‣Brent Everitt, The Combinatorial Topology of Groups, arXiv:0902.3912v1
‣Brent Everitt and John Fountain, Partial symmetry, reflection monoids and Coxeter groups, Advances in Mathematics, (to appear) arXiv:0812.2789.
‣Brent Everitt and Paul Turner, Bundles of coloured posets and a Leray-Serre spectral sequence, arXiv:0808.1686v1.
‣Brent Everitt and Robert B. Howlett, Weyl groups, lattices and geometric manifolds, Geometriae Dedicata (to appear) arXiv:0802.2981.
‣Brent Everitt and Paul Turner, Homology of coloured posets: a generalisation of Khovanov's cube construction, Journal of Algebra 322 (2009) 429-448. arXiv:0711.0103.
‣Brent Everitt and John Fountain, Partial mirror symmetry I: reflection monoids, arXiv:0701313.
‣Brent Everitt and John Fountain, Partial mirror symmetry II: Generators and relations, preprint here.
‣Brent Everitt, Graphs, free groups and the Hanna Neumann conjecture, Journal of Group Theory 11(6) (2008), 885-899. arXiv:0701214v2.
‣Brent Everitt, Galois theory, graphs and free groups, (2006) arXiv:0606326.
‣Brent Everitt, John Ratcliffe and Steve Tschantz, The Smallest Hyperbolic 6-Manifolds, Research Announcements of the American Mathematical Society 11 (2005) 40-46; arXiv:0410474.
‣Brent Everitt, Coxeter Groups and Hyperbolic Manifolds, Mathematische Annalen 330 (2004) 127-150. arXiv:0205157.
‣Brent Everitt, 3-Manifolds from Platonic Solids, Topology and its Applications 138 (2004) 253-263; arXiv:0104182.
‣Brent Everitt, The Geometry and Topology of Groups, Notes from lectures given at the Universidad Autonama, Madrid, and the University of York. (2003)
‣Brent Everitt, Symmetries of equations: an introduction to Galois theory, Lecture notes. (2002)
‣Brent Everitt and Colin Maclachlan, Constructing Hyperbolic Manifolds, in Computational & Geometric Aspects of Modern Algebra, Proc ICMS Workshop, M Atkinson, N Gilbert, J Howie (Editors), Edinburgh 1998, LMS Lecture Note Series 275 (2000) 78-86, Cambridge University Press; arXiv:9907139.
‣Brent Everitt, Alternating Quotients of Fuchsian Groups, Journal of Algebra 223 (2000) 457-476; arXiv:9907139.
‣Brent Everitt, Alternating Quotients of Fuchsian Groups, SfB 343, Universitat Bielefeld (1998)
‣Brent Everitt, Alternating Quotients of the (3,q,r) Triangle Groups, Communications in Algebra 26(6) (1997) 1817-1832, Editor: Mark Teply, Publisher: Marcel Dekker
‣Brent Everitt, A Family of Conformally Asymmetric Riemann surfaces, Glasgow Mathematical Journal 39 (1997) 221-225, Editor: A W Mason, Publisher: CUP
‣Brent Everitt, Alternating quotients of Fuchsian groups (first version), Warwick Maths Institute preprint series (1997)
‣Brent Everitt, Images of hyperbolic reflection groups, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 52 (1995) 347-348
‣Marston Conder and Brent Everitt, Regular maps on non-orientable surfaces, (with Marston Conder) Geometriae Dedicata 56 (1995) 209-219, Publisher: Kluwer
‣Brent Everitt, Permutation representations of the (2,4,r) triangle groups, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc. 49 (1994) 499-511
‣Brent Everitt, Images of hyprbolic reflection groups, PhD thesis (1994)