New website

June 04, 2012
categories: web, blogofile

I finally decided it was about time to update my website, before it became too embarassing. Whereas the layout of the last one was "borrowed" from Anthony De-Gol, this new one is thanks to Dougal Matthews and Blogofile by Ryan McGuire. I wanted to display a list of recent changes to BOUT++ on github, and after a bit of hunting around and playing with Google's Feed API, I used a JavaScript widget by Alexander Beletsky.

What I like is that it's still a static web page, no databases or fancy server-side scripts needed. Previously I wrote everything in HTML, which was getting a bit tiresome and looked like something from a 90s Geocities site (yes, I am old enough to have had one, and yes it was awful). Now I can write pages in markdown, and can use mako and Python to configure the layout. I can't say it's changed my life or anything, but it feels pretty good.

Edit 14/06/12 Just days after adding a github widget, the v2 api was terminated. Luckily there's a fork which uses the new API. Thanks bitsteller (Nils Breyer)!