Ben Powell
Hello, I am a mathematician/statistician working at the University of York. This website contains some information relating to recent research projects, some supplementary material for the courses that I teach and assorted fragments R code that may be useful to others.
In the 2024/25 academic year I will be teaching modules on Bayesian Statistics and Linear Models. Core resources for the modules can be found on the Maths Department’s Moodle pages.
My research involves the identification and quantification of patterns in past data that allow us to predict future data. The general strategy is to work with domain experts to solve a problem that interests them. We publish the findings we make and the tools we develop along the way so that other people can use them to solve their own problems.
In the past I have worked with climatological, economic, demographic, medical and genetic data. Currently, I am particularly interested in sports data and geopolitical data.