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News archive


2024-09-16: I was quoted on a Wired article by Matt Burgess on Aplle's new password manager app. See:  Wired Article
2024-07-01: Ali's work on designing a secure password manager governance framework has been accepted to ICICS 2024. See:  ePrint,  Code,  Conference Webpage
2024-06-05: Ali passed his MRes viva with no corrections! Congrats! Thanks to Prof. Manos Panaousis and Dr. Roberto Metere (examiners) and Dr. Kostas Barmpis (co-supervisor). Ali's publications are coming up soon.
2024-05-30: Gayathri's work on understanding users' mental models of single sign-on systems and Najla's work on young saudi adult users' experiences of online security threats have both been accepted to HAISA 2024. See:  ePrint of paper on mental models,  ePrint of paper on expereinces of online security threats,  Conference Webpage
2024-05-08: Our proposal on Participatory Harm Auditing Workbenches and Methodologies (PHAWM) has been successful as one of three funded RAI Keystone projects. See:  RAI announcement,  York News,  Glasgow News,  PHAWM Webpage
2024-04-29: I am joining the PETS 2025 program committee / PoPETS 2025 editorial board. The deadlines are in May, August, November, and February. See:  PETS/PoPETS 2025 CfP
2024-03-15: Kit's work on a subexponential quantum algorithm for the semdirect discrete logarithm problem has been accepted to PQCrypto 2024. See:  ePrint
2024-02-28: I am joining the ARES 2024 program committee. The deadline is 13 March 2024. See:  ARES 2024 CfP
2024-01-03: I am joining the program committee of ACM CCS 2024. The deadlines are 28 Jan and 14 April 2024. See:  ACM CCS 2024 CfP


2023-11-22: I am joining the program committee of ESORICS 2024. The deadlines are 8 Jan and 19 April 2024. See:  ESORICS 2024 webpage
2023-11-02: In an open letter, we, more that 400 scientists, along with more than 30 NGOs, warn against certain parts of the EU's proposed digital identity reform. See:  Open letter
2023-09-25: I am joining the program committee of EICC 2024. The deadline is 12 Jan 2024. See:  EICC 2024 webpage
2023-09-11: Kit's work, Semidirect Product Key Exchange: the State of Play, has been accepted to the Special Issue on Recent Advances in Coding Theory and Cryptography, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications. See:  ePrint
2023-09-05: Kit passed his PhD viva with minor corrections. Congrats (soon-to-be) Dr. Battarbee! Thanks to Prof. Amin Shokrollahi and Dr. Carlo Ottaviani (examiners) and Prof. Delaram Kahrobaei (co-supervisor). See:  Kit's publications (and more will be coming soon)
2023-08-31: I am joining the program committee of CODASPY 2024. The deadline is 11 Dec 2023. See:  CODASPY 2024 CfP
2023-08-23: I am joining the program committee of FC 2024. The deadline is 18 Sep 2023. See:  FC 2024 CfP
2023-07-11: Henry's work on an attack on McEliece's cryptosystem is published in the Int'l Journal of Computer Mathematics: Computer Systems Theory. See:  DoI (Open Access)
2023-07-05: In two separate letters, we, more than 300 scientists from 32 countries and 68 UK-affiliated security and privacy experts, warn against the EU proposal for regulation to detect CSAM and provisions in the UK's Online Safety Bill that threaten to undermine end-to-end encryption. See:  Open Letter on EU's Proposed Regulation,  Open Letter on UK's Proposed Legislation
2023-06-29: Lee passed his PhD viva with minor corrections. Congrats (soon-to-be) Dr. Livsey! Thanks to Prof. Steven Furnell and Dr. Vassilios Vassilakis (examiners) and Prof. Helen Petrie (co-supervisor). See:  Lee's last paper (and more will be coming soon)
2023-06-21: Kit's work on efficient post-quantum group-based signatures is accepted to PQCrypto'23. See:  ePrint,  Conference Homepage
2023-06-12: I am serving on the program committee of SEC @ SAC 2024. The deadline is 1 Oct 2023. See:  SEC @ SAC 2024 CfP,  SAC 2024 Conference Homepage
2023-06-07: Henry's work on an attack on McEliece's cryptosystem is accepted to the Int'l Journal of Computer Mathematics: Computer Systems Theory. The paper will be published soon as open access.
2023-05-26: Najla's work on the online security attack experience and worries of young adults in Saudi Arabia is accepted to HAISA'23. See:  ePrint,  Conference Homepage
2023-05-15: Dan's work on the effect of length on key fingerprint verification security and usability is accepted to ARES'23. See:  ePrint,  Conference Homepage
2023-04-24: I am serving on the program committee of PETS 2024 and the editorial board of PoPETS 2024. The deadlines are in May, August, November, and February. See:  (Po)PETS CfP
2023-03-27: I discussed our paper on password manager security with Curtis and Prasanna on the Restore It All podcast a while ago. It is out now. See:  Podcast web page,  Episode on Apple Podcasts,  Paper ePrint
2023-01-30: I am serving on the NSS 2023 technical program Committee. Submit your papers by March 3, 2023. See:  Conference web page
2023-01-16: I am joining the ESORICS 2023 program Committee. Submit your papers by January 22 or May 28, 2023. See:  Conference web page
2023-01-10: I am joining the University's Information Security Board (ISB). See:  Records Management & Information Governance page
Deadline 2023-02-15: PhD scholarships are available in the Cyber Security & Privacy research group. See:  Research Group Advert,  Research Group web page,  Department's Doctoral Centre web page
Deadline 2023-01-06: We are recruiting a post-doctoral research associate for the PRIME project. See:  Job Advert,  PRIME Project Homepage
2023-01-05: I am joining the University's Academic Ethics Compliance Committee (AECC). See:  AECC web page


