We have access to both commercial state-of-art nanoscale characterization techniques such as JEOL's double aberration corrected transmission (Scanning) electron microscopes in the Nanocentre as well as dedicated scanning electron microscopes and scanning transmission electrons microscopes as well as ultrafast lasers and optical tables as development platform for trying out new ideas in optical and electron beam based technical advances. For materials research, we have high-temperature CVD reactor for 2D material growth studies and access to powerful workstation for modelling and data analysis. In addition, we have access to wide range of experimental and theoretical capabilities through collaborations throughout of the world.
Wolfson Laboratory
Wolfson Laboratory is an experimental laboratory investigating fundamental properties of electron beams and development of new imaging and spectroscopy techniques. One of the current research focus is electron vortex beams. It has recently been refurbished, thanks to the funding of the Wolfson Laboratory Refurbishment Fund of Royal Society.
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VG HB501 Dedicated STEM |
Nanocenter is a university shared platform for nanoscale analysis and characterization. It houses the state of art double aberration corrected (scanning transmission) electron microscope as well as scanning probe microscopes.