
Here are a few of my favourite sites, some funny, some weird, some informative. Hope you like ‘em

Anna's PageAnna Hay

My wife - a fine artist - take a look at her work.

Saffy's Page

My best mate on the web (from Cardiff).saff.gif (6627 bytes)

Dilbertwpe49.jpg (4699 bytes)

Dilbert - what can I say - are all offices like this?

Does your boss have pointy hair?


BBC Homepagewpe4A.jpg (1892 bytes)

Loads of stuff here - TV listings, news, weather, etc

Sheffield University Web Elementswpe4B.jpg (1955 bytes)

Loads of chemistry stuff here


Safetywpe4D.jpg (1899 bytes)

My other work interest - Health and Safety.

This is the Health and Safety Executive's Homepage.


University of York Weather PagesWoodcut-spectrum.gif (10608 bytes)

Plenty of meteorological data from
the University of York's Electronics Department


Bizarre Stuff You can Make in Your Kitchensci_bizarre.jpg (4588 bytes)

As a chemist who grew up making things that go bang in the night,
smell bad enough to stop a skunk in its tracks, or change your
facial colour to blue in daylight after you have washed using
soap covered in the stuff, this is an excellent site for anyone
wanting to fiddle about in the garden shed!

How Stuff Workshsw-logo.gif (6991 bytes)

Loads of info on how various things in the world today
work - pc's, engines, digital technology etc etc