
Short works

Books : reviews

Andrew Adamatzky.
Identification of Cellular Automata.
Taylor & Francis. 1994

Andrew Adamatzky, ed.
Collision-Based Computing.
Springer. 2002

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Tommaso Toffoli. Symbol Super Colliders. 2002
Edward F. Fredkin, Tommaso Toffoli. Design Principles for Achieving High-Performance Submicron Digital Technology. 1978
Edward F. Fredkin, Tommaso Toffoli. Conservative Logic. Int. J. Theor. Phys., 21. 1982
Norman H. Margolus. Physics-like models of computation. Physica 10D. 1984
Norman H. Margolus. Universal Cellular Automata based on the collisions of soft spheres. Constructive CA Workshop Proceedings. 1998
Jérôme Durand-Lose. Computing Inside the Billiard Ball Model. 2002
Kenichi Morita, Yasayuki Tojima, Katsunobu Imai, Tsuyoshi Ogiro. Universal Computing in Reversible and Number-Conserving Two-Dimensional Cellular Spaces. 2002
Michael D. Westmoreland, Joan Krone. Derivation Schemes in Twin Open Set Logic. 2002
Marianne Delorme, Jacques Mazoyer. Signals on Cellular Automata. 2002
Mariusz H. Jakubowski, Ken Steiglitz, Richard Squier. Computing with Solitons: a Review and Prospectus. Multiple-Valued Logic Journal. 2000
Pawel Siwak. Iterons of Automata. 2002
Steve Blair, Kelvin Wagner. Gated Logic with Optical Solitons. 2002
Andrew Wuensche. Finding Gliders in Cellular Automata. 2002
[attractor basin]glider as a "localised propagating structure" -- example of self-organisation • search looks at variance of input entropy over time • measures: maps of attractor basins -- bushy sub-trees with high in-degree => high convergence and order, sparse sub-trees => low convergence and chaos; G density (Garden-of-Eden state density), ratio of increase of G density with size: order is high, chaos is low; distribution of in-degree size; Z parameter -- statistical predictor of convergence: Z=0 => order, Z=1 => chaos; • local measures (on trajectory), global measures (on attractor basin), static measures (Z) • 1D CA, binary state, neighbourhood k=3, can represent using state value (2 colours) or neighbourhood lookup value (8 colours); with 2nd repn, if background (commonly looked up values) is filtered, gliders can show up better (especially if transformed to equivalent rule using larger neighbourhood) • attractor basins diagrammed as state transition relations [picture], by repeatedly calculating pre-image of states • ordered rules become rarer at higher k, complex rules are rare • gliders can have a large diameter, and a large period • compound gliders formed from sub-gliders colliding periodically -- hierarchy could continue without limit • classify rules using entropy of "lookup frequency" -- order: low entropy, low variance -- complex: medium entropy, high variance -- chaos: high entropy, low variance • glider collision table: description of behaviour allowing some prediction of future evolution -- neighbourhood rule table: accounts for origin of gliders, emergence by self-organisation
New Media for Collision-Based Computing. 2002
Leonid A. Bunimovich, Milena A. Khlabystova. Lorentz Lattice Gases and Multi-Dimensional Turing Machines. 2002
Enrico Petraglio, Gianluca Tempesti, Jean-Marc Henry. Arithmetic Operations with Self-Replicating Loops. 2002
Jean-Phillipe Rennard. Implementation of Logical Functions on the Game of Life. 2002
Paul Rendell. Turing Universality of the Game of Life. 2002

Tanya Sienko, Andrew Adamatzky, Nicholas G. Rambidi, Michael Conrad.
Molecular Computing.
MIT Press. 2003

The next great change in computer science and information technology will come from mimicking the techniques by which biological organisms process information. To do this computer scientists must draw on expertise in subjects not usually associated with their field, including organic chemistry, molecular biology, bioengineering, and smart materials. This book provides an introduction to the interdisciplinary field of molecular computing.

The book moves from abstract principles of molecular computing to the building of actual systems. The topics include the use of proteins and other molecules for information processing, molecular recognition, computation in nonlinear media, computers based on physical reaction-diffusion systems found in chemical media, DNA computing, bioelectronics and protein-based optical computing, and biosensors.

