Biomolecular structure prediction using immune inspired algorithms. 2007. (In in silico Immunology )
Books : reviews
Giuseppe Nicosia, Vincenzo Cutello, Peter J. Bentley, Jonathan Timmis, eds. ICARIS 2004: 3rd International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems, Catania, Sicily.
Springer. 2004
Gyorgy Cserey, Wolfgang Porod, Tamas Roska. An artificial immune system based visual analysis model and its real-time terrain surveillance application. 2004
Slavisa Sarafijanovic, Jean-Yves Le Boudec. An artificial immune system for misbehaviour detection in mobile ad-hoc networks with virtual thymus, clustering, danger signal, and memory detectors. 2004
adaptive negative selection using a "danger signal" to decide what is the current "self"
Niloy Ganguly, Andreas Deutsch. Developing efficient search algorithms for P2P networks using proliferation and mutation. 2004