unmissable great stuff worth reading passes the time waste of time unfinishable
1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6

unmissable 1

• Arthur C. Clarke • 2001: A Space Odyssey • Arthur C. Clarke • Childhood's End • Arthur C. Clarke • The City and the Stars • Robert A. Heinlein • Starship Troopers • Robert A. Heinlein • Stranger in a Strange Land • Robert A. Heinlein • Stranger in a Strange Land (uncut) • Robert A. Heinlein • The Green Hills of Earth • Robert A. Heinlein • The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag • J. R. R. Tolkien • The Fellowship of the Ring • J. R. R. Tolkien • The Return of the King • J. R. R. Tolkien • The Two Towers

unmissable 1.5

• Arthur C. Clarke • A Fall of Moondust • Robert A. Heinlein • Have Space Suit - Will Travel • Robert A. Heinlein • The Man Who Sold the Moon • Robert A. Heinlein • The Menace from Earth • Robert A. Heinlein • The Moon is a Harsh Mistress • Robert A. Heinlein • The Puppet Masters • Robert A. Heinlein • The Puppet Masters (uncut) • David Langford • The Dragonhiker's Guide to Battlefield Covenant at Dune's Edge: Odyssey Two • Ursula K. Le Guin • The Dispossessed • Ursula K. Le Guin • The Left Hand of Darkness • Eric Frank Russell • The Best of Eric Frank Russell • Eric Frank Russell • Wasp • Neal Stephenson • Anathem • Neal Stephenson • Cryptonomicon

great stuff 2

• Iain M. Banks • Consider Phlebas • Iain M. Banks • The Player of Games • John Barnes • Orbital Resonance • Lois McMaster Bujold • A Civil Campaign • Lois McMaster Bujold • Barrayar • Lois McMaster Bujold • Borders of Infinity • Lois McMaster Bujold • Memory • Lois McMaster Bujold • Mirror Dance • Lois McMaster Bujold • Shards of Honour • Lois McMaster Bujold • The Warrior's Apprentice • Becky Chambers • Record of a Spaceborn Few • Becky Chambers • The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet • Douglas Coupland • Microserfs • Cory Doctorow, Charles Stross • The Rapture of the Nerds • Diane Duane • The Wizard's Dilemma • Greg Egan • Diaspora • Greg Egan • Distress • Greg Egan • Luminous • Greg Egan • Permutation City • Greg Egan • Quarantine • Greg Egan • Schild's Ladder • Jasper Fforde • Lost in a Good Book • Jasper Fforde • Something Rotten • Jasper Fforde • The Woman Who Died a Lot • Jasper Fforde • The Eyre Affair • Jasper Fforde • The Fourth Bear • Robert L. Forward • Dragon's Egg • Victoria Goddard • The Hands of the Emperor • Peter F. Hamilton • Mindstar Rising • Peter F. Hamilton • The Nano Flower • Robert A. Heinlein • Double Star • Robert A. Heinlein • Starman Jones • Robert A. Heinlein • The Door Into Summer • Janet Kagan • Hellspark • Donald Kingsbury • Geta • Ken MacLeod • The Star Fraction • Arkady Martine • A Memory Called Empire • Seanan McGuire • Middlegame • Vonda N. McIntyre • Dreamsnake • Robin McKinley • Sunshine • Robin McKinley • The Blue Sword • Robin McKinley • The Hero and the Crown • David R. Palmer • Emergence • Alexei Panshin • Rite of Passage • Matt Ruff • Sewer, Gas, Electric • Charles Sheffield • Tomorrow and Tomorrow • Neal Stephenson • The Diamond Age • Charles Stross • Accelerando • Charles Stross • Iron Sunrise • Adrian Tchaikovsky • Children of Ruin • Adrian Tchaikovsky • Children of Time • J. R. R. Tolkien • The Hobbit • Jo Walton • Among Others • Jo Walton • Or What You Will • David Weber • Field of Dishonor • David Weber • Flag in Exile • David Weber • On Basilisk Station • David Weber • The Honor of the Queen • Andy Weir • Project Hail Mary • Connie Willis • Bellwether • Connie Willis • To Say Nothing of the Dog • Eliezer Yudkowsky • Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality

great stuff 2.5

• Ben Aaronovitch • Rivers of London • Poul Anderson • All One Universe • Catherine Asaro • Primary Inversion • Iain M. Banks • Use of Weapons • John Barnes • A Million Open Doors • John Barnes • One for the Morning Glory • Elizabeth Bear • Blood and Iron • Elizabeth Bear • Dust • Elizabeth Bear • Hammered • Gregory Benford • Far Futures • Lois McMaster Bujold • Brothers in Arms • Lois McMaster Bujold • Cryoburn • Lois McMaster Bujold • Diplomatic Immunity • Lois McMaster Bujold • Komarr • Lois McMaster Bujold • Paladin of Souls • Lois McMaster Bujold • The Curse of Chalion • Lois McMaster Bujold • The Vor Game • Octavia E. Butler • Parable of the Sower • Raphael Carter • The Fortunate Fall • Jeffrey A. Carver • Neptune Crossing • Jeffrey A. Carver • Strange Attractors • Jeffrey A. Carver • Sunborn • Jeffrey A. Carver • The Infinite Sea • Becky Chambers • A Closed and Common Orbit • Tom Cool • Infectress • Samuel R. Delany • Babel-17 • Cory Doctorow • Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom • Cory Doctorow • Eastern Standard Tribe • Cory Doctorow • Makers • Diane Duane • The Book of Night with Moon • Greg Egan • Axiomatic • Elton Elliott • Nanodreams • Edward L. Ferman • Oi, Robot • Jasper Fforde • First Among Sequels • Jasper Fforde • One of Our Thursdays is Missing • Jasper Fforde • The Big Over Easy • Jasper Fforde • The Well of Lost Plots • Michael Flynn • Eifelheim • Michael Flynn • The Nanotech Chronicles • John M. Ford • Growing Up Weightless • Robert L. Forward • Rocheworld • William Goldman • The Princess Bride • Kathleen Ann Goonan • Queen City Jazz • Steven Gould • Helm • Steven Gould • Jumper • Steven Gould • Reflex • Steven Gould • Wildside • Peter F. Hamilton • A Quantum Murder • Laurell K. Hamilton • Bloody Bones • Laurell K. Hamilton • Circus of the Damned • Laurell K. Hamilton • Guilty Pleasures • Laurell K. Hamilton • The Killing Dance • Laurell K. Hamilton • The Laughing Corpse • James P. Hogan • Voyage from Yesteryear • Tanya Huff • Summon the Keeper • Janet Kagan • Mirabile • T. Kingfisher • Nettle & Bone • Mercedes Lackey • By the Sword • Mur Lafferty • Six Wakes • Mur Lafferty • Station Eternity • Ken MacLeod • The Cassini Division • Ken MacLeod • The Stone Canal • Arkady Martine • A Desolation Called Peace • Wil McCarthy • The Collapsium • Robin McKinley • Pegasus • Robin McKinley • Spindle's End • John Meaney • To Hold Infinity • Elizabeth Moon • Once a Hero • Tamsyn Muir • Gideon the Ninth • Naomi Novik • Uprooted • Daniel O'Malley • The Rook • Sydney Padua • The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage • David R. Palmer • Tracking • K. J. Parker • Sixteen Ways to Defend a Walled City • Marjorie Phillips • Annabel and Bryony • Marjorie Phillips • Annabel and Tawny • Philip Pullman • Northern Lights • Philip Pullman • The Amber Spyglass • Philip Pullman • The Subtle Knife • Alastair Reynolds • Chasm City • Alastair Reynolds • Redemption Ark • Alastair Reynolds • Revelation Space • Spider Robinson • Lifehouse • Justina Robson • Silver Screen • Joanna Russ • The Female Man • Eric Frank Russell • Men, Martians and Machines • James H. Schmitz • The Demon Breed • Neal Stephenson • Snow Crash • Matthew Woodring Stover • Heroes Die • Charles Stross • Glasshouse • Charles Stross • Halting State • Charles Stross • Saturn's Children • Charles Stross • Singularity Sky • Charles Stross • The Jennifer Morgue • Charles Stross • Toast • Charles Stross • Wireless • Emily Tesh • Some Desperate Glory • John Varley • Red Thunder • John Varley • The Golden Globe • Vernor Vinge • A Fire Upon the Deep • Vernor Vinge • Rainbows End • David Wake • I, Phone • Jo Walton • Lent • Jo Walton • My Real Children • Jo Walton • Necessity • Jo Walton • The Just City • Jo Walton • The Philosopher Kings • Peter Watts • Blindsight • David Weber • Honor Among Enemies • David Weber • In Enemy Hands • David Weber • The Short Victorious War • Andy Weir • The Martian • James White • Mind Changer • James White • The Galactic Gourmet • Connie Willis • Doomsday Book • Connie Willis • Remake

