Prepositions are tagged P.
on_P your_PRO$ wey_N with_P Merlyn_NPR to_P the_D kynge_N of_P Tyntigayll_NPR
oute_RP of_P the_D byggest_ADJS castell_N doune_RP to_P the_D erthe_N &_CONJ earnin_VB him_PRO crune_N up_RP o_P crune_N me_MAN droh_VBD hire_PRO +tus_ADV in_RP to_P dorkest_ADJS wan_N
&_CONJ dude_DOD swa_P +tt_C hit_PRO +geat_VBD adun_P+RP of_P +te_D +gerden_NS &_CONJ com_VBD sihinde_VAG adun_P+RP softe_ADV from_P heouene_NPR and_CONJ so_ADV he_PRO leyde_VBD hym_PRO adowne_P+RP by_P sir_NPR Launcelot_NPR
and_CONJ makede_VBD his_PRO$ weie_N toward_P ierusalem_NPR &_CONJ firse+d_VBP him_PRO awei_P froward_P vre_PRO$ steuene_N
and_CONJ therewith_ADV+P he_PRO fylle_VBD in_P a_D sowne_N and_CONJ so_ADVR muche_Q meete_N was_BED sette_VAN thereon_ADV+P and_CONJ therein_ADV+P was_BED a_D jantillwoman_ADJ+N
after_P +dan_D +de_C here_PRO$ herte_N leste_VBD ,_, ic_PRO hem_PRO fol+gede_VBD ._. '_' Ach_CONJ ear_P +tenne_D +te_D biddunge_N areare_VBP ani_Q scheonde_N ._, ear_ADV dei+ge_VBP martir_N in_P hire_PRO$ meoseise_N ._. for_P +ti_D +tt_C +tu_PRO ne_NEG wilnest_VBP bute_FP to_TO seo_VB mi_PRO$ wlite_N ._, ne_NEG speoke_VBI bute_FP to_P me_PRO ._. be_P +tan_D +tet_C scele_N a-li+gt_VBP be_P grace_N tek+t_VBP ._. We_PRO ben_BEP tau+gt_VAN in_P +tat_D +tat_C we_PRO seon_VBP in_P suche_SUCH creatures_NS +te_D wonder_ADJ werkes_NS of_P vre_PRO$ Creatour_N ;_. and_CONJ for+ti_P+D it_PRO es_BEP lastandar_ADJR and_CONJ sykerar_ADJR For+dan_P+D hie_PRO bie+d_BEP godes_NPR$ wi+derwinen_NS For+di_P+D +dat_C ich_PRO nabbe_NEG+HVP ihafd_HVN rihte_ADJ ileaue_N
forwhi_P+WADV Jesabel_NPR his_PRO$ wijf_N excitide_VBD him_PRO for_P whi_WADV tho_D ben_BEP wordis_NS of_P euerlastyng_ADV+VAG lif_N
and_CONJ wolde_VBD +tat_C his_PRO$ doughtres_NS were_BED mariede_VAN or_P +tat_C he_PRO deide_VBD ._. And_CONJ after_P +tat_C +tis_D Donewal_NPR was_BED $dede_ADJ ,_, his_PRO$ sones_NS +tat_C he_PRO hade_HVD ,_, departede_VBD +te_D lande_N bituene_P ham_PRO When_P syre_NPR Ector_NPR beheld_VBD the_D swerd_N he_PRO retorned_VBD ageyne_ADV When_P I_PRO cam_VBD home_N for_P my_PRO$ broders_N$ swerd_N I_PRO fond_VBD nobody_Q+N at_P home_N
hie_PRO hauen_HVP al_Q swa_ADVR michel_Q swa_P hie_PRO +dar_ADV uppe_P l+anden_VBP ,_, Nis_NEG+BEP me_PRO nan_Q ofrende_N swa_ADVR lief_ADJ swa_P godes_NPR$ luue_N and_CONJ alre_Q mannes_NS$ Toward_P +te_D preostes_N$ tiden_N hercni+d_VBI se_ADVR for+d_ADV se_P +ge_PRO ma+gen_MD ,_. he_PRO nis_NEG+BEP nawiht_NEG alse_ADVR leful_ADJ alse_P him_PRO bi-houede_VBD ha_PRO make_VBD him_PRO sunegen_VB on_P hire_PRO swa_ADVR hali_ADJ as_P he_PRO wes_BED Al_Q swa_P +de_D angel_N was_BED +gedriuen_VAN ut_RP of_P heuene_N riche_N for_P modinesse_N ,_, swa_ADV was_BED Adam_NPR ,_, for_CONJ alswa_P weter_N acwenche+d_VBP fur_N ;_, alswa_ADV acwenche+d_VBP sunne_N ._. and_CONJ swa_ADV se_P +tu_PRO for+geuest_VBP +tam_D monne_N +te_C wi+d_P +te_PRO agulte+d_VBP ;_, swa_ADV +tin_PRO$ drihten_NPR for+geue+d_VBP +te_PRO +tine_PRO$ misdede_N ._. Nan_Q +ting_N ne_NEG fli+d_VBP mon_N sonre_ADVR +tenne_P his_PRO$ a+gen_ADJ heorte_N ._. and_CONJ nime+d_VBP him_PRO .vii._NUM deofle_NS +te_C beo+d_BEP muchele_Q wurse_ADJR +tenne_P he_PRO but_CONJ I_PRO wote_VBP wel_ADV ye_PRO are_BEP of_P an_D hyher_ADJ blood_N than_P I_PRO wende_VBD {of}_CODE ye_PRO were_BED for_CONJ as_ADV21 swa_ADV22 as_P mon_N islein_VAN is_BEP grislich_ADJ &_CONJ atelich_ADJ in_P monnes_N$ ech+ge_N alswa_ADV is_BEP +te_D sunnefule_ADJ bifor_P godes_NPR$ echnen_NS ._.
but_CONJ he_PRO come_VBD a+geynes_P him_PRO with_P a_D strong_ADJ power_N ,_, so_P +tat_C Morgan_NPR derst_MD nou+gt_NEG abide_VB ._,For SO/SWA in comparatives, see Section COMPARATIVE SO, AS, THEN.