Andrew Adamatzky, Maciej Komosinski, eds.
Artificial Life Models in Software.
Springer. 2005


Charles Ofria, Claus O. Wilke. Avida: evolution experiments with self-replicating computer programs. 2005
Maciej Komosinski. Framstiks: a platform for modeling, simulating, and evolving 3D creatures. 2005
Bruce Damer, Karen Marcelo, Frank Revi, Todd Furmanski, Chris Laurel. Nerve Garden: germinating biological metaphors in net-based virtual worlds. 2005
Jeffrey Ventrella. GenePool: exploring the interaction between natural selection and sexual selection. 2005
Peter W. McOwan, Edward J. Burton. Sodarace: adventures in artificial life. 2005
Michael J. North, Charles M. Macal. Escaping the accidents of history: an overview of artificial life modeling with Repast. 2005
Andrew Ilachinski. EINSTein: a multiagent-based model of combat. 2005
Andrew Begel, Eric Klopfer. StarLogo: a programmable complex systems modeling environment for students and teachers. 2005
Jon McCormack. On the evolution of sonic ecosystems. 2005
Mirek Wojtowicz. Exploring cellular automata with Mcell. 2005
Andrew Wuensche. Discrete Dynamics Lab: tools for investigating cellular automata and discrete dynamical networks. 2005
Tatsuo Unemi. Simulated Breeding --- a framework of breeding artifacts on the computer. 2005
Alan Dorin. Enriching aesthetics with artificial life. 2005

Andrew Adamatzky, Ben De Lacy Costello, Tetsuya Asai.
Reaction-Diffusion Computers.
Elsevier. 2005

Christof Teuscher, Andrew Adamatzky.
Unconventional Computing 2005.
Luniver Press. 2005

The book brings together work from a multidisciplinary core of scientists who are working in the field of unconventional computing. The goal was to provide a common ground for dialog and interaction, to highlight the latest advances, and to discuss the main directions for the future. Topics include programming of chemical systems, evolving logical gates in liquid crystal, image processing in chemical media, reaction–diffusion electronic circuits for computation and pattern generation, rule migration in cellular automata, multi-state quantum automata, DNA computing of shortest path problems, and artificial chemistries. The papers collected in this book provide a good overview of hot research topics in the vibrant field of unconventional computing.

Andrew Adamatzky, Christof Teuscher, eds.
From Utopian to Genuine Unconventional Computers.
Luniver Press. 2006


Kazuhito Yamada, Tetsuya Asai, Ikuko N. Motoike, Yoshihito Amemiya. On digital VLSI circuits exploiting colision-based fusion gates. 2006
Adam Budd, Christopher Stone, Jonathan Masere, Andrew Adamatzky, Ben De Lacy Costello, Lawrence Bull. Towards machine learning control of chemical computers. 2006
Nicholas Glade. Existence and persistence of microtubule chemical trails---a step toward microtubule collision-based computing. 2006
John Greenman, Ioannis Ieropoulus, Chris R. Melhuish. Perfusion anodophile biofilm electrodes and their potential for computing. 2006
Niall Murphy, Thomas J. Naughton, Damien Woods, Beverley Henley, Kieran McDermott, Elaine Duffy, Peter J. M. van der Burgt, Niamh Woods. Implementations of a model of physical sorting. 2006
Selim G. Akl. Conventional or unconventional: Is any computer universal?. 2006
Karoline Wiesner, James P. Crutchfield. Language diversity of measured quantum processes. 2006
William M. Stevens. Logic Circuits in a system of repelling particles. 2006
Alexis De Vos, Yvan Van Rentergem. From group theory to reversible computers. 2006

Andrew Adamatzky, Lawrence Bull, Ben De Lacy Costello, Susan Stepney, Christof Teuscher, eds.
Unconventional Computing 2007.
Luniver Press. 2007

