E. Reyes
Category Theory as a Conceptual Tool in the Study of Cognition
. 1994
Marie La Palme Reyes
John Macnamara
Gonzalo E. Reyes
Reference, Kinds and Predicates
. 1994
Foundational Issues in the Learning of Proper Names, Count Nouns and Mass Nouns
. 1994
Alberto Peruzzi
Prolegomena to a Theory of Kinds
. 1994
D. Geoffrey Hall
How Children Learn Common Nouns and Proper Names
. 1994
Martin D. S. Braine
Mental Logic and How to Discover It,
. 1994
Emmon Bach
The Semantics of Syntactic Categories
. 1994
Francis Jeffry Pelletier
Some Issues Involving Internal and External Semantics
. 1994
Dagfinn Follesdal
Husserl's Notion of Intentionality
. 1994
Marie La Palme Reyes
Referential Structure of Fictional Texts
. 1994
Martin Hahn
How Not to Draw the
de re/de dicto
. 1994
Philip P. Hanson
Cognitive Content and Semantics: Comment on "How Not to Draw the
de re/de dicto
. 1994