worth reading 3

• Ben Aaronovitch • Amongst Our Weapons • Ben Aaronovitch • Broken Homes • Ben Aaronovitch • False Value • Ben Aaronovitch • Foxglove Summer • Ben Aaronovitch • Lies Sleeping • Ben Aaronovitch • Moon Over Soho • Ben Aaronovitch • The Also People • Ben Aaronovitch • The Hanging Tree • Ben Aaronovitch • Whispers Under Ground • Katherine Addison • The Goblin Emperor • Katherine Addison • The Grief of Stones • Poul Anderson • Operation Luna • Catherine Asaro • Catch the Lightning • Isaac Asimov • Gold • Kage Baker • In the Garden of Iden • Kage Baker • Sky Coyote • Kage Baker • The Graveyard Game • Kage Baker • The Life of the World to Come • Iain M. Banks • Excession • Paul Barnett • Strider's Galaxy • Gael Baudino • Dragon Death • Gael Baudino • Dragonsword • Gael Baudino • Duel of Dragons • Stephen Baxter • Vacuum Diagrams • Elizabeth Bear • Grail • Elizabeth Bear • Scardown • Elizabeth Bear • Whiskey and Water • Elizabeth Bear • Worldwired • Lloyd Biggle Jr • The Still, Small Voice of Trumpets • Steven R. Boyett • Ariel • Steven R. Boyett • The Architect of Sleep • David Brin • Kiln People • Damien Broderick • The Judas Mandala • Lois McMaster Bujold • Captain Vorpatril's Alliance • Lois McMaster Bujold • Cetaganda • Lois McMaster Bujold • Ethan of Athos • Lois McMaster Bujold • Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen • Lois McMaster Bujold • The Hallowed Hunt • James L. Cambias • A Darkling Sea • Jeffrey A. Carver • The Reefs of Time • Becky Chambers • To be Taught if Fortunate • Ted Chiang • Exhalation • Tom Cool • Secret Realms • Paul Cornell • Witches of Lychford • John G. Cramer • Einstein's Bridge • Julie E. Czerneda • A Thousand Words for Stranger • Julie E. Czerneda • Beholder's Eye • Julie E. Czerneda • In the Company of Others • Julie E. Czerneda • Ties of Power • Jack Dann, Gardner Dozois • Nanotech • Dennis Danvers • Circuit of Heaven • Pamela Dean • Tam Lin • Pamela Dean • The Dubious Hills • Stephen Dedman • The Art of Arrow Cutting • Cory Doctorow • Overclocked • Debra Doyle, James D. MacDonald • By Honor Betray'd • Debra Doyle, James D. MacDonald • Starpilot's Grave • Debra Doyle, James D. MacDonald • The Gathering Flame • Debra Doyle, James D. MacDonald • The Price of the Stars • Diane Duane • On Her Majesty's Wizardly Service • Diane Duane • Wizard's Holiday • Diane Duane • Wizards at War • Greg Egan • Teranesia • Eric Flint • Mother of Demons • Michael Flynn • In the Country of the Blind • Michael Flynn • The Forest of Time and other stories • Robert L. Forward • Camelot 30K • W. Michael Gear • The Artifact • Mary Gentle • Golden Witchbreed • Steven Gould • 7th Sigma • Steven Gould • Exo • Jon Courtenay Grimwood • Effendi • Jon Courtenay Grimwood • Felaheen • Jon Courtenay Grimwood • Pashazade • Jon Courtenay Grimwood • redRobe • Barbara Hambly • Dragonsbane • Barbara Hambly • Dragonshadow • Laurell K. Hamilton • Blue Moon • Laurell K. Hamilton • Burnt Offerings • Peter F. Hamilton • Great North Road • Laurell K. Hamilton • Obsidian Butterfly • Laurell K. Hamilton • The Lunatic Cafe • Peter F. Hamilton • Watching Trees Grow • Tara K. Harper • Shadow Leader • Tara K. Harper • Wolfwalker • Alix E. Harrow • The Ten Thousand Doors of January • Robert A. Heinlein • Friday • Robert A. Heinlein, Spider Robinson • Variable Star • Dorothy J. Heydt • A Point of Honor • Dorothy J. Heydt • The Interior Life • James P. Hogan • The Two Faces of Tomorrow • James P. Hogan • Thrice Upon a Time • S. L. Huang • Zero Sum Game • Tanya Huff • An Ancient Peace • Tanya Huff • Blood Pact • Tanya Huff • Fifth Quarter • Tanya Huff • Long Hot Summoning • Tanya Huff • No Quarter • Tanya Huff • Sing the Four Quarters • Tanya Huff • The Better Part of Valor • Tanya Huff • The Enchantment Emporium • Tanya Huff • The Heart of Valor • Tanya Huff • The Truth of Valor • Tanya Huff • Valor's Choice • Tanya Huff • Valor's Trial • Barry Hughart • Bridge of Birds • Diana Wynne Jones • The Homeward Bounders • Janet Kagan • Uhura's Song • Donald Kingsbury • The Moon Goddess and the Son • Nancy Kress • The Prince of Morning Bells • Mercedes Lackey • Oathblood • Mercedes Lackey • Storm Warning • Mercedes Lackey, Larry Dixon • The Black Gryphon • Ann Leckie • Ancillary Justice • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • A Liaden Universe Constellation vol 3 • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • A Liaden Universe Constellation vol 4 • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • Accepting the Lance • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • Alliance of Equals • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • Balance of Trade • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • Change Management • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • Crystal Dragon • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • Crystal Soldier • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • Dragon in Exile • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • Fledgling • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • I Dare • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • Low Port • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • Neogenesis • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • Plan B • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • Shout of Honor • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • The Tomorrow Log • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • Trader's Leap • Jane M. Lindskold • Marks of Our Brothers • Cixin Liu • The Three-Body Problem • R. A. MacAvoy • Tea with the Black Dragon • Ken MacLeod • Cosmonaut Keep • Ken MacLeod • Dark Light • Ken MacLeod • Engine City • Ken MacLeod • Learning the World • Ken MacLeod • Newton's Wake • Ken MacLeod • The Sky Road • Wil McCarthy • Bloom • Seanan McGuire • A Red-Rose Chain • Seanan McGuire • An Artificial Night • Seanan McGuire • Angel of the Overpass • Seanan McGuire • Chimes at Midnight • Seanan McGuire • Late Eclipses • Seanan McGuire • Once Broken Faith • Seanan McGuire • Rosemary and Rue • Seanan McGuire • The Brightest Fell • Seanan McGuire • The Girl in the Green Silk Gown • Seanan McGuire • The Winter Long • Robin McKinley • A Knot in the Grain • Robin McKinley • Beauty • Robin McKinley, Peter Dickinson • Fire • Robin McKinley, Peter Dickinson • Water • Steve Miller, Sharon Lee • Agent of Change • Steve Miller, Sharon Lee • Carpe Diem • Steve Miller, Sharon Lee • Conflict of Honors • Elizabeth Moon • Command Decision • Elizabeth Moon • Engaging the Enemy • Elizabeth Moon • Moving Target • Elizabeth Moon • Phases • Elizabeth Moon • Remnant Population • Elizabeth Moon • Rules of Engagement • Elizabeth Moon • Trading in Danger • Elizabeth Moon • Victory Conditions • Peter O'Donnell • Cobra Trap • Daniel O'Malley • Stiletto • David R. Palmer • Threshold • Marjorie Phillips • Annabel and Curlie • Malcolm Pryce • Aberystwyth Mon Amour • Hannu Rajaniemi • The Quantum Thief • Laura E. Reeve • Pathfinder • Laura E. Reeve • Peacekeeper • Laura E. Reeve • Vigilante • Alastair Reynolds • Absolution Gap • Justina Robson • Keeping it Real • Justina Robson • Mappa Mundi • J. K. Rowling • Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets • J. K. Rowling • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire • J. K. Rowling • Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone • J. K. Rowling • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban • Eric Frank Russell • Next of Kin • John Scalzi • Agent to the Stars • John Scalzi • Old Man's War • John Scalzi • Redshirts • John Scalzi • The Android's Dream • John Scalzi • The Collapsing Empire • John Scalzi • The Last Colony • James H. Schmitz • Agent of Vega and other stories • James H. Schmitz • T'nT: Telzey and Trigger • James H. Schmitz • Telzey Amberdon • James H. Schmitz • The Hub: Dangerous Territory • James H. Schmitz • The Witches of Karres • James H. Schmitz • Trigger and Friends • Karl Schroeder • Lady of Mazes • Karl Schroeder • Ventus • Vivian Shaw • Dreadful Company • Vivian Shaw • Grave Importance • Vivian Shaw • Strange Practice • Charles Sheffield • Convergence • Charles Sheffield • Resurgence • Michael Marshall Smith • Only Forward • K. B. Spangler • The Blackwing War • Ryk E. Spoor • Challenges of the Deeps • Ryk E. Spoor • Grand Central Arena • Ryk E. Spoor • Shadows of Hyperion • Ryk E. Spoor • Spheres of Influence • Neal Stephenson • Reamde • Charles Stross • Neptune's Brood • Charles Stross • Rule 34 • Charles Stross • The Atrocity Archives • Charles Stross • The Rhesus Chart • Jodi Taylor • A Second Chance • Jodi Taylor • A Symphony of Echoes • Jodi Taylor • A Trail Through Time • Jodi Taylor • Just One Damned Thing After Another • Dennis E. Taylor • We Are Legion (We Are Bob) • Adrian Tchaikovsky • Bear Head • Adrian Tchaikovsky • Dogs of War • Katy B. Wagers • Behind the Throne • Katy B. Wagers • There Before the Chaos • Jo Walton • The King's Name • Jo Walton • The King's Peace • David Weber • At All Costs • David Weber, Eric Flint • Crown of Slaves • David Weber • Echoes of Honor • David Weber • Heirs of Empire • David Weber • Mutineers' Moon • David Weber • The Service of the Sword • David Weber • Worlds of Honor • Stanley G. Weinbaum • A Martian Odyssey • Martha Wells • All Systems Red • Martha Wells • Artificial Condition • Martha Wells • Exit Strategy • Martha Wells • Network Effect • Martha Wells • Rogue Protocol • Martha Wells • System Collapse • Django Wexler • How to Become the Dark Lord and Die Trying • James White • Double Contact • Liz Williams • Snake Agent • Liz Williams • Worldsoul