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Matthias Bechmann, John A. Clark, Angelika Sebald, Susan Stepney. Unentangling nuclear magnetic resonance computing. 2007
Simon O'Keefe. Implementation of logical operations on a domino substrate. 2007
William M. Stevens. A kinematic Turing machine. 2007
Effirul I. Ramlan, Klaus-Peter Zauner. Nucleic acid enzymes: The fusion of self-assembly and conformational computing. 2007
Ed Blakey. On the computational complexity of physical computing systems .. 2007
Navneet Bhalla, Peter J. Bentley, Christian Jacob. Mapping virtual self-assembly rules to physical systems. 2007
Willem Fouche, Johannes Heidema, Glyn Jones, Petrus H. Potgieter. Halting in quantum Turing computation. 2007
Kohta Suzuki, Satoshi Murata. Design of DNA spike oscillator. 2007
Kaoru Onodera. The computing power of structured molecules with gaps: Watson-Crick insertion systems. 2007
Mike Stannett. Physical hypercomputation. 2007
Jeff Jones, Mohammed Saeed. Collective perception of absolute brightness from relative contrast information -- an emergent pattern formation approach. 2007
Masayuki Ikebe, Yusuke Kitauchi. Evaluation of a multi-path maze-solving cellular automata by using a virtual slime-mold model. 2007
Takashi Morie, Takahiro Yamamoto. A cellular-automaton-based anisotropic diffusion algorithm for subjective contour generation and its digital VLSI implementation. 2007
Xin-She Yang, Young Z. L. Yang. Cellular automata networks. 2007
Eugene S. Kitamura, Yukio-Pegio Gunji. Wholeness based on gluing of incomplete information. 2007

Andrew Adamatzky, Ramon Alonso-Sanz, Anna Lawniczak, Genaro Juarez Martinez, Kenichi Morita, Thomas Worsch.
Automata 2008.
Luniver Press. 2008

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Andrew Adamatzky, ed.
Game of Life Cellular Automata.
Springer. 2010

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Carter Bays. Introduction to cellular automata and Conway's Game of Life. 2010
Robert Wainwright. Conway's Game of Life: early personal recollections. 2010
Harold V. McIntosh. Conway's Life. 2010
Harold V. McIntosh. Life's still lifes. 2010
Harold V. McIntosh. A zoo of Life forms. 2010
David Eppstein. Growth and decay in Life-like cellular automata. 2010
Nathaniel Johnston. The B36/S125 "2x2" Life-like cellular automata. 2010
Mark D. Niemiec. Object synthesis in Conway's Game of Life and other cellular automata. 2010
Emmanuel Sapin. Gliders and glider guns discovery in cellular automata. 2010
Geoffrey Chu, Karen Elizabeth Petrie, Neil Yorke-Smith. Constraint programming to solve maximal density still life. 2010
Kellie Michele Evans. Larger than Life's extremes: rigorous results for simplified rules and speculation on the phase boundaries. 2010
Marcus Pivato. RealLife. 2010
Ferdinand Peper, Susumu Adachi, Jia Lee. Variations on the Game of Life. 2010
Nazim Fates. Does Life resist asynchrony?. 2010
Ramon Alonso-Sanz. Life with short-term memory. 2010
Genaro Juarez Martinez, Andrew Adamatzky, Harold V. McIntosh. Localization dynamics in a binary two-dimensional cellular automaton: the diffusion rule. 2010
Carter Bays. The Game of Life in non-square environments. 2010
Nick D. L. Owens, Susan Stepney. The Game of Life rules on Penrose tilings: still life and oscillators. 2010
Jeffrey Ventrella. A spherical XOR gate implemented in the Game of Life. 2010
Nicholas Mark Gotts. Emergent complexity in Conway's Game of Life. 2010
A. R. Hernandez-Montoya, H. F. Coronel-Brizio, M. E. Rodriguez-Achach. Macroscopic spatial complexity of the Game of Life cellular automaton: a simple data analysis. 2010
Claudio Conti. The enlightened Game of Life. 2010
Adrian P. Flitney, Derek Abbott. Towards a quantum Game of Life. 2010
Eduardo Reck Miranda, Alexis Kirke. Game of Life music. 2010
Adam P. Goucher. Universal computation and construction in GoL cellular automata. 2010
Paul Rendell. A simple Universal Turing Machine for the Game of Life Turing Machine. 2010
Genaro Juarez Martinez, Andrew Adamatzky, Kenichi Morita, Maurice Margenstern. Computation with competing patterns in Life-like automata. 2010

