In 2001, the Logic Systems Laboratory launched, together with the universities of York, Barcelona (UPC), Lausanne, and Glasgow, a project called "Reconfigurable POEtic Tissue" funded by the Future and Emerging Technologies programme (IST-FET) for the European Community. This project, which concluded in September 2004, aimed at defining a novel programmable circuit specifically designed for the implementation of systems inspired by all three axes of bioinspiration (P = phylogenesis; O = Ontogenesis; E = Epigenesis) in digital hardware. As such, the POEtic tissue is an excellent substrate for the realization of cellular systems such as the ones that are at the core of the CARG's interests.
The second contribution is more directly technological: by implementing in the circuit a dynamic routing network, it becomes unnecessary to explicitly define the connections between cells. Communication channels are set up dynamically at runtime using an address-based mechanism: a channel can be created (or destroyed) during the operation of the circuit by setting an address register to some value (stored in memory or computed by the cell) and launching the routing process. This (relatively) simple mechanism has major consequences for the implementation of ontogenetic processes, since it allows cells to be created and connected to the rest of the network (or destroyed and removed from the network) at any time during the circuit's operation and anywhere within the circuit's surface.
The impact of such a network for implementing growth and self-repair in a cellular network should be obvious and, in developing novel architectures and systems within our research activities, we generally assume the availability of a dynamic routing mechanism.