
Short works

Books : reviews

Freeman J. Dyson.
Disturbing the Universe.
Harper and Row. 1979


Freeman J. Dyson.
Weapons and Hope.
Harper and Row. 1984

Freeman J. Dyson.
Infinite in All Directions.
Pelican. 1988

(read but not reviewed)

Includes the essay How Will It All End?, about the fate of life in an open expanding universe: things get ever colder and more diffuse, but life can go on forever, although at a slower and slower rate, and moreover needs only a finite, and amazingly modest, amount of energy to do so.

Freeman J. Dyson.
From Eros to Gaia.
Penguin. 1992


Sir Phillip Roberts's Erolunar Collision. 1933
On Being the Right Size: Reflections on the Ecology of Scientific Projects. 1988
Six Cautionary Tales for Scientists. 1988
Telescopes and Accelerators. 1988
Sixty Years of Space Science, 1958--2018. 1988
The Importance of Being Unpredictable. 1990
Strategic Bombing in World War 2 and Today: Has Anything Changed?. 1990
Field Theory. 1953
Innovation in Physics. 1958
Tomonaga, Schwinger, and Feynman Awarded Nobel Prize for Physics. 1965
Energy in the Universe. 1971
Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere and the Biosphere. 1990
p132. on the accuracy of certain values of annual flow in the carbon budget:
A---Well measured (error ± 20 percent)
B---Roughly known (error ± factor of 2)
C---Highly uncertain (sign may be wrong)
The Future of Physics. 1970
Unfashionable Pursuits. 1981
Astronomy in a Private Sphere. 1984
To Teach or Not to Teach. 1990
Pugwash 1962. 1962
Death of a Project. 1965
Human Consequences of the Exploration of Space. 1968
The Hidden Costs of Saying No. 1974
Pupin. 1960
Oppenheimer. 1980
Heims. 1980
Manin and Forman. 1982
Kennan. 1982
Oppenheimer Again. 1989
Morson and Tolstoy. 1989
Letter from Armenia. 1971
Brittle Silence. 1981
Helen Dukas. 1982
Paul Dirac. 1986
Beacons. 1988
Kennan Again. 1988
Feynman in 1948. 1989
The Face of Gaia. 1989

Freeman J. Dyson.
Origins of Life: 2nd edn.
CUP. 1999

(1st edition published 1985)

Freeman J. Dyson.
The Sun, the Genome, and the Internet: tools of scientific revolutions.
New York Public Library/OUP. 1999

Freeman J. Dyson.
The Scientist as Rebel.
New York Review of Books. 2006