worth reading 3.5

• Ben Aaronovitch • The Furthest Station • Ben Aaronovitch • The October Man • Ben Aaronovitch • What Abigail Did That Summer • Katherine Addison • The Angel of the Crows • Katherine Addison • The Witness for the Dead • Poul Anderson • Operation Chaos • Donna Andrews • Access Denied • Donna Andrews • You've Got Murder • Rob Appleby, Ra Page • Thought X • Catherine Asaro • Irresistible Forces • Catherine Asaro • The Last Hawk • Catherine Asaro • The Radiant Seas • Kage Baker • Mendoza in Hollywood • Margaret Ball • Mathemagics • Margaret Ball • No Earthly Sunne • Margaret Ball • The Shadow Gate • Iain M. Banks • Against a Dark Background • Iain M. Banks • Feersum Endjinn • Iain M. Banks • The State of the Art • John Barnes • Apocalypses & Apostrophes • Samit Basu • Turbulence • Gael Baudino • Gossamer Axe • Elizabeth Bear • Carnival • Elizabeth Bear • Chill • Elizabeth Bear • New Amsterdam • Greg Bear • New Legends • Greg Bear • Tangents • Elizabeth Bear • The Chains that You Refuse • Hilari Bell • Navohar • Lloyd Biggle Jr • Monument • Robert S. Blum • The Girl From the Emeraline Island • Phillipa Bornikova • Box Office Poison • Phillipa Bornikova • This Case is Gonna Kill Me • Marion Zimmer Bradley, Holly Lisle • Glenraven • Marion Zimmer Bradley, Holly Lisle • In the Rift • Marion Zimmer Bradley • Sword and Sorceress XIV • Marion Zimmer Bradley • Sword and Sorceress XVII • Marion Zimmer Bradley • The Best of Marion Zimmer Bradley's Fantasy Magazine • Marie Brennan • A Natural History of Dragons • Patricia Briggs • Raven's Shadow • Patricia Briggs • Raven's Strike • Patricia Briggs • Wolfsbane • Kristen Britain • First Rider's Call • Kristen Britain • Green Rider • Mary Brown • Pigs Don't Fly • Lois McMaster Bujold • Beguilement • Lois McMaster Bujold • Dreamweaver's Dilemma • Lois McMaster Bujold • Falling Free • Lois McMaster Bujold • Horizon • Lois McMaster Bujold • Knife Children • Lois McMaster Bujold • Legacy • Lois McMaster Bujold • Passage • Lois McMaster Bujold • Penric's Labors • Lois McMaster Bujold • Penric's Progress • Lois McMaster Bujold • Penric's Travels • F. M. Busby • Islands of Tomorrow • Jack Campbell • Courageous • Jack Campbell • Dauntless • Jack Campbell • Fearless • Jack Campbell • Relentless • Jack Campbell • Valiant • Jack Campbell • Victorious • Edgar Cantero • Meddling Kids • Jeffrey A. Carver • Crucible of Time • Beth Cato • The Clockwork Dagger • Becky Chambers • The Galaxy, and the Ground Within • Brenda W. Clough • Doors of Death and Life • Brenda W. Clough • How Like a God • Genevieve Cogman • The Burning Page • Genevieve Cogman • The Invisible Library • Genevieve Cogman • The Lost Plot • Genevieve Cogman • The Masked City • Paul Cornell • A Long Day in Lychford • Paul Cornell • Last Stand in Lychford • Paul Cornell • The Lights Go Out in Lychford • Paul Cornell • The Lost Child of Lychford • Julie E. Czerneda • To Trade the Stars • John Dalmas • The Puppet Master • Cory Doctorow • A Place so Foreign and Eight More • Debra Doyle, James D. MacDonald • The Long Hunt • Diane Duane • A Wizard Alone • Diane Duane • A Wizard of Mars • Diane Duane • Games Wizards Play • Diane Duane • Interim Errantry • Diane Duane • Stealing the Elf King's Roses • Rosemary Edghill • The Warslayer • Claudia J. Edwards • Bright and Shining Tiger • Claudia J. Edwards • Eldrie the Healer • Claudia J. Edwards • Taming the Forest King • Jennifer Estep • Kill the Queen • Eric Flint, K. D. Wentworth • The Course of Empire • Eric Flint, K. D. Wentworth • The Crucible of Empire • John M. Ford • How Much for Just the Planet? • John M. Ford • The Final Reflection • Jackson Ford • The Girl Who Could Move Sh*t With Her Mind • M. A. Foster • Waves • Diana Pharaoh Francis • Path of Blood • Diana Pharaoh Francis • Path of Fate • Dave Freer, Eric Flint • Rats, Bats and Vats • Esther M. Friesner • Chicks in Chainmail • Esther M. Friesner • Did You Say Chicks?! • Esther M. Friesner • The Sherwood Game • Esther M. Friesner • Wishing Season • Neil Gaiman • Day of the Dead • David Gerrold • Bouncing off the Moon • David Gerrold • Jumping off the Planet • David Gerrold • Leaping to the Stars • Laura Anne Gilman • Silver on the Road • Victoria Goddard • Petty Treasons • Drew Goddard, Georges Jeanty, Joss Whedon • Wolves at the Gate (#11-15) • Steven Gould • Blind Waves • Steven Gould • Impulse • Steven Gould • Jumper: Griffin's Story • Simon R. Green • Beyond the Blue Moon • Simon R. Green • Blood and Honor • Simon R. Green • Blue Moon Rising • Simon R. Green • Mistworld • Jon Courtenay Grimwood • Lucifer's Dragon • Jon Courtenay Grimwood • neoAddix • Laurell K. Hamilton • Cerulean Sins • Laurell K. Hamilton • Nightseer • Tara K. Harper • Cat Scratch Fever • Tara K. Harper • Storm Runner • Tara K. Harper • Wolf's Bane • Kim Harrison • A Fistful of Charms • Kim Harrison • Black Magic Sanction • Kim Harrison • Dead Witch Walking • Kim Harrison • Every Which Way but Dead • Kim Harrison • For a Few Demons More • Kim Harrison • The Good, the Bad, and the Undead • Kim Harrison • Where Demons Dare • Kim Harrison • White Witch, Black Curse • Robert A. Heinlein • For Us, The Living • Robert A. Heinlein, Yoji Kondo • Requiem • Jim C. Hines • Libriomancer • James P. Hogan • Bug Park • James P. Hogan • Rockets, Redheads & Revolution • Tanya Huff • A Peace Divided • Tanya Huff • Blood Debt • Tanya Huff • Blood Lines • Tanya Huff • Blood Price • Tanya Huff • Blood Trail • Tanya Huff • Finding Magic • Tanya Huff • Gate of Darkness, Circle of Light • Tanya Huff • Relative Magic • Tanya Huff • Smoke and Ashes • Tanya Huff • Smoke and Mirrors • Tanya Huff • Smoke and Shadows • Tanya Huff • Stealing Magic • Tanya Huff • The Future Falls • Tanya Huff • The Privilege of Peace • Tanya Huff • The Quartered Sea • Tanya Huff • The Second Summoning • Tanya Huff • The Silvered • Tanya Huff • The Wild Ways • Tanya Huff • What Ho, Magic! • Tanya Huff, Alexander Potter • Women of War • Benedict Jacka • Burned • Benedict Jacka • Chosen • Benedict Jacka • Cursed • Benedict Jacka • Fated • Benedict Jacka • Hidden • Benedict Jacka • Taken • Benedict Jacka • Veiled • Diana Wynne Jones • A Sudden Wild Magic • Diana Wynne Jones • Deep Secret • Diana Wynne Jones • Minor Arcana • Diana Wynne Jones • The Dark Lord of Derkholm • Lee Killough • The Doppelganger Gambit • Mindy L. Klasky • The Glasswrights' Apprentice • Alethea Kontis • Enchanted • Mary Robinette Kowal • The Spare Man • Nancy Kress • An Alien Light • Mercedes Lackey • Exile's Honor • Mercedes Lackey • Exile's Valor • Mercedes Lackey • Take a Thief • Mercedes Lackey • The Fire Rose • Mercedes Lackey, Larry Dixon • The Silver Gryphon • Mercedes Lackey, Larry Dixon • The White Gryphon • Mercedes Lackey • Werehunter • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • A Liaden Universe