Luue_VBI +dine_PRO$ nexte_ADJ al_Q swa_P +de_PRO seluen_N ,_, '_' I_PRO wylle_VBP wel_ADV ,_, '_' said_VBD the_D kynge_N ,_, '_' as_P thow_PRO wilt_MD have_HV it_PRO ._. '_' and_CONJ the_D same_ADJ nyght_N ,_, as_P I_PRO shal_MD ansuer_VB unto_P God_NPR ,_, this_D child_N was_BED begoten_VAN upon_P me_PRO
and_CONJ suche_SUCH knyghtes_NS as_P Uther_NPR Pendragon_NPR loved_VBD best_ADVS ye_PRO shall_MD sende_VB unto_P me_PRO three_NUM knyghtes_NS of_P youres_PRO$ suche_SUCH as_P ye_PRO truste_VBPFor ALSWA in comparatives, see Section COMPARATIVE SO, AS, THEN. When non-subordinating, ALSWA is tagged alswa_ADV, al_Q swa_ADV, or as_ADV21 swa_ADV22. See Section SO, AS.
And_CONJ bycause_P+N of_P his_PRO$ armoure_N and_CONJ shylde_N I_PRO am_BEP sure_ADJ I_PRO shall_MD ryde_VB in_P pease_N but_CONJ Balynes_NPR$ oste_N myght_MD $not_NEG be_BE lette_VAN in_RP because_P+N he_PRO had_HVD no_Q lady_N and_CONJ wente_VBD into_P meny_Q londes_NSNote that AMIDEWARDE used as a preposition is tagged simply P following the rules for prepositions with WARD. See Section WARD._CODE by_P cause_N of_P marchaundise_N Me_MAN weorp_VBD ham_PRO mid_P tis_D ilke_ADJ word_N amidde_P +te_D leie_N Her_ADV amidde_P+N wes_BED +tis_D meiden_N iset_VAN a_P mid_N +te_D menske_N of_P +ti_PRO$ neb_N &_CONJ he_PRO shal_MD dye_VB bisides_P +te_D Marche_N of_P a_D straunge_ADJ lande_N and_CONJ tealde_VBD +te_D herdes_NS +te_C wakeden_VBD ouer_P here_PRO$ oref_N ._, biside_P +te_D burch_N belleem_NPR ._. and_CONJ al_Q ny+gt_N +tat_D cloude_N abood_VBD by_P21 sides_P22 his_PRO$ tente_N Wickednes_N shal_MD cumpasse_VB hym_PRO day_N and_CONJ ny+gt_N vp_P his_PRO$ walles_NS ,_, and_CONJ trauail_N and_CONJ vnry+gtfulnes_N amiddes_P+N of_P hym_PRO ._.
and_CONJ chalenged_VBD +te_D crowne_N ,_, notwithstandyng_P his_PRO$ oth_N +tat_C he_PRO had_HVD mad_VBN ._. And_CONJ notwithstanding_P +te_D emperour_N in_P his_PRO$ owne_ADJ persone_N exhorted_VBD him_PRO to_P +tis_D vnite`_N ,_, and_CONJ he_PRO hite_VBD +te_D emperour_N +tat_C he_PRO schuld_MD withdrawe_VB his_PRO$ obediens_N fro_P +tat_D same_ADJ Petir_NPR ,_, al_Q availed_VBD not_NEG ,_. but_CONJ natwythstondyng_ADV his_PRO$ worshyp_N is_BEP knowyn_VAN in_P many_Q dyverse_ADJ contreis_NS ._. alle_Q the_D remenaunt_N of_P Normandy_NPR ,_, savyng_P Chyrborowe_NPR +tou_PRO wost_VBP neuer_ADV what_WPRO ,_, sauyng_P +tat_C +tou_PRO felist_VBP in_P +ti_PRO$ wille_N a_D nakid_ADJ entent_N vnto_P God_NPR ._. and_CONJ in_P hym_PRO was_BED +te_D ende_N of_P +te_D empere_N touchynge_P Charles_NPR his_$ ofspringe_N ._.Note that TOUCHING in AS TOUCHING X is tagged VAG.
Godd_NPR he_PRO unwur+dede_VBD +da_P +ta_C he_PRO +dolede_VBD +dat_C his_PRO$ wi+derwine_N him_PRO ouercam_VBD
+Teos_D Meiden_N +tet_C ich_PRO munie_VBP stot_VBD +turh_P +teos_D steauene_N stercliche_ADV istrenget_VAN ant_CONJ abad_VBD baldeliche_ADV a+det_P me_MAN com_VBD +tt_C neauer_ADV a+det_P tes_D dei_N ne_NEG funde_VBD we_PRO nohwer_Q+WADV nan_Q swa_ADVR deop_ADV ilearet_VAN +te_C durste_MD sputi_VB wi+d_P us_PRO ne_CONJ we_PRO nusten_NEG+VBD hwet_WPRO we_PRO duden_DOD a_P21 +det_P22 he_PRO undutte_VBD us_PRO