
Short works

Books : reviews

Christopher G. Langton, ed.
Artificial Life: proceedings of an interdisciplinary workshop on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, Los Alamos, 1987.
Addison-Wesley. 1989

(read but not reviewed)


Howard H. Pattee. Simulations, Realizations, and Theories of Life. 1989
Many of the controversies in AI result from the multiple use of computation as a conceptual theory, as an empirical tool, as simulation, and as realization of thought. AL models will have to make these distinctions.

... it was also clear that the environment was too simple to produce interesting emergent behaviour.
Artificial Life. 1989
updated in The Philosophy of Artificial Life
Richard A. Laing. Artificial Organisms: History, Problems, and Directions. 1989
Steen Rasmussen. Towards a Quantitiative Theory of the Origin of Life. 1989
Pablo Tamayo, Hyman Hartman. Cellular Automata, Reaction-Diffusion Systems, and the Origin of Life. 1989
Milan Zeleny, George J. Klir, Kevin D. Hufford. Precipitation Membranes, Osmotic Growths, and Synthetic Biology. 1989
Norman H. Packard. Evolving Bugs in a Simulated Ecosystem. 1989
Stewart W. Wilson. The Genetic Algorithm and Simulated Evolution. 1989
Hans Moravec. Human Culture: A Genetic Takeover Underway. 1989
Richard Dawkins. The Evolution of Evolvability. 1989
Aristid Lindenmayer, Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz. Developmental Models of Multicellular Organisms: A Computer Graphics Perspective. 1989
Peter Oppenheimer. The Artificial Menagerie. 1989
Charles E. Taylor, David R. Jefferson, Scott R. Turner, Seth R. Goldman. RAM: Artificial Life for the Exploration of Complex Biological Systems. 1989
Paulien Hogeweg. Mirror Beyond Mirror: Puddles of Life. 1989
Narendra S. Goel, Richard L. Thompson. Movable Finite Automata (MFA): A New Tool for Computer Modelling of Living Systems. 1989
Marek W. Lugowski. Computational Metabolism: Towards Biological Geometries for Computing. 1989
Harold C. Morris. Typogenetics: A Logic for Artificial Life. 1989
Mitchel Resnick. Lego, Logo, and Life. 1989
Bill Coderre. Modeling Behavior in Petworld. 1989
Michael Travers. Animal Construction Kits. 1989
Conrad Schneiker. Nanotechnology with Feynman Machines: Scanning Tunneling Engineering and Artificial Life. 1989
K. Eric Drexler. Biological and Nanomechanical Systems: Contrasts in Evolving Capacity. 1989
Stuart R. Hameroff, Steen Rasmussen, Bengt Mansson. Molecular Automata in Microtubules: Basic Computaional Logic of the Living State?. 1989
Valentino Braitenberg. Some Types of Movements. 1989
Annotated Bibliography of Literature in the Field of Artificial Life. 1989
Aristid Lindenmayer, Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz. Annotated Bibliography of Plant Modeling and Growth Simulation. 1989

Christopher G. Langton.
Computation at the Edge of Chaos: phase-transitions and emergent computation.
University of Michigan. 1991

(read but not reviewed)

Christopher G. Langton, Charles E. Taylor, J. Doyne Farmer, Steen Rasmussen, eds.
Artificial Life II: proceedings of the workshop on the Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems, Santa Fe, 1990.
Addison Wesley. 1992

(read but not reviewed)

The papers are gathered under the following headings: • Overview • Origin/Self-Organization • Evolutionary Dynamics • Development • Learning and Evolution • Computation • Philosophy/Emergence • The Future


