1.1 Getting started

1.1.1 In the elab

  1. Log in to your account with your username and password. If you have not previously used one of these machines, the password will be ‘landls’; you will then be prompted for a new password.
  2. Double-clicking the icon for plwin.exe on your desktop will launch the Prolog program.

You should be rewarded by the appearance of a new window containing some welcome messages and the Prolog prompt |?- , which indicates that Prolog is ready for input.

1.1.2 On a networked Windows machine

  1. Log in to your account with your username and password.
  2. from the Start menu follow the path Accessories|Windows Explorer. Click with the mouse.
  3. In the window that opens use the panel on the left to navigate your way down the path (by clicking on the + icon) My Computer | Teaching on cserv | Applications | Departments | Language | Prolog 5 | files| bin and double-click on the last item to open it.
  4. Find the file named plwin.exe and right-click on it
  5. In the box that opens, select Create shortcut and agree with the suggestion to put the shortcut on your desktop
  6. Double-clicking the icon for plwin.exe on your desktop will launch the program.

You should be rewarded by the appearance of a new window containing some welcome messages and the Prolog prompt |?- , which indicates that Prolog is ready for input.