Constellation vol 1 • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • A Liaden Universe Constellation vol 2 • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • A Liaden Universe Constellation vol 5 • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • Degrees of Separation • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • Dragon Ship • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • Due Diligence • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • Ghost Ship • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • Mouse and Dragon • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • Saltation • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • Sleeping with the Enemy • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • Sword of Orion • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • The Gathering Edge • Jane M. Lindskold • Artemis Awakening • Jane M. Lindskold • The Buried Pyramid • Jane M. Lindskold • Through Wolf's Eyes • Holly Lisle • Gods Old and Dark • Holly Lisle • Hunting the Corrigan's Blood • Holly Lisle • The Wreck of Heaven • Maxine McArthur • Time Future • Paul J. McAuley • Fairyland • Paul J. McAuley • The Secret of Life • Wil McCarthy • Lost in Transmission • Wil McCarthy • Murder in the Solid State • Wil McCarthy • The Wellstone • Wil McCarthy • To Crush the Moon • Jack McDevitt • The Engines of God • Seanan McGuire • A Local Habitation • Seanan McGuire • Ashes of Honor • Seanan McGuire • Beneath the Sugar Sky • Seanan McGuire • Come Tumbling Down • Seanan McGuire • Down Among the Sticks and Bones • Seanan McGuire • Dusk or Dark or Dawn or Day • Seanan McGuire • Every Heart a Doorway • Seanan McGuire • In an Absent Dream • Seanan McGuire • Indexing • Seanan McGuire • Indexing: Reflections • Seanan McGuire • One Salt Sea • Seanan McGuire • Sparrow Hill Road • Robin McKinley • Chalice • Robin McKinley • Deerskin • Robin McKinley • Dragonhaven • Robin McKinley • Rose Daughter • Robin McKinley • The Door in the Hedge • Robin McKinley • The Outlaws of Sherwood • Farah Mendlesohn • Glorifying Terrorism • Elizabeth Moon • Against the Odds • Elizabeth Moon • Change of Command • Lyda Morehouse • Archangel Protocol • Linda Nagata • Deception Well • Linda Nagata • Tech-Heaven • Linda Nagata • Vast • Dominik Parisien, Navah Wolfe • Robots vs Fairies • Marjorie Phillips • Annabel and the Blue Hills • J. A. Pitts • Black Blade Blues • Steven Piziks • Corporate Mentality • Steven Piziks • In the Company of Mind • Hannu Rajaniemi • The Fractal Prince • Alastair Reynolds • Slow Bullets • Leonard Richardson • Constellation Games • Madeleine E. Robins • Petty Treason • Madeleine E. Robins • Point of Honour • Madeleine E. Robins • The Sleeping Partner • Spider Robinson • By Any Other Name • Spider Robinson • The Free Lunch • Spider Robinson • User Friendly • Justina Robson • Chasing the Dragon • Justina Robson • Down to the Bone • Kelly Robson • Gods, Monsters, and the Lucky Peach • Justina Robson • Going Under • Justina Robson • Selling Out • Lilith Saintcrow • The Iron Wyrm Affair • John Scalzi • Head On • John Scalzi • Lock In • John Scalzi • The Ghost Brigades • John Scalzi • The God Engines • John Scalzi • The Kaiju Preservation Society • John Scalzi • Zoe's Tale • Stanley Schmidt • Analog: December 1998 • James H. Schmitz • Eternal Frontier • James H. Schmitz • Legacy • Charles Sheffield • Georgia on My Mind, and other places • Charles Sheffield, Jerry Pournelle • Higher Education • Joel Shepherd • 23 Years on Fire • Mike Shepherd • Audacious • Joel Shepherd • Breakaway • Joel Shepherd • Crossover • Mike Shepherd • Daring • Mike Shepherd • Defender • Mike Shepherd • Defiant • Mike Shepherd • Deserter • Mike Shepherd • Furious • Mike Shepherd • Intrepid • Joel Shepherd • Killswitch • Mike Shepherd • Mutineer • Joel Shepherd • Operation Shield • Joel Shepherd • Originator • Mike Shepherd • Redoubtable • Mike Shepherd • Resolute • Mike Shepherd • Tenacious • Mike Shepherd • Undaunted • Sharon Shinn • Summers at Castle Auburn • Kristine Smith • Code of Conduct • Melinda M. Snodgrass • Circuit • Melinda M. Snodgrass • The Edge of Reason • Ian Stewart, Jack Cohen • Wheelers • S. M. Stirling, Holly Lisle • The Rose Sea • Matthew Woodring Stover • Blade of Tyshalle • J. Michael Straczynski • In Valen's Name, part 1 • J. Michael Straczynski, Peter David • In Valen's Name, part2 • J. Michael Straczynski, Peter David • In Valen's Name, part3 • Jonathan Strahan • Edge of Infinity • Jonathan Strahan • Engineering Infinity • Jonathan Strahan • Reach for Infinity • Charles Stross • The Annihilation Score • Charles Stross • The Apocalypse Codex • Charles Stross • The Clan Corporate • Charles Stross • The Delirium Brief • Charles Stross • The Family Trade • Charles Stross • The Fuller Memorandum • Charles Stross • The Hidden Family • Charles Stross • The Nightmare Stacks • Dennis E. Taylor • All These Worlds • Dennis E. Taylor • For We Are Many • Jodi Taylor • No Time Like The Past • Adrian Tchaikovsky • Elder Race • John Varley • Mammoth • John Varley • Red Lightning • John Varley • Rolling Thunder • Brian K. Vaughan, Georges Jeanty, Joss Whedon • No Future for You (#6-10) • S. L. Viehl • Beyond Varallan • S. L. Viehl • Dream Called Time • S. L. Viehl • Endurance • S. L. Viehl • Eternity Row • S. L. Viehl • Plague of Memory • S. L. Viehl • Rebel Ice • S. L. Viehl • Shockball • S. L. Viehl • StarDoc • Katy B. Wagers • After the Crown • Katy B. Wagers • Beyond the Empire • Katy B. Wagers • Down Among the Dead • Katy B. Wagers • Out Past the Stars • Jo Walton • Lifelode • Jo Walton • Starlings • Jo Walton • Tooth and Claw • David Weber • Ashes of Victory • David Weber • Changer of Worlds • David Weber, John Ringo • March Upcountry • David Weber, John Ringo • March to the Stars • David Weber • Mission of Honor • David Weber • More than Honor • David Weber • The Apocalypse Troll • David Weber • The Armageddon Inheritance • David Weber • The Shadow of Saganami • Andy Weir • Artemis • Martha Wells • Fugitive Telemetry • Joss Whedon • Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Omnibus volume 1 • Joss Whedon, Jane Espenson, Steven S. DeKnight, Drew Z. Greenberg, Jim Krueger, Doug Petrie • Predators and Prey (#21-25) • Joss Whedon, Brett Matthews, Will Conrad • Serenity: Those Left Behind • Joss Whedon, Georges Jeanty • The Long Way Home (#1-5) • Joss Whedon, Karl Moline, Jeph Loeb • Time of Your Life (#16-20) • James White • Final Diagnosis • James White • The White Papers • Ysabeau S. Wilce • Flora Segunda • Connie Willis • Fire Watch • Connie Willis • Miracle • Timothy Zahn • Judgment at Proteus • Timothy Zahn • Night Train to Rigel • Timothy Zahn • Odd Girl Out • Timothy Zahn • The Green and the Gray • Timothy Zahn • The Third Lynx • Judy-Lynn del Rey • Stellar 1 • Judy-Lynn del Rey • Stellar 3

