I am a Professor in the Department of Computer Science, University of York where I lead the Vision, Graphics and Learning (VGL) research group. I was a Royal Academy of Engineering/The Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellow from 2019-2020. I am an Associate Editor of the journal Pattern Recognition.
My research interests span vision, graphics and ML. Specifically, physics-based and 3D computer vision, shape and appearance modelling and the application of statistics and machine learning to these areas. The application areas in which I most commonly work are face/body analysis and synthesis, surveying and mapping, object capture and inverse rendering. A wide variety of tools and areas of maths are often useful in my research such as: convex optimisation, nonlinear optimisation, manifold learning, learning/optimisation on manifolds, computational geometry and low level computer vision (e.g. features and correspondence). I supervise a team of nine PhD students. I have published over 100 papers, many in the top conferences and journals in the field.
PhD in Computer Vision, 2007
University of York
BSc in Computer Science, 2002
University of York