2022-11-23: Kit and Dylan's work on the efficiency of a general attack against the MOBS cryptosystem is published in the Journal of Mathematical Cryptology. See:  Journal version (Open Access),  ePrint,  Code
2022-10-02: The Deadline for SEC@SAC 2023 is extended to October 15, 2022. See:  Conference webpage
2022-08-18: I'll be serving on the program committee of SEC@SAC 2023 which will be held from March 27 to April 2, 2023, in Tallinn, Estonia. The submission deadline is Oct 1, 2022. See:  Conference webpage
2022-05-25: Najla's work on online security attack experience and worries of young adults in the United Kingdom is accepted to HAISA 2022. See:  ePrint,  Conference webpage
2022-05-05: Phil's work on ML-based detection of blackhole and rank attacks in RPL networks is accepted to CSNDSP 2022. See:  ePrint,  Conference webpage
2022-04-24: Kit and Dylan's work on the efficiency of a general attack against the MOBS cryptosystem is accepted for publication in the Journal of Mathematical Cryptology. See:  ePrint
2022-04-01: Our project on Protecting Minority Ethnic Communities Online (PRIME) starts. See:  Project Webpage,  Press Release
2022-03-09: Phil's work on a trust-based intrusion detection system for RPL networks is published in the Journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy. See: paper via  DoI (Open Access)
2022-01-04: Our recent success in being awarded funding to work on protecting minority ethnic communities online is covered in the university news. See: press releases from  York,  Glasgow,  Cranfield
2022-01-04: I'll be serving on the program committee of ESORICS 2022 (26–30 Sep., Copenhagen). Submission deadlines: 31 Jan and 15 May. See:  Conference Website


2021-11-10: Kit and Dylan's work on the efficiency of a general attack against the MOBS cryptosystem is posted on arXiv. See:  ePrint
2021-09-24: Philokypros Ioulianou, supervised by Vassilios Vassilakis and myself, passed his PhD viva with minor corrections. Congrats Dr. Phil! See:  Phil's publications on Google Scholar
2021-09-10: I'll be serving in the program committee of the Computer Security track of ACM SAC 2022. See:  Conference Webpage,  Security Track Webpage
2021-07-26: Kit's work on cryptanalysis of semidirect product key exchange has been accepted to MathCrypt 2021. See:  ePrint,  Workshop Webpage
2021-07-06: Several PhD studentship opportunities are available at York. Get in touch if you are interested in doing a PhD on cyber security and privacy. See:  SEtS Doctoral Centre webpage,  My student supervision page
2021-06-25: I am honoured to be nominated for the Engaging Lecturer of the Year award in the Department by my students. Thank you! See:  Dept News Article
2021-05-19: Our work on the usability of visual and verbal verification of word-based key fingerprints is accepted to HAISA 2021. See:  ePrint,  Conference Webpage
2021-05-25: We have launched a UK-wide inter-university seminar series on cyber security and privacy. See:  Website,  Schedule (iCal),  Twitter,  YouTube Channel
2021-04-21: Our work on the landscape of cookie notices in Greece and the UK is covered in the university news. See:  University press release,  ePrint,  Code,  Conference Webpage
2021-04-19: I was appointed to the Computer Science Departmental Research Committee. See:  Terms of Reference and Membership Information
2021-04-12: I joined a growing number of distinguished adacemics in supporting diversity and inclusion and signed the Statement on the Selection of Jeffrey Ullman for a Turing Award. See:  Statement
2021-04-09: Our MSc Cyber Security programme is recertified by NCSC. See:  NCSC Announcement,  Department News Story,  Programme Details
2021-03-22: Our work on the landscape of cookie notices in Greece and the UK has been accepted to IFIP SEC 2021. See:  ePrint,  Code,  Conference Webpage
2021-03-07: Our work on the formal modelling and security analysis of Bitcoin's Payment Protocol has been accepted to Computers & Security. See:  ePrint
2021-01-08: I am serving in the program commitee of ACM CCS 2021. See:  Conference Webpage
2020-12-01: I am starting as the programme lead of MSc Cyber Security at York. See:  Programme Details


