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Rules of the Society

1 The object of this society shall be to print copies, abstracts and indexes of the bishops’ registers and other ecclesiastical records in the provinces of Canterbury and York.
2 The annual subscription shall be £25 for UK individual members, £30 for individual members overseas, £40 for UK institutional members, and £50 for institutional members overseas, payable in advance on 1 July.
3 Each member of the Society, having paid his or her subscription, shall be entitled to a copy of every work produced by the Society and to vote at the general meetings, within the period subscribed for.
4 The management of the Society’s affairs shall be vested in a Council consisting of the Presidents, the Vice-Presidents, Chairman of Council, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary General Editor and one, or more, Honorary Secretaries and twelve ordinary members to be elected annually; but vacancies occurring between the general meetings shall be filled up by the Council. The Council may, if they think fit, elect a Chairman from outside their own body.
5 A general meeting of the Subscribers shall be held annually in the autumn to receive the Secretary’s report on the work and proceedings of the Society and the Treasurer’s Financial Statement; to elect officers for the ensuing year and to transact the business of the Society generally. Notice of any business to be brought forward shall be given to the Secretary at least three weeks before the date of this meeting.
6 The Council shall meet when necessary for the despatch of business, three forming a quorum, including the Secretary. Presidents and Vice-Presidents shall not be summoned to meetings of the Council unless they shall have given notice in writing to the secretary of their desire to service upon it. The Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote.
7 Publications may be sold to non-members at a price to be determined by the Council of the Society.
8 These Rules may not be amended or altered except at the Annual General Meeting and notice of any proposed change shall be given to the Secretary at least three weeks before the date of the meeting at which it is to be considered.
Canterbury and York Society  
Printing Bishops' Registers and Other Ecclesiastical Records