• 14 Jun 2024
    New Paper: Situation Coverage Based Safety Analysis of an Autonomous Aerial Drone in a Mine Environment
    Image of bounding boxes around pathogens in a DHM image

    If we want to integrate autonomous aerial drones into safety-critical contexts, particularly in dynamic and hazardous environments like mining operations, we need to rigorously assure their safety. In this paper, we present a brief study of various approaches to assuring that AI techniques can effectively mitigate unsafe situations with a specified level of confidence and reliability, with particular focus on the situation coverage-based approach. We identify that a key challenge lies in identifying a finite set of representative situations for testing from the infinite possibilities that could occur in real-world scenarios.

  • 26 Apr 2024
    New Article: Real-time 3D tracking of swimming microbes using digital holographic microscopy and deep learning,
    Image of bounding boxes around pathogens in a DHM image

    The three-dimensional swimming tracks of motile microorganisms can be used to identify their species, which holds promise for the rapid identification of bacterial pathogens. Digital holographic microscopy (DHM) is a well-established, but computationally intensive method for obtaining three-dimensional cell tracks from video microscopy data. We accelerate the analysis by an order of magnitude, enabling its use in real time. This technique opens the possibility of rapid identification of bacterial pathogens in drinking water or clinical samples.

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  • 25 Mar 2024
    New Paper and GitHub Repo: Aloft: Self-Adaptive Drone Controller Testbed,
    Image of AI assisting medical triage (from Stable Diffusion XL)

    Aerial drones are increasingly being considered as a valuable tool for inspection in safety critical contexts. Nowhere is this more true than in mining operations which present a dynamic and dangerous environment for human operators. Drones can be deployed in a number of contexts including efficient surveying as well as search and rescue missions. Operating in these dynamic contexts is challenging however and requires the drones control software to detect and adapt to conditions at run-time.

    In this paper we describe a controller framework and simulation environment and provide information on how a user might construct and evaluate their own controllers in the presence of disruptions at run-time.

    A virtual machine containing the artifact can be found here: Aloft GitHub repo

  • 18 Dec 2023
    New Paper: Autonomous Emergency Triage Support System,
    Image of AI assisting medical triage (from Stable Diffusion XL)

    Medical staff shortages and growing healthcare demands due to an ageing population mean that many patients face delays in receiving critical care in the emergency departments (EDs) of hospitals worldwide. As such, the use of autonomous, robotics and AI technologies to help streamline the triage of ED patients is of utmost importance. In this paper, we present our ongoing work to develop an autonomous emergency triage support system intended to alleviate the current pressures faced by hospital emergency departments.

  • 20 Nov 2023
    New Article: Medical practitioner perspectives on AI in Emergency Triage,
    Image of AI assisting medical triage (from Stable Diffusion XL)

    Background: A proposed Diagnostic AI System for Robot-Assisted Triage (‘DAISY’) is under development to support Emergency Department (‘ED’) triage following increasing reports of overcrowding and shortage of staff in ED care experienced within National Health Service, England (‘NHS’) but also globally. DAISY aims to reduce ED patient wait times and medical practitioner overload.
    The objective of this study was to explore NHS health practitioners’ perspectives and attitudes towards the future use of AI-supported technologies in ED triage.

    Click here to access article ...

  • 10 Nov 2023
    Hackathon (final): York/Oxford Safe UAV Hackathon
    Image of Lego drone and pilot

    The teams will present their system for autonomously and safely recovering a UAV from a mine. Their return-to-home function will activate in the event of a failure (such as remote control loss). Each team will present the return-to-home functionality and an associated safety case. Teams can also demonstrate their software system using a real UAV in the Lab.

  • 01 Apr 2023
    New Project: Autonomous Systems for Forest ProtEctioN (ASPEN).
    Image of Lego drone and pilot

    Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Hub, Pump Priming Programme

    I am a mamber of the team that successfully applied for funding from the TAS programme. Our new project will research the question: What could the future of trusted autonomous systems be in protecting the health of our forests? We will develop an integrated framework for the autonomous detection, diagnosis and treatment of tree pests and diseases, and trial key components.

    Click here for project details ...

  • 20 Jan 2023
    New book chapter on: sensors and data in mobile robotics for localisation.
    Image of Lego drone and pilot

    Encyclopedia of Data Science and Machine Learning

    Industry 4.0 digitization requires smart, flexible, and safe technologies including automation using robots in ever increasing numbers. Industry 4.0 needs autonomous mobile robots with intelligent navigation capabilities and needs to use big data processing techniques to allow these robots to navigate safely and flexibly. This article reviews the techniques used and challenges of one particular aspect of robot navigation: localisation. It focuses on robotic sensors and their data, and how information can be extracted to enable localisation.

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  • 01 Oct 2022
    Principal Investigator: assuring the safety of UAVs for mine inspection (ASUMI).
    Image of Lego drone and pilot

    Project: Principal Investigator

    Unpiloted aerial vehicles (UAVs) are ideal for inspecting infrastructure such as mines. However, the use of UAVs in real-world environments can cause harm to humans, damage the UAVs, and damage infrastructure. Hazards may be caused directly by the UAV if it collides with objects in the environment, or if the UAV fails to complete a mission and needs to be recovered. We need to provide assurance that their use will not cause harm. The three project partners will develop, define, and validate safety requirements and a safe operating concept for multiple UAVs performing mine inspections. This is to ensure safe operation and guarantee early intervention where required.

    Click here for project details ...

  • 05 Mar 2021
    New journal article on: deep reinforcement learning for robot navigation.
    Image of drone navigating a grid world

    Springer Nature: Neural Computing and Applications

    New article published on using Unity 3D ML Agents and deep reinforcement learning to develop an AI for mapless robot navigation. The article includes a safety assurance assessment of the AI.

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