Thomas S. Ray. An Approach to the Synthesis of Life. 1992
A description of his virtual Tierra environment, for studying artificial open-ended evolution
Christopher G. Langton. Introduction to Artificial Life II. 1992
Charles E. Taylor. "Fleshing Out" Artificial Life II. 1992
Christopher G. Langton. Life at the Edge of Chaos. 1992
Richard J. Bagley, J. Doyne Farmer. Spontaneous Emergence of a Metabolism. 1992
Richard J. Bagley, J. Doyne Farmer, Walter Fontana. Evolution of a Metabolism. 1992
Walter Fontana. Algorithmic Chemistry. 1992
Steen Rasmussen, Carsten Knudsen, Rasmus Feldberg. Dynamics of Programmable Matter. 1992
Maarten Boerlijst, Paulien Hogeweg. Self-Structuring and Selection: Spiral Waves as a Substrate for Prebiotic Evolution. 1992
Peter Schuster. Complex Optimization in an Artificial RNA World. 1992
Kristian Lindgren. Evolutionary Phenomena in Simple Dynamics. 1992
W. Daniel Hillis. Co-Evolving Parasites Improve Simulated Evolution as an Optimization Procedure. 1990
Stuart A. Kauffman, Sonke Johnson. Co-Evolution to the Edge of Chaos: Coupled Fitness Landscapes, Poised States, and Co-Evolutionary Avalanches. 1992
David G. Stork, Bernie Jackson, Scott Walker. "Non-Optimality" via Pre-Adaptation in Simple Neural Systems. 1992
Mark A. Bedau, Norman H. Packard. Measurement of Evolutionary Activity, Teleology, and Life. 1992
Martin J. de Boer, F. David Fracchia, Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz. Analysis and Simulation of the Development of Cellular Layers. 1992
David H. Ackley, Michael L. Littman. Interactions Between Learning and Evolution. 1992
Richard K. Belew, John McInerney, Nicol N. Schraudolph. Evolving Networks: Using the Genetic Algorithm with Connectionist Learning. 1992
David R. Jefferson, Robert J. Collins, Claus Cooper, Michael G. Dyer, Margot Flowers, Richard Korf, Charles E. Taylor, Alan Wang. Evolution as a Theme in Artificial Life: The Genesys/Tracker System. 1992
Robert J. Collins, David R. Jefferson. AntFarm: Towards Simulated Evolution. 1992
John R. Koza. Genetic Evolution and Co-Evolution of Computer Programs. 1992
Bruce J. MacLennan. Synthetic Ethology: An Approach to the Study of Communication. 1992
Gregory M. Werner, Michael G. Dyer. Evolution of Communication in Artificial Organisms. 1992
Edwin Hutchins, Brian Hazlehurst. Learning in the Cultural Process. 1992
Alvy Ray Smith. Simple Nontrivial Self-Reproducing Machines. 1992
Eugene H. Spafford. Computer Viruses--A Form of Artificial Life?. 1992
Elliott Sober. Learning from Functionalism--Prospects for Strong Artificial Life. 1992
Steen Rasmussen. Aspects of Information, Life, Reality, and Physics. 1992
Peter Cariani. Emergence and Artificial Life. 1992
Louis Bec. Elements d'Epistemologie Fabulatoire. 1992
[in French]
J. Doyne Farmer, Alletta d'A. Belin. Artificial Life: The Coming Evolution. 1992

Christopher G. Langton, ed.
Artificial Life III.
Addison-Wesley. 1994

(read but not reviewed)


