R. Hawkins
arXiv preprint arXiv:2502.00911 (2025)
Shahbeigi Roudposhti, S. and Hawkins, R.
In Safety Critical Systems Symposium (SSS '25)
Fenn, J., Hawkins, R.D. and Nicholson, M.
In Safety Critical Systems Symposium (SSS '25)
Mulvana, P., Marsland, L-J., Boden, T., Burroughes, G., Hawkins, R. D. & Osborne, M.
Safety-Critical Systems Symposium (SSS’24).
Fenn, J., Hawkins, R. D. & Nicholson, M.
SAFECOMP 2024: 11th International Workshop on Next Generation of System Assurance Approaches for Critical Systems (SASSUR 2024).
Vardal, O., Hawkins, R. D., Paterson, C., Picardi, C., Omeiza, D., Kunze, L. & Habli, I.
arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.16220. (2024)
Imrie, C. C., Howard, R., Thuremella, D., Proma, N. M., Pandey, T., Lewinska, P. B. W., Cannizzaro, R., Hawkins, R. D., Paterson, C., Kunze, L. & Hodge, V. J.
SEAMS '24: Proceedings of the 19th Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems. ACM
Osborne, M. and Hawkins, R.
European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC '24)
McDermid, J. A., Calinescu, R., Habli, I., Hawkins, R., Jia, Y., Molloy, J., Osborne, M., Paterson, C., Porter, Z. & Ryan Conmy, P.
Computer. 57, 4, 2004.
Osborne, M., Hawkins, R. D., Alexander, R. & Nicholson, M.
Safety science. 172, 22 2024
Hawkins, R. and Ryan, P.
In Proceedings of Safecomp 2023.
Hawkins, R.D., Picardi, C., Donnell, L. and Ireland, M.
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems (2023).
Picardi, C., Hawkins, R.D., Paterson, C. and Habli, I.
In Proceedings of the Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Safety (SafeAI 2023).
Hawkins, R., Osborne, M., Parsons, M., Nicholson, M., McDermid, J. and Habli, I.
arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.00853
Osborne, M., Hawkins, R.D. and McDermid, J.A.
In SAFECOMP 2022 (41st International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security)
Hawkins, R. D., Paterson, C., Picardi, C., Jia, Y., Calinescu, R. and Habli, I.
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.01564
Aftab, H., Gautam, V., Hawkins, R. D., Alexander, R. & Habli, I.
EAI MobiHealth 2021
Habli, I., Alexander, R. and Hawkins, R.
In Safety Critical Systems Symposium (SSS '21)
Gautam, V., Gheraibia, Y., Alexander, R. and Hawkins, R.
In Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Safety (SafeAI 2021)
Osborne, M., Hawkins, R.and Nicholson, M.
In Safety Critical Systems Symposium (SSS '21)
Gauerhof, L., Hawkins, R.D., Picardi, C., Paterson, C., Hagiwara, Y. and Habli, I.
In SAFECOMP 2020 (39th International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security)
Hodge, V.J., Hawkins, R. & Alexander, R.
Neural Computing and Applications, pp.1-19.(2020)
Habli, I., Alexander, R., Hawkins, R., Sujan, M., McDermid, J., Picardi, C. and Lawton, T.
BMJ Health & Care Informatics, 27(3)
Selviandro, N., Hawkins, R. and Habli, I.
In International Symposium on Model-Based Safety and Assessment (pp. 3-18). Springer, Cham.
Picardi, C., Paterson, C., Hawkins, R., Calinescu, R. and Habli, I.
AAAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence Safety 2020
Sujan, M., Furniss, D., Hawkins, R. and Habli, I.
Safety-Critical Systems Symposium 2020
Burton, S., Gauerhof, L., Sethy, B.B., Habli, I. and Hawkins, R.
International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security (Safecomp 2019)
Wei, R., Kelly, T.P., Dai, X., Zhao, S. and Hawkins, R.
Journal of Systems and Software, 154, pp.211-233, 2019
Picardi, C., Hawkins, R., Paterson, C. and Habli, I.
International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security (Safecomp 2019)
N. Selviandro, T. Kelly and R. Hawkins
Third International Workshop on Human Factors in Modeling (HuFaMo’18)
M. Ashjaei, K. Clegg, L. Corneo, R. Hawkins, O. Jaradat, V. Gulisano and Y. Nikolakopoulos
International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - Work in Progress Session, September 2018
O. Jaradat, I. Sljivo, I. Habli and R. Hawkins
European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC'17)
Wei, R., Kelly, T.P., Hawkins, R. and Armengaud, E.
