Siamak F. Shahandashti

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)
 Cyber Security and Privacy Research Group
 Dept. of Computer Science
 University of York, UK

A Photo of Siamak Shahandashti

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 Security & Privacy Conference Timeline

Latest News

2024-09-16: I was quoted on a Wired article by Matt Burgess on Aplle's new password manager app. See:  Wired Article
2024-07-01: Ali's work on designing a secure password manager governance framework has been accepted to ICICS 2024. See:  ePrint,  Code,  Conference Webpage
2024-06-05: Ali passed his MRes viva with no corrections! Congrats! Thanks to Prof. Manos Panaousis and Dr. Roberto Metere (examiners) and Dr. Kostas Barmpis (co-supervisor). Ali's publications are coming up soon.
Older:  News archive

Selected Publications

[BKPS23] Christopher Battarbee, Delaram Kahrobaei, Ludovic Perret, and Siamak F. Shahandashti. "SPDH-Sign: Towards Efficient, Post-quantum Group-Based Signatures". PQCrypto 2023, LNCS 14154: 113–138, Springer, 2023.
 ePrint |  DoI |  Slides |  Video |  BibTeX

[TSP23] Dan Turner, Siamak F. Shahandashti, and Helen Petrie. "The Effect of Length on Key Fingerprint Verification Security and Usability". ARES 2023: 23: 1–11.
 ePrint |  DoI |  Slides |  BibTeX

[KS21] George Kampanos and Siamak F. Shahandashti. "Accept All: The Landscape of Cookie Banners in Greece and the UK". IFIP SEC 2021, IFIP AICT 625: 213–227, Springer, 2021.
 ePrint |  DoI |  Code |  BibTeX

 Full Publication List

Selected Funded Projects (current)

PRIME: Protecting Minority Ethnic Communities Online
PHAWM: Participatory Harm Auditing Workbenches and Methodologies

Selected Academic Service

Program Committee (current):

University Service (current):
 Co-Chair, Physical Sciences Ethics Committee
 Member, Information Security Board
 Member, Academic Ethics Compliance Committee

Departmental Service (selected, current):
 Lead, Cyber Security and Privacy Research Group
 Deputy Chair, Graduate School Board
 Programme Lead, MSc Cyber Security

 Full Academic Service List

Student Supervision

Current Research Students:
Charles Dodd (with  Pooya Farshim)
Najla Aldaraani (with  Helen Petrie)
Ibtihal Alotaibi (with  Helen Petrie)

 Full Student Supervision List (and Information for Prospective Students)


Current Module: Cryptography Theory and Practice (  CTAP-H /  CTAP-M )

 Full Teaching List

On Other Platforms

Contact Details

    where x = siamak
    and y = shahandashti
 Public Key:  OpenPGP File
 Office: CSE/235 ( map)
 Tel: +44 1904 325413

Postal Address

Dept of Computer Science
University of York
York, YO10 5GH
United Kingdom

Previously at

  • Newcastle Uni, UK
  • Victoria Uni, Australia
  • ENS, Paris, France
  • Wollongong Uni, Australia