Erik Schultes. An Instance of a Replicator. 1994
David H. Ackley, Michael L. Littman. A Case for Lamarckian Evolution. 1994
Per Bak, Henrik Flyvbjerg, Benny Lathrup. Evolution and Coevolution in a Rugged Fitness Landscape. 1994
Kunihiko Kaneko, Junji Suzuki. Evolution to the Edge of Chaos in an Imitation Game. 1994
Peter J. Angeline, Jordan B. Pollack. Coevolving High-Level Representations. 1994
Kristian Lindgren, Mats G. Nordahl. Artificial Food Webs. 1994
Alan R. Johnson. Evolution of a Size-Structured, Predator-Prey Community. 1994
E. Ann Stanley, Dan Ashlock, Leigh Tesfatsion. Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma with Choice and Refusal of Partners. 1994
Yukihiko Toquenaga, Masanori Ichinose, Tsutomu Hoshino, Koichi Fujii. Contest and Scramble Competitions in an Artificial World Genetic Analysis with Genetic Algorithms. 1994
J. Stephen Lansing, James N. Kremer. Emergent Properties of Balinese Water Temple Networks: Coadaptation on a Rugged Fitness Landscape. 1994
John R. Koza. Artificial Life: Spontaneous Emergence of Self-Replicating and Evolutionary Self-Improving Computer Programs. 1994
Larry S. Yaeger. Computational Genetics, Physiology, Metabolism, Neural Systems, Learning, Vision, and Behavior or PolyWorld: Life in a New Context. 1994
Craig W. Reynolds. An Evolved, Vision-Based Model of Obstacle Avoidance Behavior. 1994
David Zeltzer, Michael McKenna. Simulation of Autonomous Legged Locomotion. 1994
Johndale C. Solem. The Motility of Microrobots. 1994
Harold J. Morowitz. Artificial Biochemistry, Life Before Enzymes. 1994
Kurt Fleischer, Alan H. Barr. A Simulation Testbed for the Study of Multicellular Development: The Multiple Mechanisms of Morphogenesis. 1994
Mark M. Millonas. Swarms, Phase Transitions, and Collective Intelligence. 1994
Jeffrey O. Kephart. How Topology Affects Population Dynamics. 1994
Andrew Wuensche. The Ghost in the Machine. 1994
Carlo C. Maley. The Computational Completeness of Ray's Tierran Assembly Language. 1994
Nils A. Baas. Emergence, Hierarchies, and Hyperstructures. 1994
Stevan Harnad. Artificial Life: Synthetic vs. Virtual. 1994
Claus Emmeche. Is Life as a Multiverse Phenomenon?. 1994
Brian L. Keeley. Against the Global Replacement: On the Application of the Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence to Artificial Life. 1994

Christopher G. Langton, ed.
Artificial Life: an Overview.
MIT Press. 1995

(read but not reviewed)

[reprint of the first 3 issues of the journal Artificial Life, 1993/1994]


Charles E. Taylor, David R. Jefferson. Artificial Life as a Tool for Biological Inquiry. 1995
Kristian Lindgren, Mats G. Nordahl. Cooperation and Community Structure in Artificial Ecosystems. 1995
Peter Schuster. Extended Molecular Evolutionary Biology: Artificial Life Bridging the Gap Between Chemistry and Biology. 1995
Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz. Visual Models of Morphogenesis. 1995
Luc Steels. The Artificial Life Roots of Artificial Intelligence. 1995
Michael G. Dyer. Toward Synthesizing Artificial Neural Networks that Exhibit Cooperative Intelligent Behavior: Some Open Issues in Artificial Life. 1995
Pattie Maes. Modeling Adaptive Autonomous Agents. 1995
Kunihiko Kaneko. Chaos as a Source of Complexity and Diversity in Evolution. 1995
Thomas S. Ray. An Evolutionary Approach to Synthetic Biology: Zen and the Art of Creating Life. 1995
Walter Fontana, Gilmer Wagner, Leo W. Buss. Beyond Digital Naturalism. 1995
Mitchel Resnick. Learning About Life. 1995
David G. Stork. Books on Artificial Life and Related Topics. 1995
Eugene H. Spafford. Computer Viruses as Artificial Life. 1995
Melanie Mitchell, Stephanie Forrest. Genetic Algorithms and Artificial Life. 1995
Daniel C. Dennett. Artificial Life as Philosophy. 1994
In this manifesto in the first issue of the Artificial Life journal, Dennett explains why the study of Artificial Life is important as a new philosophical method.
Stevan Hamad. Levels of Functional Equivalence in Reverse Bioengineering. 1995
Eric W. Bonabeau, Guy Theraulaz. Why Do We Need Artificial Life?. 1995

Christopher G. Langton, Katsunori Shimohara, eds.
Artificial Life V: proceedings of the fifth international workshop on the synthesis and simulation of living systems, Nara, Japan.
MIT Press. 1996

(read but not reviewed)


