Structure-from-motion in Spherical Video using the von Mises-Fisher Distribution


In this paper we present a complete pipeline for computing structure-from-motion from sequences of spherical images. We revisit problems from multiview geometry in the context of spherical images. In particular, we propose methods suited to spherical camera geometry for the spherical-n-point problem (estimating camera pose for a spherical image) and calibrated spherical reconstruction (estimating the position of a 3D point from multiple spherical images). We introduce a new probabilistic interpretation of spherical structure-from-motion which uses the von Mises-Fisher distribution to model noise in spherical feature point positions. This model provides an alternate objective function that we use in bundle adjustment. We evaluate our methods quantitatively and qualitatively on both synthetic and real world data and show that our methods developed for spherical images outperform straightforward adaptations of methods developed for perspective images. As an application of our method, we use the structure-from-motion output to stabilise the viewing direction in fully spherical video.

In IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
Virtual perspective views from original and stabilised sequences.
Hao Guan
Senior Computer Vision Researcher
Will Smith
Professor in Computer Vision