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• Dan Abnett, Rod Whigham, Jack Snider • Terminator 2: Cybernetic Dawn • Tim Akers • Knight Watch • William Alexander • Ambassador • Charlie Jane Anders • All the Birds in the Sky • Donna Andrews • Click Here for Murder • Donna Andrews • Delete All Suspects • Ilona Andrews • Magic Burns • Ilona Andrews • Magic Strikes • Neal Asher • Gridlinked • Pauline Ashwell • Unwillingly to Earth • J. D. Austin • Bobby's Girl • Travis Baldree • Legends and Lattes • Margaret Ball • Lost in Translation • Tony Ballantyne • Recursion • John Barnes • The Duke of Uranium • Gregory Benford • Worlds Vast and Various • Lloyd Biggle Jr • The Chronocide Mission • Marion Zimmer Bradley • Ghostlight • Marion Zimmer Bradley • Sword and Sorceress XIII • Marion Zimmer Bradley • Sword and Sorceress XV • Marion Zimmer Bradley • Sword and Sorceress XVI • Marion Zimmer Bradley • Sword and Sorceress XVIII • Marion Zimmer Bradley • The Best of Marion Zimmer Bradley • Patricia Bray • Devlin's Honor • Patricia Bray • Devlin's Justice • Patricia Bray • Devlin's Luck • Patricia Briggs • Blood Bound • Patricia Briggs • Masques • Patricia Briggs • Moon Called • Patricia Briggs • The Hob's Bargain • Mike Brooks • Dark Run • Lois McMaster Bujold • The Spirit Ring • Jack Campbell • Stark's Command • Jack Campbell • Stark's Crusade • Jack Campbell • The Sister Paradox • Jacqueline Carey • Autumn Bones • Jacqueline Carey • Dark Currents • Jacqueline Carey • Poison Fruit • Gail Carriger • Blameless • Gail Carriger • Changeless • Gail Carriger • Etiquette and Espionage • Gail Carriger • Heartless • Gail Carriger • Soulless • Gail Carriger • Timeless • Wesley Chu • The Lives of Tao • Jan Clark • Prodigy • Myke Cole • Sixteenth Watch • Dawn Cook • Princess at Sea • Dawn Cook • The Decoy Princess • Greg Costikyan • First Contract • John Dalmas • The Walkaway Clause • Peter Dickinson • The Ropemaker • Cory Doctorow • Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town • Claudia J. Edwards • A Horsewoman in Godsland • Jennifer Estep • Crush the King • Jennifer Estep • Protect the Prince • E. Everett Evans • Man of Many Minds • Robert L. Forward • Saturn Rukh • Diana Pharaoh Francis • Bitter Night • Diana Pharaoh Francis • Crimson Wind • Diana Pharaoh Francis • Path of Honor • Diana Pharaoh Francis • Shadow City • Esther M. Friesner • Chicks 'n Chained Males • Esther M. Friesner • The Chick is in the Mail • Esther M. Friesner • Turn the Other Chick • Neil Gaiman • Coraline • Stephen Goldin • A World Called Solitude • Heide Goody, Iain Grant • Oddjobs • Laurell K. Hamilton • Incubus Dreams • Laurell K. Hamilton • Narcissus in Chains • Laurell K. Hamilton • Nightshade • Tara K. Harper • Grayheart • Charlaine Harris • Dead Until Dark • Charlaine Harris • Living Dead in Dallas • Kim Harrison • Early to Death, Early to Rise • Kim Harrison • Once Dead, Twice Shy • Kim Harrison • Something Deadly This Way Comes • Harry Harrison • The Stainless Steel Rat Goes to Hell • Bobby Henderson • The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster • Philip E. High • Blindfold from the Stars • Philip E. High • Come, Hunt an Earthman • Philip E. High • Twin Planets • Jim C. Hines • Codex Born • James P. Hogan • Minds, Machines & Evolution • James P. Hogan • Out of Time • James P. Hogan • Outward Bound • James P. Hogan • Paths to Otherwhere • James P. Hogan • Realtime Interrupt • Peter Hogan, Steve Parkhouse • Resident Alien: Welcome to Earth! • Sarah A. Hoyt • Darkship Thieves • Tanya Huff • The Fire's Stone • Tanya Huff • The Last Wizard • John Kessel • Corrupting Dr Nice • Mary Robinette Kowal • Glamour in Glass • Mary Robinette Kowal • Shades of Milk and Honey • Nancy Kress • Steal Across the Sky • Mercedes Lackey • Fiddler Fair • Mercedes Lackey • Firebird • Mercedes Lackey • Fortune's Fool • Mercedes Lackey • One Good Knight • Mercedes Lackey • Sword of Ice • Mercedes Lackey • The Fairy Godmother • Jay Lake • Green • Sharon Lee • Carousel Seas • Sharon Lee • Carousel Sun • Sharon Lee • Carousel Tides • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • Duainfey • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • Longeye • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • Necessity's Child • Sharon Lee, Steve Miller • Trade Secret • Jane M. Lindskold • Smoke and Mirrors • Holly Lisle • Fire in the Mist • Holly Lisle, Ted Nolan • Hell on High • Holly Lisle • Memory of Fire • Holly Lisle • Mind of the Magic • Nathan Long • Jane Carver of Waar • Ardath Mayhar • A Place of Silver Silence • Paul J. McAuley • Four Hundred Billion Stars • Anne McCaffrey • Restoree • Anne McCaffrey • The Girl who Heard Dragons • Robin McKinley • Imaginary Lands • John McLaren • Press Send • Melisa C. Michaels • Cold Iron • Melisa C. Michaels • Sister to the Rain • Kate Milford • Greenglass House • Syne Mitchell • Murphy's Gambit • Moira J. Moore • Heroes Adrift • Moira J. Moore • Resenting the Hero • Peter O'Donnell, Dick Giordano • Modesty Blaise • Sarah Thérèse Pelletier, Scott James Taylor • Ladyhoppers • J. A. Pitts • Honeyed Words • Tim A. Pratt • Blood Engines • Jennifer Rardin • Biting the Bullet • Jennifer Rardin • Bitten to Death • Jennifer Rardin • Once Bitten, Twice Shy • Jennifer Rardin • One More Bite • Robert Reed • Marrow • John Ringo • A Hymn Before Battle • J. D. Robb • Betrayal in Death • J. D. Robb • Ceremony in Death • J. D. Robb • Conspiracy in Death • J. D. Robb • Creation in Death • J. D. Robb • Delusion in Death • J. D. Robb • Divided in Death • J. D. Robb • Fantasy in Death • J. D. Robb • Glory in Death • J. D. Robb • Holiday in Death • J. D. Robb • Imitation in Death • J. D. Robb • Immortal in Death • J. D. Robb • Indulgence in Death • J. D. Robb • Innocent in Death • J. D. Robb • Judgment in Death • J. D. Robb • Loyalty in Death • J. D. Robb • Memory in Death • J. D. Robb • Naked in Death • J. D. Robb • New York to Dallas • J. D. Robb • Origin in Death • J. D. Robb • Portrait in Death • J. D. Robb • Promises in Death • J. D. Robb • Purity in Death • J. D. Robb • Rapture in Death • J. D. Robb • Reunion in Death • J. D. Robb • Salvation in Death • J. D. Robb • Seduction in Death • J. D. Robb • Strangers in Death • J. D. Robb • Survivor in Death • J. D. Robb • Treachery in Death • J. D. Robb • Vengeance in Death • J. D. Robb • Visions in Death • J. D. Robb • Witness in Death • Nora Roberts, J. D. Robb • Remember When • Diana Rowland • Even White Trash Zombies Get the Blues • Diana Rowland • How the White Trash Zombie Got Her Groove Back • Diana Rowland • My Life as a White Trash Zombie • Diana Rowland • White Trash Zombie Apocalypse • Diana Rowland • White Trash Zombie Gone Wild • Lilith Saintcrow • Angel Town • Lilith Saintcrow • Betrayals • Lilith Saintcrow • Cloud Watcher • Lilith Saintcrow • Dark Watcher • Lilith Saintcrow • Dead Man Rising • Lilith Saintcrow • Defiance • Lilith Saintcrow • Fire Watcher • Lilith Saintcrow • Heaven's Spite • Lilith Saintcrow • Hunter's Prayer • Lilith Saintcrow • Hunter, Healer • Lilith Saintcrow • Jealousy • Lilith Saintcrow • Mindhealer • Lilith Saintcrow • Night Shift • Lilith Saintcrow • Reckoning • Lilith Saintcrow • Redemption Alley • Lilith Saintcrow • Saint City Sinners • Lilith Saintcrow • Steelflower • Lilith Saintcrow • Storm Watcher • Lilith Saintcrow • Strange Angels • Lilith Saintcrow • The Demon's Librarian • Lilith Saintcrow • The Devil's Right Hand • Lilith Saintcrow • The Ripper Affair • Lilith Saintcrow • The Society • Lilith Saintcrow • To Hell and Back • Lilith Saintcrow • Working for the Devil • John Scalzi • Fuzzy Nation • Elizabeth Ann Scarborough • Channeling Cleopatra • Charles Sheffield • Space Suits • Charles Sheffield • The Billion Dollar Boy • Mike Shepherd • Admiral • Mike Shepherd • Bold • Mike Shepherd • Commanding • Mike Shepherd • Emissary • Mike Shepherd • Indomitable • Mike Shepherd • Stalwart • Mike Shepherd • Unrelenting • Linnea Sinclair • Finders Keepers • Mary Sisson • Trang • Melinda M. Snodgrass • Circuit Breaker • Ryk E. Spoor • Digital Knight • Ryk E. Spoor • Phoenix Rising • J. Michael Straczynski, Mark Moretti • Babylon 5 • J. Michael Straczynski, Tim DeHaas, John Ridgway • Shadows Past and Present • J. Michael Straczynski • Tribulations • Jamie Thomson • Dark Lord: the Teenage Years • Diann Thornley • Ganwold's Child • Michael R. Underwood • Annihilation Aria • S. L. Viehl • Crystal Healer • S. L. Viehl • Omega Games • Vernor Vinge • Grimm's World • David Wake • Empire of the Dead • David Weber • A Beautiful Friendship • David Weber • Beginnings • David Weber, Jane M. Lindskold • Fire Season • David Weber • In Fire Forged • David Weber, John Ringo • March to the Sea • David Weber • Old Soldiers • David Weber • Out of the Dark • David Weber • Path of the Fury • David Weber • The Excalibur Alternative • David Weber • The War God's Own • David Weber • War of Honor • David Weber, John Ringo • We Few • Joss Whedon, Brian Lynch, Franco Urru • Angel: After the Fall volume 1 • Joss Whedon • Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Omnibus volume 2 • Joss Whedon • Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Omnibus volume 3 • Joss Whedon • Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Omnibus volume 4 • Joss Whedon • Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Omnibus volume 5 • Joss Whedon • Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Omnibus volume 6 • Joss Whedon • Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Omnibus volume 7 • Joss Whedon, Jane Espenson, Georges Jeanty • Retreat (#26-30) • Joss Whedon, Brett Matthews, Will Conrad • Serenity: Better Days • Timothy Zahn • The Domino Pattern

