ResourcesGaia WeekCopasi run through

Gaia Week

As part of the MILE course in the week starting November the 19th there was a series of talks that introduced the Gaia Theory, explained its relevance to the Earth System and then examined recent research developments.

  • Jamie Wood (i.e. me) gave a pair of talks introducing Gaia and Daisyworld. [download]. The black board section of the daisyworld talk can be found in the pending review of Daisyworld which will be available *soon*.
  • Tim Lenton gave a talk, part of the Ecology and Evolution weekly seminar series, that discussed Gaia and the development of the Earth System, entitled "The Major Transitions of Gaia" [download].
    As part of the symposium we had four speakers:
  • Andrew Free discussed Wienogradsky columns and their future role in establishing Gaia [download].
  • Hywel Williams explained the results and derivation of the FLASK model of microbial microcosms [download].
  • James Dyke presented a simple extension of the daisyworld model, its relation to Niche Construction and a cybernetic interpretation[download].
  • Jamie Wood (i.e. me again) discussed mathematical approaches to Daisyworld and the use of methods from quantatitive genetics[download].