Andrew Adamatzky.
Physarum Machines: computers from slime mould.
World Scientific. 2010

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Andrew Adamatzky.
Bioevaluation of World Transport Networks.
World Scientific. 2012

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Andrew Adamatzky.
Reaction-Diffusion Automata: phemonenology, localisations, computation.
Springer. 2013

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Andrew Adamatzky.
The Silence of Slime Mould: art works.
Luniver Press. 2015

The art works are the outcomes of scientific experiments that aimed to design computing devices made from slime mould. Slime mould Physarum polycephalum is a single-cell organism visible by the unaided eye. The slime mould computes by optimising its shape, electrical activity or location in response to stimulations. This fascinating mix of art and science offers an awe-inspiring look at the ways in which slime mould explores its environment and performs computation. Art works allow us to see the world through the "eyes" of the slime mould and show that the absence of a brain does not exclude an amorphous living creature from intelligence.

Andrew Adamatzky, Genaro Juarez Martinez.
Designing Beauty: the art of cellular automata.
Springer. 2016


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This fascinating, colourful book offers in-depth insights and first-hand working experiences in the production of art works, using simple computational models with rich morphological behaviour, at the edge of mathematics, computer science, physics and biology. It organically combines ground breaking scientific discoveries in the theory of computation and complex systems with artistic representations of the research results. In this appealing book mathematicians, computer scientists, physicists, and engineers brought together marvelous and esoteric patterns generated by cellular automata, which are arrays of simple machines with complex behavior. Configurations produced by cellular automata uncover mechanics of dynamic patterns formation, their propagation and interaction in natural systems: heart pacemaker, bacterial membrane proteins, chemical rectors, water permeation in soil, compressed gas, cell division, population dynamics, reaction-diffusion media and self-organisation.

Andrew Adamatzky.
Advances in Unconventional Computing: Volume 1: Theory.
Springer. 2017


The unconventional computing is a niche for interdisciplinary science, cross-bred of computer science, physics, mathematics, chemistry, electronic engineering, biology, material science and nanotechnology. The aims of this book are to uncover and exploit principles and mechanisms of information processing in and functional properties of physical, chemical and living systems to develop efficient algorithms, design optimal architectures and manufacture working prototypes of future and emergent computing devices.

This first volume presents theoretical foundations of the future and emergent computing paradigms and architectures. The topics covered are computability, (non-)universality and complexity of computation; physics of computation, analog and quantum computing; reversible and asynchronous devices; cellular automata and other mathematical machines; P-systems and cellular computing; infinity and spatial computation; chemical and reservoir computing.

The book is the encyclopedia, the first ever complete authoritative account, of the theoretical and experimental findings in the unconventional computing written by the world leaders in the field. All chapters are self-contains, no specialist background is required to appreciate ideas, findings, constructs and designs presented. This treatise in unconventional computing appeals to readers from all walks of life, from high-school pupils to university professors, from mathematicians, computers scientists and engineers to chemists and biologists.

Andrew Adamatzky.
Advances in Unconventional Computing: Volume 2: Prototypes, Models and Algorithms.
Springer. 2017


The unconventional computing is a niche for interdisciplinary science, cross-bred of computer science, physics, mathematics, chemistry, electronic engineering, biology, material science and nanotechnology. The aims of this book are to uncover and exploit principles and mechanisms of information processing in and functional properties of physical, chemical and living systems to develop efficient algorithms, design optimal architectures and manufacture working prototypes of future and emergent computing devices.

This second volume presents experimental laboratory prototypes and applied computing implementations. Emergent molecular computing is presented by enzymatic logical gates and circuits, and DNA nano-devices. Reaction-diffusion chemical computing is exemplified by logical circuits in Belousov-Zhabotinsky medium and geometrical computation in precipitating chemical reactions. Logical circuits realised with solitons and impulses in polymer chains show advances in collision-based computing. Photo-chemical and memristive devices give us a glimpse on hot topics of a novel hardware. Practical computing is represented by algorithms of collective and immune-computing and nature-inspired optimisation. Living computing devices are implemented in real and simulated cells, regenerating organisms, plant roots and slime mould.

