How can we help?
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The founders of Histotech have over 25 years experience in the field and will use this knowledge to enhance the value of your studies. Our staff are active in research and keep abreast of new developments in the field, making sure your studies benefit from state-of-the-art technology.
Too many trials have been designed with focus on the experimental timecourse, and without enough consideration given to the requirements of the antigen for successful labelling. Inadequate planning of the histology requirements wastes time and money, frequently leading to compromised analysis and even the unnecessary repetition of trials.
Expert advice in the design of your studies
Histological evaluation of multiple markers requires careful planning and optimisation at the design phase, prior to starting any experiment. Looking at multiple markers often requires several different fixation strategies with replicates of each included in the study design. To ensure success the fixation strategies, antigen retrieval methods and antibodies should all be evaluated prior to completing experimental design of a major study.
With Histotech consultancy your studies will yield clearer, more reliable results, reducing scope for misinterpretation by including relevant controls. Ultimately getting these processes right will save significant time and money in animal and in vitro trials.
Uroplakin 3 labelling of human ureter