> Non-Standard Computation
non-standard computation
> Non-Standard Computation Research Group Home Page
Non-Standard Computation : an overview
my NSC publications
current projects
SpInspired (Spin Inspired Representations)
EPSRC, "Cross-Disciplinarity and Co-creation" call; 2018-2021
past projects
TARGeTED Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Project
EPSRC, "Bridging the Gaps (AMR)" call; 2015-2017
: a toolset for exploring Stem Cell Differentiation and Pluripotency with Branching Process Theory
BBSRC, "Tools and resources development fund"; 2014-2015
EvoEvo: Evolution of Evolution
EU FET FP7, "Evolution of Living Technologies" call; 2013-2016
TRUCE: Training and Research in Unconventional Computation in Europe
EU FET FP7 Coordination Action; 2012-2015
Journeys in Non-Classical Computation
one of the UK Grand Challenges for Computing Research; 2002-...
AlBiNo: Artificial Biochemical Networks: Computational Models and Architectures
EPSRC; 2008-2013
CoSMoS: Complex Systems Modelling and Simulation infrastructure
EPSRC; 2007-2012
PLAZZMID: Evolutionary algorithms from bacterial and bee genomes
EPSRC; 2008-2011
EPSRC, Bridging the Gaps programme; 2008-2011
Material Computation with Structure and Dynamics: bulk NMR feasibility study
Leverhulme; 2009-2010
TUNA: Theory Underpinning Nanotech Assemblers
EPSRC, feasibility study; 2004-2006
EIVIS: What emerges when
in vivo
in silico
EPSRC, Research Cluster in Novel Computation; 2003
Complex Adaptive Systems
Artificial Life
Artificial Embryogeny
Artificial Immune Systems
Emergent Properties
non-von Neumann architectures
> Quantum Computing Network Home Page
CAs (Cellular automata)
FPGAs (Field Programmable Gate Arrays)
my Non-von publications
, Alvey, 1985-1988