passes the time 4.5

• Ann Aguirre • Grimspace • Poul Anderson, Gordon R. Dickson • Hokas Pokas! • Poul Anderson, Gordon R. Dickson • Star Prince Charlie • Ilona Andrews • Magic Bites • Isaac Asimov • Magic • J. D. Austin • Meet the Thradons! • J. D. Austin • Second Contact • Kage Baker • The Children of the Company • Gregory Benford • Shadows of Eternity • Deborah Blake • Wickedly Dangerous • Marion Zimmer Bradley • Sword and Sorceress XIX • Marion Zimmer Bradley • Sword and Sorceress XX • Jack Campbell • Stark's War • Diane Carey • Ghost Ship • Diane Duane • Intellivore • Diana Pharaoh Francis • Blood Winter • Leo Frankowski • A Boy and His Tank • Laura Anne Gilman • Hard Magic • Molly Gloss • The Dazzle of Day • Stephen Goldin • Assault on the Gods • Martin Harry Greenberg, Russell Davis • If I Were an Evil Overlord • Tara K. Harper • Lightwing • Philip E. High • Butterfly Planet • Philip E. High • Prodigal Sun • James P. Hogan • Mirror Maze • James P. Hogan • Star Child • Tanya Huff • Child of the Grove • Mercedes Lackey • Beauty and the Werewolf • Mercedes Lackey • Changing the World • Mercedes Lackey • Crossroads • Mercedes Lackey • Finding the Way • Mercedes Lackey • Moving Targets • Mercedes Lackey • Storm Breaking • Mercedes Lackey • Sun in Glory • Mercedes Lackey • The Sleeping Beauty • Mercedes Lackey • The Snow Queen • Holly Lisle • Bones of the Past • Nathan Long • Swords of Waar • Neve Maslakovic • Regarding Ducks and Universes • Moira J. Moore • Heroes at Risk • Moira J. Moore • The Hero Strikes Back • Linda Nagata • The Dread Hammer • Cary Osborne • Deathweave • Jennifer Rardin • Another One Bites the Dust • John Ringo, Julie Cochrane • Cally's War • J. D. Robb • Apprentice in Death • J. D. Robb • Born in Death • J. D. Robb • Brotherhood in Death • J. D. Robb, Mary Blayney, Ruth Ryan Langan, Mary Kay McComas • Bump in the Night • J. D. Robb • Calculated in Death • J. D. Robb • Celebrity in Death • J. D. Robb • Concealed in Death • J. D. Robb • Connections in Death • J. D. Robb • Dark in Death • J. D. Robb, Mary Blayney, Ruth Ryan Langan, Mary Kay McComas • Dead of Night • J. D. Robb • Devoted in Death • J. D. Robb, Mary Blayney, Elaine Fox, Mary Kay McComas, R. C. Ryan • Down the Rabbit Hole • J. D. Robb • Echoes in Death • J. D. Robb • Festive in Death • J. D. Robb • Golden in Death • J. D. Robb • Kindred in Death • J. D. Robb • Leverage in Death • J. D. Robb • Midnight in Death (novella) • J. D. Robb • Obsession in Death • J. D. Robb, Laurell K. Hamilton, Susan Krinard, Maggie Shayne • Out of this World • J. D. Robb • Secrets in Death • J. D. Robb • Shadows in Death • J. D. Robb, Mary Blayney, Ruth Ryan Langan, Mary Kay McComas • Suite 606 • J. D. Robb • Thankless in Death • J. D. Robb, Mary Blayney, Patricia Gaffney, Ruth Ryan Langan, Mary Kay McComas • The Other Side • J. D. Robb, Mary Blayney, Patricia Gaffney, Ruth Ryan Langan, Mary Kay McComas • The Unquiet • J. D. Robb • Vendetta in Death • Spider Robinson • Callahan's Legacy • Spider Robinson • Very Bad Deaths • Spider Robinson • Very Hard Choices • Diana Rowland • Mark of the Demon • Lilith Saintcrow • Flesh Circus • Lilith Saintcrow • The Red Plague Affair • Lisa Shearin • Magic Lost, Trouble Found • Kathy Tyers • One Mind's Eye • John Varley • Dark Lightning • David Weber • A Rising Thunder • David Weber • Oath of Swords • David Weber • Wind Rider's Oath • Joss Whedon, Brad Meltzer, Georges Jeanty • Twilight (#31-35) • Greg van Eekhout • Voyage of the Dogs

waste of time 5

• Ilona Andrews • On the Edge • Mary Brown • Strange Deliverance • Diane Duane • Empire's End • Diane Duane • Starrise at Corrivale • J. T. Edson • Bunduki • J. T. Edson • Bunduki and Dawn • J. T. Edson • Fearless Master of the Jungle • J. T. Edson • Sacrifice for the Quagga God • E. Everett Evans • Alien Minds • Patricia Fanthorpe, R. Lionel Fanthorpe • The Black Lion • Jasper Fforde • The Last Dragonslayer • Philip E. High • Fugitive from Time • Mercedes Lackey • Four and Twenty Blackbirds • Jane M. Lindskold • Asphodel • Ann Maxwell • Change • J. D. Robb, Mary Blayney, Elaine Fox, Mary Kay McComas, R. C. Ryan • Mirror Mirror • J. D. Robb, Patricia Gaffney, Mary Blayney, Ruth Ryan Langan • The Lost • Joss Whedon, Georges Jeanty, Scott Allie • Last Gleaming (#36-40)

waste of time 5.5

• Rudy Rucker • Master of Space and Time

unfinishable 6

• Steven R. Boyett • Treks Not Taken • Marion Zimmer Bradley, Andre Norton, Mercedes Lackey • Tiger Burning Bright • Terry Brooks • The Sword of Shannara • Douglas Coupland • JPod • Eric Flint • The Philosophical Strangler • John M. Ford • Web of Angels • Eric Garcia • Anonymous Rex • Colin Greenland • Take Back Plenty • James Kahn • World Enough, and Time • Brad Linaweaver, Edward E. Kramer • Free Space • George Lucas, Chris Claremont • Shadow Moon • Ardath Mayhar • Exile on Vlahil • Anne McCaffrey, Margaret Ball • Acorna • Jody Lynn Nye • The Ship Errant • L. Neil Smith • Henry Martyn • Ruth Vincent • Elixir