The book is the encyclopedia, the first ever complete authoritative account, of the theoretical and experimental findings in the unconventional computing written by the world leaders in the field. All chapters are self-contains, no specialist background is required to appreciate ideas, findings, constructs and designs presented. This treatise in unconventional computing appeals to readers from all walks of life, from high-school pupils to university professors, from mathematicians, computers scientists and engineers to chemists and biologists.

Andrew Adamatzky.
Emergent Computation: a Festschrift for Selim G. Akl.
Springer. 2017

This book is dedicated to Professor Selim G. Akl to honour his groundbreaking research achievements in computer science over four decades. The book is an intellectually stimulating excursion into emergent computing paradigms, architectures and implementations. World top experts in computer science, engineering and mathematics overview exciting and intriguing topics of musical rhythms generation algorithms, analyse the computational power of random walks, dispelling a myth of computational universality, computability and complexity at the microscopic level of synchronous computation, descriptional complexity of error detection, quantum cryptography, context-free parallel communicating grammar systems, fault tolerance of hypercubes, finite automata theory of bulk-synchronous parallel computing, dealing with silent data corruptions in high-performance computing, parallel sorting on graphics processing units, mining for functional dependencies in relational databases, cellular automata optimisation of wireless sensors networks, connectivity preserving network transformers, constrained resource networks, vague computing, parallel evolutionary optimisation, emergent behaviour in multi-agent systems, vehicular clouds, epigenetic drug discovery, dimensionality reduction for intrusion detection systems, physical maze solvers, computer chess, parallel algorithms to string alignment, detection of community structure. The book is a unique combination of vibrant essays which inspires scientists and engineers to exploit natural phenomena in designs of computing architectures of the future.

Susan Stepney, Andrew Adamatzky.
Inspired by Nature: essays presented to Julian F. Miller on the occasion of his 60th birthday.
Springer. 2018


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This book is a tribute to Julian Francis Miller’s ideas and achievements in computer science, evolutionary algorithms and genetic programming, electronics, unconventional computing, artificial chemistry and theoretical biology. Leading international experts in computing inspired by nature offer their insights into the principles of information processing and optimisation in simulated and experimental living, physical and chemical substrates. Miller invented Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP) in 1999, from a representation of electronic circuits he devised with Thomson a few years earlier. The book presents a number of CGP’s wide applications, including multi-step ahead forecasting, solving artificial neural networks dogma, approximate computing, medical informatics, control engineering, evolvable hardware, and multi-objective evolutionary optimisations. The book addresses in depth the technique of ‘Evolution in Materio’, a term coined by Miller and Downing, using a range of examples of experimental prototypes of computing in disordered ensembles of graphene nanotubes, slime mould, plants, and reaction diffusion chemical systems. Advances in sub-symbolic artificial chemistries, artificial bio-inspired development, code evolution with genetic programming, and using Reed-Muller expansions in the synthesis of Boolean quantum circuits add a unique flavour to the content. The book is a pleasure to explore for readers from all walks of life, from undergraduate students to university professors, from mathematicians, computer scientists and engineers to chemists and biologists.

Andrew Adamatzky, Viv Kendon.
From Astrophysics to Unconventional Computation: essays presented to Susan Stepney on the occasion of ther 60th birthday.
Springer. 2020

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This Festschrift is a tribute to Susan Stepney’s ideas and achievements in the areas of computer science, formal specifications and proofs, complex systems, unconventional computing, artificial chemistry, and artificial life. All chapters were written by internationally recognised leaders in computer science, physics, mathematics, and engineering. The book shares fascinating ideas, algorithms and implementations related to the formal specification of programming languages and applications, behavioural inheritance, modelling and analysis of complex systems, parallel computing and non-universality, growing cities, artificial life, evolving artificial neural networks, and unconventional computing. Accordingly, it offers an insightful and enjoyable work for readers from all walks of life, from undergraduate students to university professors, from mathematicians, computers scientists and engineers to physicists, chemists and biologists.

Thanks, everyone!