2020-11-18: Around 40 UK cyber security and privacy experts, including me, signed an open letter on UK charity sector’s use of tracking technologies. See:  Open Letter
2020-10-20: I will give a seminar on November 3rd at Heriot-Watt on our recent work on password manager security. See:  ePrint,  Abstract & Media Coverage
2020-10-10: Our position paper on categorising IoT device fingerprinting mechanisms is accepted to the AIChallengeIoT 2020 workshop. See:  ePrint,  AIChallengeIoT 2020 workshop webpage
2020-09-28: I am starting my service as the external examiner for the University of Huddersfield's Cyber Security & Digital Forensics MSc programme. See:  Programme details
2020-08-17: I will give a seminar on August 20 at the Surrey Centre for Cyber Security on our recent work on password manager security. See:  Event Details,  ePrint,  Abstract & Media Coverage
2020-06-18: I am proud (and nicely surprised) to have been nominated by my students for our departmental Teaching & Learning Awards in three categories. Thank you! See:  Dept News Article
2020-05-26: Our paper on the trial of our verifiable e-voting system alongside local elections in Gateshead, UK, is accepted to IEEE Security & Privacy. See:  ePrint,  Gateshead Council article,  BBC coverage
2020-04-29: More than 170 of us, UK cyber security and privacy scientists, signed a joint statement regarding the NHSX Covid19 tracing app. See:  Joint Statement,  More Info
2020-02-11: Our work on the security of password managers is accepted to IFIP SEC 2020. See:  ePrint,  UoY Press Release,  Abstract & Media Coverage


2019-12-22: Our work on battery draining attacks against edge computing nodes in IoT networks is accepted to Cyber-Physical Systems. See:  ePrint
2019-11-14: Our work on designing a cryptographic scheme for sealed-bid auctions without auctioneers is accepted to IEEE TIFS ( ePrint).
2019-07-19: I was quoted on an FT piece on post-quantum cryptography at the occasion of Alan Turing being unveiled the face of the new £50 note ( FT Article).
2019-07-01: The York Cyber Security workshop presentation slides and recordings will be gradually made available on the website ( Programme & Slides).
2019-05-30: Our work on ensuring webpage integrity against malicious browser extensions is accepted to IJIS ( ePrint,  DoI,  Code).
2019-05-02: We ran a trial of our verifiable e-voting system alongside local elections in Gateshead ( paper,  Gateshead,  BBC).
2019-04-10: I'll serve as a PC member of Indocrypt 2019 (Dec 15-18, Hyderabad,  webpage, deadline: Aug 1).
2019-02-01: We are planning a workshop in York on Cyber Security in June ( website).
2019-01-25: I'll serve as a PC member of PST 2019 (Aug 26-28, Fredericton, NB, Canada,  webpage, deadline: Apr 26).
2019-01-24: Our team, SEEV, finished as a CyberASAP programme finalist ( SEEV,  Innovate UK blog).


2018-05-10: I was on BBC Radio York commenting on GDPR ( Programme).
2018-04-10: Our work on analysing and patching SPEKE is accepted to IEEE TIFS ( ePrint).
2018-01-31: PST 2018 (Belfast) call for papers is out. Deadline: May 7, 2018. ( CfP).


2017-08-30: Our work on paper fingerprinting is published in ACM TOPS (formerly TISSEC) ( more info).
2017-05-25: Our work on paper fingerprinting is receiving media coverage ( more info).
2017-04-28: Our work on paper fingerprinting is accepted to ACM TOPS (formerly TISSEC) ( more info).
2017-04-11: Our work on mobile browser sensor security is picked up by the media ( more info).