Action Database
Description: A database of whole-body action videos for the study of action, emotion, untrustworthiness, identity, and gender.
The database contains action videos consisting of multiple actions performed by multiple actors conveying different emotions and filmed from 3 viewpoints in both 2D and 3D.
Actors 29 (19 females, 10 males)
Actions 6 (walking left, sitting, picking up box, placing box, jumping, standing and acting)
Emotions 5 (happy, sad, angry, fearful, untrustworthy)
Filmed from: 0 degrees in 3D, -45 degrees in 2D, +45 degrees in 2D
Duration: 3 seconds lead in time, action duration 4 seconds
If you use the database in your research please cite:
Keefe, B.D., Villing, M., Racey, C., Strong, S.M., Wincenciak, J., Barraclough, N.E. (2014) A
database of whole-body action videos for the study of action, emotion and untrustworthiness trustworthiness discrimination. Behavior Research Methods doi:10.3758/s13428-013-0439-6
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