Software configurable analogue arrays offer an intriguing platform for automated design by evolutionary algorithms. Like previous evolvable hardware experiments, these platforms are subject to noise during physical interaction with their environment. We report preliminary results of an evolutionary system that uses concepts from gene expression to both discover and decide when to deploy analogue circuits. The output of a circuit is used to trigger its reconfiguration to meet changing conditions. We examine the issues of noise during our evolutionary runs, show how this was overcome and illustrate our system with a simple proof-of-concept task that shows how the same mechanism of control works for progressive developmental stages (canalisation) or adaptable control (homoeostasis).
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@inproceedings(SS-EUROGP08, author = "Kester Clegg and Susan Stepney", title = "Analogue Circuit Control through Gene Expression", pages = "154-163", crossref = "EUROGP08" ) @proceedings(EUROGP08, title = "EvoHOT workshop, EuroGP 2008, Naples, Italy, March 2008", booktitle = "EvoHOT workshop, EuroGP 2008, Naples, Italy, March 2008", series = "LNCS", volume = 4974, publisher = "Springer", year = 2008 )