Z-contrast image of a gold nanoparticle in a liquid
(hexane) imaged using fluid cell STEM. The blurred areas are caused by CdSe
nanoparticle rapidly moving in the liquid during the recording of the image.

Z-contrast image of a gold nanorod in water after precipitation of
calcite from amorphous calcium carbonate. Calcite nanocrystals have
formed at the tips of the nanrod.

TEM image of aragonite precipitated from a supersaturated solution of
calcium and carbonate ions in the presence of ethanol.
Scanning electron
micrograph of the top of the skeleton of the coral Porites lobata.
A spicule formed
during the juvenile stage of coral growth imaged by SEM. |

A coccolithophore of
the calcifying algae Rhabdosphaera clavigera imaged by SEM.

Calcium carbonate
precipiated in the presence of the polymer PMMA imaged by SEM.

Cross-sectional view
of the scallop Pekten maximus
after mild etching to visualise the layered structure formed by
calcite nanocrystals.

crystalline calcite nanowire deposited using a track-etch membrane.