** This section is under construction. Tools included here are not supported. **


ITACA is a toolbox that fully supports the behavioural adaptation of services, including:

  • Different methods to construct adaptation contracts involving several services.
  • Simulation and verification techniques which help to identify and correct erroneous behaviours or deadlocking executions.
  • Techniques for the generation of centralized or distributed adaptor protocols based on the aforementioned contracts.


Click here to access ITACA's website.


CLInt (Composition Language Interpreter) is a tool which implements both a composition engine, which specifies the way in which adaptation between software entities (e.g., components, services) should be performed, and a graphical user interface to load and visualise the inputs, apply the different adaptation steps, and visualise results for the composition and adaptation of an arbitrary number of components. The tool has been implemented in Python, using the wxWidgets toolkit technology for the development of the user interface. It accepts component interfaces described in XML or using the aldebaran (.aut) textual format, whereas the composition specification must be specified using XML.

Click here to access CLInt's website.

 Postal address:
 Department of Computer Science
 University of York
 Deramore Lane, University of York, Heslington
 York, YO10 5GH, UK

 Office: 236
 E-mail: javier [dot] camaramoreno
        [at] york [dot] ac [dot] uk
 Phone: +44 (0)1904 325332