the day before her wedding, Susan Murphy is struck by a meteorite, which
causes her to grow to enormous size. The government quickly lock her
away with all the other "monsters" in a Secret Government
Facility, renaming her "Ginormica". But when the aliens
attack, it's the monsters who are called on to save the day.
This is a lovely homage to all those monster B movies: Attack of the 50 Foot Woman, The Blob, The Fly, The Creature from the Black Lagoon, and more. There are obvious references (the main characters!) and lots of little allusions throughout, whilst still managing to maintain a (paper thin) plot (itself also an homage maybe?)
I was amused that the alien Gallaxhar was a "talking squid in outer space", but was it also supposed to remind me of Squidward from Spongebob Squarepants?
Clever and funny, but could have done with a bit more content.
reviewed 28 December 2011