
  1. Brent Everitt, The Combinatorial Topology of Groups, arXiv:0902.3912v1

  2. Brent Everitt and John Fountain, Partial symmetry, reflection monoids and Coxeter groups, Advances in Mathematics, (to appear) arXiv:0812.2789.

  3. Brent Everitt and Paul Turner, Bundles of coloured posets and a Leray-Serre spectral sequence, arXiv:0808.1686v1.

  4. Brent Everitt and Robert B. Howlett, Weyl groups, lattices and geometric manifolds, Geometriae Dedicata (to appear) arXiv:0802.2981.

  5. Brent Everitt and Paul Turner, Homology of coloured posets: a generalisation of Khovanov's cube construction, Journal of Algebra 322 (2009) 429-448. arXiv:0711.0103.

  6. Brent Everitt and John Fountain, Partial mirror symmetry I: reflection monoids, arXiv:0701313.

  7. Brent Everitt and John Fountain, Partial mirror symmetry II: Generators and relations, preprint here.

  8. Brent Everitt, Graphs, free groups and the Hanna Neumann conjecture, Journal of Group Theory 11(6) (2008), 885-899. arXiv:0701214v2.

  9. Brent Everitt, Galois theory, graphs and free groups, (2006) arXiv:0606326.

  10. Brent Everitt, John Ratcliffe and Steve Tschantz, The Smallest Hyperbolic 6-Manifolds, Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society 11 (2005) 40-46; arXiv:0410474.

  11. Brent Everitt, Coxeter Groups and Hyperbolic Manifolds, Mathematische Annalen 330 (2004) 127-150. arXiv:0205157.

  12. Brent Everitt, 3-Manifolds from Platonic Solids, Topology and its Applications 138 (2004) 253-263; arXiv:0104182.

  13. Brent Everitt, The Geometry and Topology of Groups, Notes from lectures given at the Universidad Autonama, Madrid, and the University of York. (2003)

  14. Brent Everitt, Symmetries of equations: an introduction to Galois theory, Lecture notes. (2002)

  15. Brent Everitt and Colin Maclachlan, Constructing Hyperbolic Manifolds, in Computational & Geometric Aspects of Modern Algebra, Proc ICMS Workshop, M Atkinson, N Gilbert, J Howie (Editors), Edinburgh 1998, LMS Lecture Note Series 275 (2000) 78-86, Cambridge University Press; arXiv:9907139.

  16. Brent Everitt, Alternating Quotients of Fuchsian Groups, Journal of Algebra 223 (2000) 457-476; arXiv:9907139.

  17. Brent Everitt, Alternating Quotients of Fuchsian Groups, SfB 343, Universitat Bielefeld (1998)

  18. Brent Everitt, Alternating Quotients of the (3,q,r) Triangle Groups, Communications in Algebra 26(6) (1997) 1817-1832, Editor: Mark Teply, Publisher: Marcel Dekker

  19. Brent Everitt, A Family of Conformally Asymmetric Riemann surfaces, Glasgow Mathematical Journal 39 (1997) 221-225, Editor: A W Mason, Publisher: CUP

  20. Brent Everitt, Alternating quotients of Fuchsian groups (first version), Warwick Maths Institute preprint series (1997)

  21. Brent Everitt, Images of hyperbolic reflection groups, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 52 (1995) 347-348

  22. Marston Conder and Brent Everitt, Regular maps on non-orientable surfaces, (with Marston Conder) Geometriae Dedicata 56 (1995) 209-219, Publisher: Kluwer

  23. Brent Everitt, Permutation representations of the (2,4,r) triangle groups, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 49 (1994) 499-511

  24. Brent Everitt, Images of hyprbolic reflection groups, PhD thesis (1994)