On this page, I describe some of the more interesting results which I have obtained over the years.

Quantum Information          

In a Hilbert space of dimension d, one can find (d+1) mutually unbiased bases if d is the power of a prime number. It has been conjectured that no more than three such bases exist for other dimensions. 

The eigenstates of the position and momentum operators provide a well-known pair of mutually unbiased (or complementary) bases for continuous variables.

Highly efficient quantum algorithms to search a database or to factor a large integer number sparked considerable interest in the idea to implement and hence process information quantum mechanically.

all on quantum information »»

PT Symmetry

Some non-Hermitean Hamiltonians exhibit purely real spectra if they are invariant under simultaneous reversal of parity and time.

more on PT symmetry »»

Quantum State Reconstruction

The Pauli problem for a quantum particle is an early instance of the question which quantum state reconstruction later answers: do the probability distributions of position and momentum determine a unique pure state?

  • I have obtained all pure states compatible with the two probability distributions and a third one, corresponding to a measurement along a slightly rotated postion axis.
more on quantum state reconstruction »»

Quantum Chaos and Integrability

It is often claimed that Schrödinger's equation as a linear equation cannot generate truly chaotic motion. 

  • The dynamics of the Configurational Quantum Cat Map is coincides with the dynamics of Arnold's classical Cat Map. 
more on quantum chaos and integrability »»

Other Results

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