Federation of International Conferences on Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (pp. 409-416). Springer, Cham.
R. Alexander, R. Hawkins and T. Kelly
Safety-critical Systems Symposium 2017 (SSS'17)
Richard Hawkins, Thomas Richardson and Tim Kelly
Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security 35th International Conference, SAFECOMP 2016, Trondheim, Norway, 2016
Richard Hawkins, Ibrahim Habli, Dimitris Kolovos, Richard Paige, Tim Kelly
16th IEEE International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering (HASE '15), Daytona Beach, FL, 2015
Richard Hawkins, Ibrahim Habli and Tim Kelly
Ada User Journal, Volume 36, No. 3 pp. 187 - 191, September 2015
Richard Hawkins and Tim Kelly
Technical Report, Department of Computer Science, The University of York, YCS-2013-482
Richard Hawkins, Alvaro Miyazawa, Ana Cavalcanti, Tim Kelly and John Rowlands
Safecomp '14, Florence, 2014
P. Avery and R Hawkins
IET System Safety Conference '14, Manchester, 2014
Richard Hawkins, Ibrahim Habli, Tim Kelly and John McDermid
Safety Science - 59 (2013) 55-71
Richard Hawkins, Ibrahim Habli, and Tim Kelly
International System Safety Conference (ISSC) 2013, Boston
Patrick Graydon, Ibrahim Habli, Richard Hawkins, Tim Kelly and John Knight
IEEE Software - Vol. 29, No.3 pp. 50 - 57, 2012
Richard Hawkins, Ibrahim Habli, and Tim Kelly
Next Generation of System Assurance Approaches for Safety-Critical Systems (SASSUR) - Safecomp 2013 Workshop
Andrew Rae and Richard Hawkins
Australian Safety Critical Systems Conference, 2012
Richard Hawkins and Tim Kelly
IET System Safety Conference, Edinburgh, 2012
Richard Hawkins, Kester Clegg, Rob Alexander, and Tim Kelly
Safecomp '11, Naples, 2011
Richard Hawkins, Tim Kelly, John Knight and Patrick Graydon
SSS '11, Southampton, 2011
R Alexander, R Hawkins, T Kelly
Report produced for CESG, April 2011
Richard Hawkins and Tim Kelly,
Journal of System Safety, Volume 46, No. 4, pp 25-33, System Safety Society Inc., July 2010
Ibrahim Habli, Richard Hawkins, and Tim Kelly,
International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems 2010 - Vol. 1, No.4 pp. 364 - 383, 2010
Richard Hawkins, and Tim Kelly,
IET System Safety Conference, Manchester, 2010
Catherine Menon, Richard Hawkins, John McDermid and Tim Kelly
SSS '10, Bristol, 2010
Richard Hawkins, and Tim Kelly,
IET System Safety Conference, London, 2009
Richard Hawkins and Tim Kelly,
27th ISSC, Huntsville, AL, 2009
Catherine Menon, Richard Hawkins, and John McDermid,
SSS '09, Brighton, 2009
J. Fenn, R. Hawkins, P. Williams, T. Kelly, M. Banner and Y Oakshott,
IET System Safety Conference, London, 2007
J. Fenn, R. Hawkins, P. Williams and T. Kelly,
SSS '07, Bristol, 2007
R. D. Hawkins,
Ph.D. Thesis, The University of York, March 2006.
Richard Hawkins and John McDermid
23rd ISSC, San Diego, CA 2005
Richard Hawkins, Simon Bates and John McDermid,
22nd ISSC, Providence, RI 2004
Richard Hawkins, Ian Toyn and Iain Bate, Critical Systems Development with UML,
UML '03 workshop, San Fransisco 2003
Iain Bate, Richard Hawkins and John McDermid
8th Australian Workshop on Safety Critical Systems and Software (SCS'03), Canberra 2003
Also available as part of the ACS Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology (CRPIT) series
N. Audsley, P. Conmy, S.K. Crook-Dawkins and R.Hawkins,
in Metamodelling for MDA, November 2003.
S. A. Bates, I. J. Bate, R. D. Hawkins, T. P. Kelly and J. A. McDermid ,
21st ISSC, Ottawa 2003
R. D. Hawkins, J. A. McDermid and I. J. Bate,
21st ISSC, Ottawa 2003
R. D. Hawkins and J. A. McDermid,
20th ISSC, Denver 2002
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