The tags for adjectives and adverbs are, respectively, ADJ and ADV. See Sections COMPARATIVE ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS and SUPERLATIVE ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS.
for_CONJ she_PRO was_BED called_VAN a_D fair_ADJ lady_N and_CONJ a_D passynge_ADV wyse_ADJ ,_. Thenne_ADV the_D peple_NS merveilled_VBD
ADJR Comparative adjective ADVR Comparative adverb
Thenne_ADV quene_NPR Igrayne_NPR waxid_VBD dayly_ADV gretter_ADJR and_CONJ gretter_ADJR ._. he_PRO lovithe_VBP Arthure_NPR bettir_ADVR than_P us_PRO ;_.
ADJS Superlative adjective ADVS Superlative adverb
in_P the_D grettest_ADJS chirch_N of_P London_NPR and_CONJ than_ADV every_Q knyght_N toke_VBD the_D way_N that_C hym_PRO lyked_VBD beste_ADVS ._.
a_D michel_ADJ lust_N fram_P +te_D michel_ADJ conseil_N of_P +te_D vntrew_ADJ and_CONJ +te_D more_ADJR fysches_NS swolwen_VBP +te_D lesse_ADJR ;_. '_' and_CONJ I_PRO shall_MD ensure_VB you_PRO ye_PRO shall_MD have_HV the_D more_ADJR worship_N than_P ever_ADV ye_PRO had_HVD ._. '_' And_CONJ hem_PRO thinketh_VBP +tat_C the_D more_ADJR peyne_N &_CONJ the_D more_ADJR tribulacioun_N +tat_C +tei_PRO suffren_VBP for_P loue_N of_P here_PRO$ god_N ,_, the_D_CODE more_ADJR ioye_N +tei_PRO schull_MD haue_HV in_P another_D+OTHER world_N
for_CONJ he_PRO shal_MD ben_BE michel_ADJ bifore_P gode_NPR And_CONJ sum_Q men_NS maken_VBP hem_PRO more_ADJR and_CONJ maki+t_VBP his_PRO$ myracle_N more_ADJR Ne_NEG dowte_VBP we_PRO not_NEG how_WADV byleue_N may_MD now_ADV be_BE lesse_ADJR and_CONJ now_ADV be_BE more_ADJR
and_CONJ bifore_P gode_NPR ben_BEP michel_ADJ and_CONJ mihti_ADJ that_C ony_Q sholde_MD be_BE accompted_VAN more_QR hardy_ADJ or_CONJ more_ADJR of_P prouesse_N
+te_D thrid_ADJ day_N of_P +tat_D solempnyte_N &_CONJ +t=e=_D elleueneth_ADJ assembled_VBD a_D gret_ADJ power_N +t=e=_D firste_ADJ me_MAN callyd_VBD Lotryn_NPR ,_, +t=e=_D secounde_ADJ Albanac_NPR ,_, &_CONJ +t=e=_D thryd_ADJ kambyr_NPR ._.FIRST may also be tagged ADV when used as a temporal adverb.
So_ADV firste_ADV they_PRO put_VBD kynge_NPR Idres_NPR in_P the_D cite_N of_P Nauntis_NPR for-as-miche_P+ADVR+Q as_P +tai_PRO were_BED of_P Engistes_NPR$ Kynrede_N ,_, +tat_C first_ADV hade_HVD al_Q +te_D lande_N of_P Britain_NPR ;_.In cases where an ordinal might be expected but there is no overt marking, NUM is used. See section CARDINAL NUMBERS EXCEPT ONE.
The_D ij._NUM day_N hit_PRO schall_MD fall_VB downe_RP The_D appostle_N this_D declareth_VBP to_P the_D Hebreos_NPRS the_D .ix._NUM chapytre_N ._.
wit_N inoch_ADJR sorwe_N ynow_ADJR +teowdom_N inoh_ADJR light_ADJ ynowgh_ADVR riche_ADJ ynowe_ADVR +gif_P he_PRO hadde_HVD ynow_ADJR bysyde_ADV
but_CONJ traveillynge_VAG men_NS are_BEP ofte_ADV wery_ADJ and_CONJ their_PRO$ horses_NS to_ADV ,_. he_PRO +geoue_VBP +te_PRO sunne_N &_CONJ +tu_PRO him_PRO +ti_PRO$ saule_N &_CONJ ti_PRO$ bodi_N to_ADV mid_P al_Q ._, to_P weane_N &_CONJ to_P wontrede_N world_N buten_P ende_N ._. to_ADVR many_Q to_ADVR muche_Q luue_N to_ADVR curious_ADJ to_ADVR deere_ADJ
so_ADVR symple_ADJ as_ADVR wood_ADJ as_P a_D lyoun_N as_ADVR often_ADV as_ADVR wel_ADV of_P man_N as_P of_P womman_N so_ADVR muche_Q pownsonynge_N of_P chisels_NS and_CONJ do_DOI good_N to_P as_ADVR manye_Q as_P +tu_PRO mi+gt_MD ._.When separated, AL SWA is tagged al_Q swa_ADV, whether in modifying use, or introducing a matrix clause. AS SWA, on the other hand, is tagged as a separated word as_ADV21 swa_ADV22.