Arthur W. Burks. Creative Uses of Logic in the Invention of the Electronic Computer. 1996
Koji Ikuta. 3D-Micro Integrated Fluidic System toward Living LSI. 1996
Marvin L. Minsky. How Computer Science will Change Our Lives. 1996
Hirofumi Miura, Takashi Yasuda, Yayoi Kubo Fujisawa, Yoshihiko Kuwana, Shoji Takeuchi, Isao Shimoyama. Insect-Model Based Microrobot. 1996
Shouji Tatsukawa. Old Japanese Robot (Karakuri-Ningyo). 1996
Owen E. Holland. Grey Walter: The Pioneer of Real Artificial Life. 1996
Olivier Beuret, Marco Tomassini. Behaviour of Multiple Generalized Langton's Ants. 1996
Hiroshi Yokoi, Takafumi Mizuno, Masatoshi Takita, Jun Hakura, Yukinori Kakazu. Amoeba Like Self-Organization Model Using Vibrating Potential Field. 1996
Owen E. Holland, Chris R. Melhuish. Getting the Most from the Least: Lessons for the Nanoscale from Minimal Mobile Agents. 1996
Mari Nakamura, Koichi Kurumatani. Formation Mechanism of Pheromone Pattern and Control of Foraging Behavior in an Ant Colony Model. 1996
Lawrence Bull, Terence C. Fogarty. Horizontal Gene Transfer in Endosymbiosis. 1996
Gregory M. Werner. Why the Peacock's Tail is so Short: Limits to Sexual Selection. 1996
Jordan B. Pollack, Alan D. Blair, Mark Land. Coevolution of a Backgammon Player. 1996
Atsushi Shinjoh, Masanao Takeyama. Spatial Analysis of Artificial World. 1996
Hideaki Suzuki. Functional Emergence with Multiple von Neumann Computers. 1996
David H. Ackley. ccr: A Network of Worlds for Research. 1996
Nuno Gracias, Henrique Pereira, Jose Allen Lima, Agostinho Rosa. Gaia: An Artificial Life Environment for Ecological Systems Simulation. 1996
Hansrudi Noser, Igor Sunday Pandzic, Tolga K. Capin, Nadia Magnenat-Thalmann, Daniel Thalmann. Playing Games through the Virtual Life Network. 1996
Naoko Tosa, Ryohei Nakatsu. The Esthetics of Artificial Life: Human-Like Communication Character, "MIC" & Feeling Improvisation Character, "MUSE". 1996
Luigi Pagliarini, Henrik Hautop Lund, Orazio Miglino, Domenico Parisi. Artificial Life: A New Way to Build Educational and Therapeutic Games. 1996
Yoichiro Kawaguchi. The Art of the GROWTH Algorithm with Cells. 1996
Christa Sommerer, Laurent Mignonneau. "A-Volve" an Evolutionary Artificial Life Environment. 1996
Luc Steels. Self-Organizing Vocabularies. 1996
Akira Ito. How do Selfish Agents Learn to Cooperate?. 1996
Eizo Akiyama, Kunihiko Kaneko. Evolution of Communication and Strategies in an Iterated Three-Person Game. 1996
Bruno Beaufils, Jean-Paul Delahaye, Philippe Mathieu. Our Meeting with Gradual: A Good Strategy for the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma. 1996
Hitoshi Hemmi, Jun'ichi Mizoguchi, Katsunori Shimohara. Evolving Large Scale Digital Circuits. 1996
Hiroaki Kitano. Towards Evolvable Electro-Biochemical Systems. 1996
Kurt Fleischer. Investigations with a Multicellular Developmental Model. 1996
Akira Onitsuka, Jari Vaario, Kanji Ueda. Structural Formation by Enhanced Diffusion Limited Aggregation Model. 1996
Jari Vaario, Naoko Ogata, Katsunori Shimohara. Synthesis of Environment Directed and Genetic Growth. 1996
Federico Moran, Alvaro Moreno, Eric Minch, Francisco Montero. Further Steps towards a Realistic Description of the Essence of Life. 1996
Brian L. Keeley. Evaluating Artificial Life and Artificial Organisms. 1996
Kanji Ueda. Differentiation of the Realms of Artifacts and Information: How does it Relate to Parts/Whole and InŽside/Outside?. 1996
Jan T. Kim. Distance Distribution Complexity: A Measure for the Structured Diversity of Evolving Populations. 1996
