$ich_PRO $challe_MD {TEXT:ichalle}_CODE $me_PRO $thynketh_VBP {TEXT:methynketh}_CODE
$maist_MD $tow_PRO {TEXT:maistow}_CODE $grin_VBI $it_PRO {TEXT:grinit}_CODE
therefore_ADV+P heretofore_ADV+P wherefore_WADV+P iwit_P+N ibedde_P+N areawe_P+N acneon_P+NSSome common types that may be split depending on the syntactic configuration that they occur in are:
hu_WADV god_NPR seolf_N wes_BED i+tis_P+D iderued_VAN +Te_D blake_ADJ cros_N limpe+d_VBP to_P +teo_D +te_C make+d_VBP $i_P $+te_D {TEXT:i+te}_CODE world_N hare_PRO$ penitence_N for_P ladliche_ADJ sunnen_NS ._.
thestaat_D+N thilke_D+ADJ $a_D $ful_ADV {TEXT:aful}_CODE wac_ADJ knif_N
nolde_NEG+MD nave_NEG+HVP
toslenne_TO+VB tappeal_TO+VB toffrenn_TO+VB for_FOR tabyde_TO+VB
meself_PRO+N myself_PRO$+N himself_PRO+N herself_PRO+N themselves_PRO+NNote that SELF is always tagged N whether it appears to be singular or plural.
a-swythe_ADVR+ADV = as swythe (quickly) assone_ADVR+ADV = as soon
lifetime_N+N alderman_N+N eortheware_N+N godfather_N+N bishopric_N+N household_N+N mankind_N+NCompounds like EVIL-DOERS are tagged N+NS, if the first part can be interpreted as a noun. If not, as in WELL-DOERS, it is tagged appropriately: ADV+NS.
whatsoever_WPRO+ADV+ADV whoso_WPRO+ADV wheresomever_WADV+ADV+ADV
vainglory_ADJ+N othergates_OTHER+NS Halichurche_ADJ+NPR otherwise_OTHER+N hidercume_ADV+N grandsire_ADJ+N well-doers_ADV+NS a-for-tyme_ADV+N be-forn-tyme_ADV+N oftyn-tyme_ADV+N oftesy+de_ADV+N oftyn-tymes_ADV+NS ofte-tide_ADV+N often-while_ADV+N
aforn-seyd_ADV+VAN aboven-seyde_ADV+VAN abouesaide_ADV+VAN be-forn-wretyn_ADV+VAN well-knowyn_ADV+VAN everlasting_ADV+VAG
toward_P inward_ADJ beauty_N froward_P afterward_P onne+derward_P afterward_ADV+WARD forward_ADV+WARD backward_ADV+WARD +tedir-ward_ADV+WARD inward_RP+WARD in_RP warde_WARD outward_RP+WARD downward_RP+WARD to-+te-holy-place-warde_P+D+ADJ+N+WARD to-owr-Lord-ward_P+PRO$+NPR+WARD tyll_P Jhesuwarde_NPR+WARD
ilkane_Q+ONE echone_Q+ONE someone_Q+ONE something_Q+N somdel_Q+N somewhat_Q+WPRO
god-fearing_NPR+VAG alms-willing_N+VAG wind-driven_N+VAN
a morwe amorwe_P+N a two atwo_P+NUM a +tre a+tre_P+NUM a foure afoure_P+NUM a fire afire_P+N a backward abackward_P+ADV+WARD a doun adoun_P+RP a fishing afishing_P+N a sunder asunder_P+ADJ
for ever forever_P+ADV on live onlive_P+N in deed indeed_P+N for thi forthi_P+D for soothe forsooth_P+N by cause because_P+N at once atonce_P+ADV by times betimes_P+N
At least the following list of adverbs are treated as unitary.
above henseforward about la(n)hure abroad nevermore and variants afore nevertheless, natforthi, and variants again overal anon overmete aright peraventure away toeken almost tofore already toforehand always together asswa towhether behind whatforthi before withal eftsoon within evermore and variants without fornigh +te+get forthright furtherover
The following list of prepositions is treated as unitary.
about forto tofore a+det fromward togains agains intil toward although inwith towhethere al-what lest unto among notwithstanding withal apon onward within before outake(n) without behind +te+get beneath thereagainst beside(s) theretogainst between throughout betwix tilinto beyond tilto bimong toeke
with_VB21 say_VB22 to_VBD21 brake_VBD22 by_VBD21 shone_VBD22 fore_VAN21 said_VAN22
a_VBP21 kel+t_VBP22 a_VBD21 resunede_VBD22 a_VBD21 seide_VBD22 a_VBP21 turne+t_VBP22
i_VBN21 onswered_VBN22 i_VB21 heren_VB22 +ge_VBP21 bette_VBP22
mild_ADJ21 heorted_ADJ22 tweie_ADJ21 to+ted_ADJ22 fe+der_ADJ21 fotetd_ADJ22 freo_ADJ21 Iheorted_ADJ22 gled_ADJ21 ful_ADJ22 +tusend_ADJ21 falde_ADJ22 un_ADJ21 seli_ADJ22
to_P day_N today_N to_P morrow_N tomorrow_N
yester_ADJ day_N yesterday_N after_P noon_N afternoon_N seteres_NPR day_NPR Saturday_NPR
welcome_ADJ almighty_ADJ all_Q mighty_ADJ derworthy_ADJ
into_P in_RP to_P up-on_P up_RP on_P etc.