Al_Q swa_ADV me_MAN mai_MD ,_, mang_P alles_Q kennes_NS liues_NS menn_NS ,_, sume_Q gode_N and_CONJ sume_Q euele_N finden_VB ._. Al_Q swo_ADV he_PRO de+d_DOP +to_D men_NS +de_C sennen_NS habbe+d_HVP forhaten_VBN te_TO laten_VB ,_, for_CONJ as_ADV21 swa_ADV22 as_P mon_N islein_VAN is_BEP grislich_ADJ &_CONJ atelich_ADJ in_P monnes_N$ ech+ge_N alswa_ADV is_BEP +te_D sunnefule_ADJ bifor_P godes_NPR$ echnen_NS ._.
Mooreover_ADV ,_, man_MAN oghte_MD to_TO sorwe_VB for_P his_PRO$ wikkede_ADJ wordes_NS as_ADVR wel_ADV as_P for_P his_PRO$ wikkede_ADJ dedes_NS ._. Yet_ADV comen_VBP ther_EX of_P Ire_N manye_Q mo_QR synnes_NS ,_, as_ADVR wel_ADV in_P word_N as_P in_P thoght_N and_CONJ in_P dede_N ;_,
+dis_D little_ADJ writt_N be_P little_ADJ stechches_NS +te_D little_ADJ +tyeues_NS a_D litel_ADJ reste_N Wit_PRO moten_MD +giet_ADV a_D litel_ADJ swinken_VB &_CONJ do_DOI a_D littill_ADJ in_P thyn_PRO$ eghne_NS sume_Q deden_DOD to_ADVR litel_Q oc_CONJ sc+a_PRO hedde_HVD litel_Q blisse_N mid_P him_PRO +Tet_D w+as_BED for+ti_P+D +tet_C corn_N w+as_BED litel_Q they_PRO been_BEP but_FP litel_Q syb_N to_P yow_PRO ,_. a_D littill_Q wyn_N a_D littill_Q gres_N
the_D firste_ADJ coveitise_N The_D firste_ADJ is_BEP whan_P he_PRO putteth_VBP othere_OTHER men_NS biforn_P hym_PRO ._. he_PRO shal_MD first_ADV biwaylen_VB The_D synnes_NS that_C he_PRO hath_HVP doon_DON the_D last_ADJ gret_ADJ sorowe_N And_CONJ at_P the_D last_ADJ he_PRO enterde_VBD into_P a_D chambir_N telle_VBI hym_PRO eek_ALSO alle_Q the_D synnes_NS that_C thow_PRO hast_HVP doon_DON syn_P thou_PRO were_BED last_ADV yshryven_VAN ;_. and_CONJ agyn_VBI to_P hem_PRO +tat_C comen_VBD last_ADV ._.
+ter_ADV ha_PRO weren_BED ane_ADJ bi_P ham_PRO seolf_N $hu_WADV hise_PRO$ deciples_NS flu+gen_VBD alle_Q from_P him_PRO &_CONJ leafden_VBD him_PRO ane_ADJ ._.
But_CONJ thou_PRO arte_BEP more_QR nere_ADJ thy_PRO$ deth_N than_P I_PRO am_BEP ,_. Kyng_NPR Edmunde_NPR went_VBD +to_ADV neir_ADJ for_CONJ hit_PRO ys_BEP nere_ADV nyght_N ._. kynge_NPR Idres_NPR </em>_CODE was_BED nere_ADV discomfited_VAN swich_SUCH shamefast_ADJ folk_N been_BEP next_ADJS foryevenesse_N +te_D man_N mai_MD be_BE god_NPR next_ADJS Luue_VBI +dine_PRO$ nexte_N al_Q swa_P +de_PRO seluen_N
For_CONJ unskylful_ADJ penance_N es_BEP litel_Q worth_ADJ ,_, for_CONJ the_D scawberde_N ys_BEP worth_ADJ ten_NUM of_P the_D swerde_N
and_CONJ made_VBD +t=e=_D +gates_NS fast_ADJ +tei_PRO founden_VBD fast_ADJ bysyde_P a_D coste_N of_P +te_D see_N thre_NUM hundred_NUM men_NS of_P +te_D lynage_N &_CONJ kynrede_N of_P Troy_NPR &_CONJ fast_ADJ beside_P it_PRO is_BEP CAPHARNAUM_NPR ;_. &_CONJ faste_ADV they_PRO gunne_VBD to_TO fle_VB ._. and_CONJ +tise_D ij_NUM bre+terne_NS ,_, after_P here_PRO$ fadres_N$ deth_N ,_, stryuen_VBD faste_ADV for_P +te_D lande_N ;_.
as_P they_PRO com_VBD by_P an_D ermytage_N evyn_ADV by_P a_D chyrcheyerde_N
Than_ADV was_BED he_PRO passyng_ADV hevy_ADJ and_CONJ sir_NPR Percivale_NPR was_BED passynge_ADV glad_ADJ a_D passynge_ADV good_ADJ knyght_N passynge_ADV +tre_NUM +towsand_NUM of_P grootes_NS turonens_ADJ
for_CONJ I_PRO wille_MD not_NEG be_BE long_ADJ behynde_ADV he_PRO wille_MD not_NEG dwelle_VB long_ADJ
to_P good_ADJ inward_ADJ wysdom_N in_P alle_Q myn_PRO$ outward_ADJ doynges_NS