Peter M. Todd, Geoffrey F. Miller. Biodiversity through Sexual Selection. 1996
Yukihiko Toquenaga, Takuya Saruwatari, Tsutomu Hoshino. Repairing Genetic Algorithm and Diversity in Artificial Ecosystems. 1996
C. Ilia Herraiz, J. J. Merelo, Sergio Olmeda, A. Prieto. An Individual-Based Model that Reproduces Natural Distribution of Species Abundance and Diversity. 1996
Masayuki Inaba, Satoshi Kagami, Fumio Kanehiro, Kenichiro Nagasaka, Hirochika Inoue. Mother Operations to Evolve Embodied Robots Based on the Remote-Brained Approach. 1996
John R. Koza, Forrest H. Bennett III, David Andre, Martin A. Keane. Toward Evolution of Electronic Animals Using Genetic Programming. 1996
Henrik Hautop Lund, Domenico Parisi. Generalist and Specialist Behavior due to Individual Energy Extracting Abilities. 1996
Demetri Terzopoulos, Tamer Rabie, Radek Grzeszczuk. Perception and Learning in Artificial Animals. 1996
Fuminori Saito, Toshio Fukuda. First Result of the Brachiator III - A New Brachiation Robot Modeled on a Siamang. 1996
Kazuo Hosokawa, Isao Shimoyama, Hirofumi Miura. Self-Assembling Microstructures. 1996
Yoshihiko Kuwana, Isao Shimoyama, Yushi Sayama, Hirofumi Miura. A Robot that Behaves like a Silkworm Moth in the Pheromone Stream. 1996
Christian M. Reidys, Stephan Kopp, Peter Schuster. Evolutionary Optimization of Biopolymers and Sequence Structure Maps. 1996
John Carnahan, Song-gang Li, Carlo Costantini, Yeya T. Toure, Charles E. Taylor. Computer Simulation of Dispersal by Anopheles Gambiae in West Africa. 1996
H. Ohtake, T. Yako, T. Tsuji, J. Kato, A. Kuroda, M. Kaneko. An Approach to Molecular Artificial Life: Bacterial Intelligent Behavior and its Computer Model. 1996
Tetsuya Yomo, Toshiyuki Habu, Shiro Soga, Tomoaki Matsuura, Yasufumi Shima, Itaru Urabe. In Vitro Self-Replication System as a Minimum Set of Life. 1996
Yasuhiro Kikuchi, Hirofumi Doi. Simulating Evolution of the Vitality by the Biased Mutation Model. 1996
Mikael Cronhjort, Clas Blomberg. Chasing: A Mechanism for Resistance against Parasites in Self-Replicating Systems. 1996
Shinichiro Yoshii, Hiroaki Inayoshi, Yukinori Kakazu. Atomoid: A New Prospect in Reaction-Formation System Spontaneous Hypercycles Guided by Dissipative Structural Properties. 1996
Takashi Ikegami, Takashi Hashimoto. Replication and Diversity in Machine-Tape Coevolutionary Systems. 1996
Tomoyuki Yamamoto, Kunihiko Kaneko. Igniting the Cycle of Creation - An Approach to Create Metabolism with Tile Automaton. 1996
Tsutomu Hoshino, Masahiro Tsuchida. Manifestation of Neutral Genes in Evolving Robot Navigation. 1996
Christian V. Forst, Christian M. Reidys. On Evolutionary Dynamics. 1996
Johan Chu, Christoph Adami. Propagation of Information in Populations of Self-Replicating Code. 1996
Sobei H. Oda, Ken Miura, Kanji Ueda. The Application of Cellular Automata to Network Externalities in Consumer's Theory: A Generalisation of Life Game. 1996
Edward A. Rietman. Modelling Nanoscale Phenomena with Cellular Automata: Some Chemical-Physics Observations. 1996
Kenichi Morita, Katsunobu Imai. A Simple Self-Reproducing Cellular Automaton with Shape-Encoding Mechanism. 1996
Hugues Bersini. Frustration and Clustering in Biological Networks. 1996
J. N. Yoshimoto. Dynamical Networks which Depend on Each Other. 1996
David Andre, Forrest H. Bennett III, John R. Koza. Evolution of Intricate Long-Distance Communication Signals in Cellular Automata Using Genetic Programming. 1996
Yasuhiro Suzuki, Shusaku Tsumoto, Hiroshi Tanaka. Analysis of Cycles in Symbolic Chemical System Based on Abstract Rewriting System on Multisets. 1996