Program Committee Member, Conferences & Workshops:

2024:  CCS,  PETS/PoPETS,  ESORICS,  FC,  ICBC (poster co-chair),  ARES,  SEC@SAC,  CODASPY,  EICC
2021:  CCS,  ESORICS
2019:  Indocrypt,  PST
2018:  PST,  SS7@CSNDSP

Guest Editor, Journal:

 Techniques and Protocols to Preserve and Enhance Privacy (2020–2021)
Special Issue of Cryptography (MDPI)

Advisory Panel Member:

ICO PETs Expert Forum: UK Information Commissioner's Office Privacy-Enhancing Technologies Expert Forum (2021–2022)
 SPRITE+: Expet Fellow, EPSRC-funded NetworkPlus on Security, Privacy, Identity, & Trust in the Digital Economy (from 2019)

External Validator:

Teesside University
 Cyber Security BSc programme (2021)
University of Huddersfield
 Cyber Security & Digital Forensics MSc programme (2020)

Research Degree Examiner:

External Examiner
PhD, University of Surrey: anonymous digital signatures (2024)
PhD, University of Warwick: Verifiable Electronic Voting (2024)
MPhil, De Montfort University Leicester: Web Tracking Measurement (2023)
PhD, University of Warwick: Authentication of caller ID and banknotes (2023)
PhD, University of Melbourne: Empirical analysis of cryptocurrency systems (2023)
PhD, Trinity College Dublin: Blockchain Layer 2 protocol design (2022)
PhD, University of Birmingham: Blockchain-based security protocols (2022)
PhD, University of Melbourne: E-voting security (2020)
Internal Examiner, University of York
MRes, Cyber attack impact on human right defenders (2024)
PhD, Graphical authentication for children (2023)
PhD, Mitigating cache side-channel attacks (2022)
PhD, Behavioural profiling of blockchain gambling (2022)
PhD, Password management behaviour (2020)
PhD, Intrusion detection (2019)

Reviewer, Funding Organisations:

 EPSRC: Eng. & Phys. Sci. Research Council
 ESRC: Economic & Social Research Council
 SNSF: Swiss National Science Foundation
 REPHRAIN: National Research Centre on Privacy, Harm Reduction and Adversarial Influence Online (since 2022)
 Not-Equal: UKRI NetworkPlus (2019)
 Newton Prize: Newton Fund (2019)

University Service:

Member, Information Security Board (from 2023)
 Records Management & Information Governance page
Member, Academic Ethics Compliance Committee (from 2023)
 AECC web page
Chair, Physical Sciences Ethics Committee (from 2022)
 AECC web page

Departmental Service:

Deputy Chair, Graduate School Board (since 2024)
 Staff Intranet
Lead, Cyber Security and Privacy Research Group (since 2023)
 Research Group Details
Member, Departmental Research Committee (since 2021)
 Terms of Reference and Membership Information
Programme Lead, MSc Cyber Security (since 2020)
 Programme Details
Coordinator, Departmental Ethics Team (since 2019)
 Procedure, Guides, and Forms for Staff & Students
Admissions Advisor, MSc Cyber Security (since 2017)
 Programme Details

Reviewer, Journals:

 La Matematica (2023),  PoPETs (2023),  IWC (2021),  CoSe (2019, 2018),  IEEE Access (2018),  IEICE TIS (2017),  IEEE TDSC (2016, 2015, 2013, 2013),  ACM TOPS (2016),  JISA (2015),  IEEE TIFS (2014, 2012, 2011),  IEEE TCC (2014),  IJCS (2013),  AMC (2013),  JCST (2013),  IEEE TIT (2011),  JSS (2010, 2009, 2009),  DCC (?)

Reviewer, Conferences & Workshops:

 NordiCHI (2020),  IMACC (2017),  ASIACCS (2015, 2011, 2008, 2006),  CCS (2015, 2006),  CT-RSA (2015, 2014, 2010, 2008),  DSN (2015),  ESORICS (2015, 2010),  ACNS (2014, 2010, 2006),  AfricaCrypt (2014, 2009, 2008),  CANS (2014, 2007),  PKC (2012, 2009),  FC (2011),  ACISP (2010, 2009, 2008, 2007),  AsiaCrypt (2010, 2008, 2006),  IndoCrypt (2010, 2008, 2006),  ICISC (2009, 2007),  EuroCrypt (2008),  Crypto (2007),  InsCrypt (2007),  ISC (2007),  ARES (2006),  ICICS (2006),  ISPEC (2006), SecUbiq (2006)